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“The rich pay most of the taxes”

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1 “The rich pay most of the taxes”
Here is a Pythagoras-like fact that a lot of voters don’t realize or consider, when voting…. $ Due in (large) part to tech-enabled global WTMM e.g. “the Federer-Bezos effect” & non-wage/salary income (‘econ-rents’ & inheritances) & other ‘factors that accelerate economic inequality’ (e.g. buy many homes and charge rents, use $ to corruptly influence govt. policies, etc.) The 1% to 3% The % $ “$” refers to income (or to wealth/assets) “The rich pay most of the taxes” Income & wealth taxes (E.g. 21 % av. income tax rate) Income & wealth taxes (e.g. 19% av. income tax rate) GOVERNMENT What happens if you reduce the tax rates a little on the 97% and a lot on the 1-3% ?? Public goods (HG related) Private income supplements “transfers” Military (specifically governmental) Debt servicing

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