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It’s time to have a rest!.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s time to have a rest!."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s time to have a rest!

2 Checking the home task.

3 Let`s repeat new words

4 a doctor дәрігер

5 a pilot ұшқыш

6 a dentist Тіс дәрігері

7 an engineer инженер

8 + a nurse медбике

9 a teacher мұғалім

10 a painter суретші

11 a singer әнші

12 a worker жұмысшы

13 a housewife Үй шаруасындағы әйел

14 a dancer биші

15 a builder құрылысшы

16 a police Полиция қызметкері

17 a football player Футбол ойыншысы

18 A pupil оқушы

19 A driver жүргізуші

20 аn astronaut космонавт

21 a musician музыкант

22 A secretary хатшы

23 a student студент

24 a manager менеджер

25 a lawyer заңгер

26 a banker банк қызметкері

27 an actor актер

28 W h a t d o y o u w a n t t o b e ? Secretary Driver Dent ist Actor
Manager Pi lot La wyer Dancer Pol ice Musician Student W h a t d o y o u w a n t t o b e ? housewife astronaut doctor worker teacher bui lder ?

29 The theme of the lesson:
The 14th of February Friday The theme of the lesson: How do you get to school?

30 Let’s do some exercises!

31 Tokhtar Aubakirov Abai Kunanbaev Bekzat Sattarkhanov Shamshi Kaldayakov Nursultan Nazarbaev Rose Rymbaeva a boxer a writer The President of Kazakhstan a composer a singer a cosmonaut was is

32 (write what you want to be and what your friend wants to be)
Home task: P. 87, ex.14 (write what you want to be and what your friend wants to be)

33 The lesson is over.

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