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Improvements to Bash on Windows and the Windows Console

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2 Improvements to Bash on Windows and the Windows Console
Rich Turner

3 Wow! Bash on Windows is only 8 months old! Unveiled at //Build 2016
First released to Windows 10 Insiders Delivered in Windows 10 Anniversary Update

4 THANK YOU! Thank you for all your encouragement support enthusiasm
feedback bugs feature requests

5 The Twitterverse loves Bash on Windows 

6 Quick Recap

7 The technology Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Genuine Ubuntu user-mode distro’ Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Linux-kernel compatible layer in Windows Kernel Loads & runs native Linux binaries

8 Who & what is Bash / WSL “For”?
Developers Web Site & App Developers Open Source Developers Mobile App Developers Cross-platform Developers Command-line only But some X apps do work!

9 Windows Console? Windows Console: One Console to Rule Them All!
Shells: cmd, Bash, PowerShell, etc. Tools: ping, ipconfig, grep, sed, ruby, node.js, git, etc. Major overhaul underway!

10 In Win10 AU … WSL delivered basic support for Linux tools, languages, platforms Huge improvements to Windows Console to support *NIX apps

11 So, what’s new?

12 In Win10 Creator Update … SIGNIFICANT improvements to WSL
Now supports most major dev tools, langs & platforms More big improvements in Console

13 WSL Improvements Broader & deeper syscalls Improved network support
Enabling more tools, languages and platforms: node.js, Go, Ruby, Java, etc. Improved network support ping ifconfig support on the way! Ubuntu Support

14 Bash Windows   Interop Call Windows exe’s from Bash!
"/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/MSBuild/14.0 /Bin/MSBuild.exe" /Version; echo Microsoft (R) Build Engine version Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Interop Call Windows exe’s from Bash! Call Bash from Windows! bash -c "ls -af ~/" gitconfig rediscli_history gvm selected_editor # histfile ssh .bash_logout .lesshst sudo_as_admin_successful .bashrc local tmux.conf .bundle nano tmux.conf.old .cache node_repl_history .v8flags rich.json .config npm viminfo .dash.ini .nvm vimrc .elinks pip w3m .emacs.d profile dev .gem rbenv

15 Console Improvements Full, glorious, 24-bit color
Improved rendering in vim, emacs, tmux, mc, etc. Mouse support!

16 We’re not done yet! FILE BUGS! We need your help!
Install Win10 Insider Builds Test your favorite tools & languages Test your Ruby websites running on Apache Test your Java code accessing data in MySQL! FILE BUGS!

17 Learn More. https://aka. ms/learnwsl https://aka
Learn More!

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