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God is Transcendent… God is separate from and independent of nature and humanity.

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2 God is Transcendent… God is separate from and independent of nature and humanity

3 God is Transcendent… God is separate from and independent of nature and humanity He is beyond our full comprehension, wholly other and superior to His creation in every way

4 God is Immanent… God is close, personal and relational to His creation.

5 Radical Generosity conveys the transcendence of God’s greatness and personal touch of His immanence

6 Proverbs 19:6 “Many seek the favor of a generous man, and everyone is a friend to a man who gives gifts.”

7 There is a fundamental connection between how we express generosity and our spiritual lives.

8 There is a fundamental connection between how we express generosity and our spiritual lives.
How we view and express generosity will either cripple & consume us or mature & flourish us.

9 Matthew 13:44-45 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

10 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.

11 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Generosity is communicated by putting others first.

12 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving.

13 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Generosity is not dependent on wealth.

14 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Generosity is not dependent on wealth. Generosity is based on choice not ability.

15 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Generosity is not dependent on wealth. Generosity is based on choice not ability. Generosity breaks the power of greed.

16 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Radically generous in our grace.

17 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Radically generous in our grace. To be radically generous with grace, you must be ruthlessly forgiving with people.

18 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Radically generous in our grace. To be radically generous with grace, you must be ruthlessly forgiving with people. The Gospel triggers gratitude.

19 Radical Generosity… Radically generous in our service.
Radically generous in our giving. Radically generous in our grace. To be radically generous with grace, you must be ruthlessly forgiving with people. The Gospel triggers gratitude. The Gospel begets generosity.


21 Etruscans

22 Mamertine Prison (Peter & Paul)


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