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Developments in publishing and editorial organisation

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Presentation on theme: "Developments in publishing and editorial organisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
Ron Vellekoop Luxembourg, 22 April 2005

2 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
The main challenges: - transition from paper publications to electronic publications product development securing the publication process

3 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
Respon- dents 1 Publication Input Analysis Output Outputfile Users Information

4 Website StatLine Users Publications Information Registers Respondents
Input 1 Input 2 Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Publications and Communication Department Users Publications Information

5 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
Features of the Web Magazine: - is published every Monday morning - the website of Statistics Netherlands - it is published in Dutch and in English - it is made up of four to six short articles - with recent news, recent figures or other newsworthy material - an article has words and a maximum of three diagrams

6 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
Editorial organisation of the Website by statistical theme each theme has a General Editor each General Editor has his own team a team consists of statistical experts from different departments central team of General Editors

7 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
Editorial organisation of the Website the same theme classification is used for all products (Website; StatLine; Statistical Yearbook) number of themes: 32 a General Editor can administrate more than one theme a General Editor manages his own ‘Theme pages’ on the website (in cooperation with his team)

8 Developments in publishing and editorial organisation
Ron Vellekoop Luxembourg, 22 April 2005

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