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Miracle Accounting Software

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1 Miracle Accounting Software
The Way to Success … Developed By : R. K. Softwares R K House, 16, Vijay Plot, Rajkot – (Gujarat) INDIA Phone : 0281 – , Website : Start

2 Miracle Accounting Software
The Way to Success … Dealer Excise Tutorial Dealer Excise Setup in Miracle Statutory Information of Dealer Excise Learn to use Dealer Excise in Miracle

3 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

4 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? Excise duty is a tax levied on goods manufactured and to be used within our Country. This duty is collected at the time of production or manufacturing of goods. It is always collected at the time of selling the goods. It is an indirect tax on the producer OR manufacturer of goods, which is passed to the final user i.e. The consumer of goods. Commonly known as Basic Excise duty, some items like yarn, fibre etc attracts additional excise under the additional duties of Textiles and Textile articles. 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

5 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? A person who purchases and sells goods and maintains an stock report of the same, and who is registered dealer of Excisable goods under Central Excise rules, 1944 is known as Trader or Dealer. 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

6 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? The First Stage and Second Stage Dealers comes under the Dealer Excise. 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

7 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? There is no predefined definition of First Stage or Second Stage Dealer. This is decided at the time of purchase. A First Stage Dealer is the person who purchases goods directly from any of the below mentioned persons. From the manufacturer or the depot of the same who is under the cover of any invoice issued in terms and provisions of Central Excise Rules, 1944. From the consignment agent of the above mentioned manufacturer From the premises where the goods are sold on behalf of the above said manufacturer From the importer or from the depot of the importer. From the consignment agent of the above mentioned importer in point 4. The Manufacturer or Importer has to show the Excise paid on the bill to the First Stage Dealer. 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

8 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? In simple words, a Second Stage Dealer is a registered dealer who purchases goods from the First Stage Dealer. When a First Stage Dealer sells the goods to the Second Stage Dealer, the bill should be shown with the details of the Excise duty passed by the First Stage Dealer. The Second Stage Dealer has to give details of Excise paid and is to pass the duty details to the Manufacturer or the person who provides the service. 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

9 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? Form RG 23D: This form gives us the details of Excise Purchases and the corresponding Sales transactions. Form – 2: This is a form that a first stage dealer or a second stage dealer is required to submit as a return in the prescribed form to the Superintendent of Central Excise, within fifteen days of closing of a quarter. Excise Stock Register: It is a Item wise report showing the particulars of purchases (Receipts) and sales (Issues) of excisable goods in a given period. It also shows information on the sales transactions, which were done under Excise Invoice and Commercial Invoice besides showing details of the Supplier/ Manufacturer. Excise Purchase Bill Register: It is a bill-wise purchase report giving details of purchases (Receipts) of excisable goods having stock pending for sale. It is a date-wise report of purchases Excise Sales and Purchase Extract: This report displays the details of purchase and sales transactions of all excisable goods. It shows Excise Invoice as well as Commercial Invoice. 7 What is Dealer Invoice?

10 Tutorial on Dealer Excise
1 What is Dealer Excise? 2 Who is a Trader or Dealer ? 3 Who comes under the Dealer Excise? 4 Who is a First Stage Dealer? 5 Who is a Second Stage Dealer? 6 Which are the different Forms & Reports related with Dealer Excise? 7 What is Dealer Invoice? A dealer of excisable goods (First Stage / Second Stage dealer) is required to issue a CENVAT able invoice as per Rule 11 of the Central Excise Rules 2002, on sale of excisable goods to registered Excise dealers/ manufacture, in order to pass the CENVAT Credit to the subsequent dealer/ manufacturer. However, where there is no provision to pass the CENVAT Credit to the subsequent dealer, he may issue a Commercial Invoice to the buying dealer/ customer.

11 Dealer Excise Setup in Miracle
Company Setup Purchase Invoice Setup Sales Invoice Setup Other Important Setups Account / Product Master Creating Parties Account Creating Product Master Transaction Entry Making First Stage and Manufacturer Purchase Entry and its effect in Reports Making First Stage and Manufacturer Sales Entry and its effect in Reports Reports E-Return for Dealer Excise

12 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
1) In Setup Menu, Click on Company Setup to get this window 3) Double Click on None or Press Enter to get Dealer Excise 2) Click on Excise Setup Main Menu

13 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
Double Click here or press Enter for detail Main Menu

14 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
Give details of Excise Range Give details of Excise Division Give details of Excise Commissionerate Main Menu

15 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
Select Yes if separate supplier’s detail is to be given while making purchase entry. See next slides to see the effect of selecting Yes Main Menu

16 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
Effect of selecting Yes in Separate Supplier’s Detail. It will ask you to select the account name of concerned party here Main Menu

17 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
Select Yes if separate consignee detail is to be given while making sales entry. See following slide to see the effect of selecting Yes Main Menu

18 Company Setup – Dealer Excise
Effect of selecting Yes in Separate Consignee's Detail. It will ask you to select the account name of concerned party here Main Menu

19 Creating Purchase Invoice – Dealer Excise
To get this window Go to Setup  Purchase Setup  Invoice Type Click Add or Press Insert to Create invoice for Purchase Main Menu

20 Creating Purchase Invoice – Dealer Excise
Click Yes in Excise Main Menu

21 Creating Sales Invoice – Dealer Excise
To get this window Go to Setup  Sales Setup  Invoice Type Click Add or Press Insert to Create invoice for Sales Main Menu

22 Creating Sales Invoice – Dealer Excise
Click Yes in Excise Main Menu

23 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Click Add to create a new account or press Insert key Main Menu

24 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Give Name of account Give Group Name of account Select Yes in Excise, for account Main Menu

25 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Give Excise Detail of account name here Main Menu

26 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Give Other Details of account here Main Menu

27 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Give Name of account Give Group Name of account Select Yes in Excise, for account Main Menu

28 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Give Excise Detail of account name here Main Menu

29 Creating Parties - Dealer Excise
Give Other Details of account here Main Menu

30 Entering Products – Dealer Excise
Click Add to insert a new product or press Insert key Main Menu

31 Product description – Dealer Excise
Give Name of product Select Vat Slab here Select Yes in Excise, for Product Main Menu

32 Rate of Duty for product – Dealer Excise
Select Rate of Duty, for Product Select CETSH No. for product here Main Menu

33 Rate of Duty for product – Dealer Excise
Select Unit Name here for product Main Menu

34 Rate of Duty for product – Dealer Excise
The Rate of Duty for product, CETSH No. and Unit Name is shown Main Menu

35 Purchase, Sale Rate of Product – Dealer Excise (e.g. 2)
Select Purchase Rate and Sales Rate for product Main Menu

36 Entering products – Dealer Excise (e.g. 2)
Give Name of product Select Vat Slab here Select Yes in Excise, for Product Main Menu

37 Rate of Duty – Dealer Excise (e.g. 2)
Select Rate of Duty, for Product Select CETSH No. for product here Main Menu

38 Rate of Duty – Dealer Excise (e.g. 2)
Select Unit Name here for product Main Menu

39 Rate of Duty – Dealer Excise (e.g. 2)
The Rate of Duty for product, CETSH No. and Unit Name is shown Main Menu

40 Purchase, Sale Rate of Product – Dealer Excise (e.g. 2)
Select Purchase Rate and Sales Rate for product Main Menu

41 Making Purchase Entry – Dealer Excise
Click Add or Press Insert key to make a Purchase entry Main Menu

42 Add Purchase Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Select the type of party from the given list in Type Main Menu

43 Add Purchase Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Select again the 1st Stage Dealer here Main Menu

44 Add Purchase Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Here select the Manufacturer /Importer of 1st Stage Dealer Goods. Main Menu

45 Add Purchase Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Give detail of 1st Stage Dealer here. Give detail of Manufacturer of 1st Stage Dealer goods here. Main Menu

46 Add Purchase Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
The detail of Purchase Bill is shown here. Main Menu

47 Add Purchase Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Details of Purchase entry for 1st stage dealer Main Menu

48 Add Purchase Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Select the Type of Party here from the given list. Here select Manufacturer Main Menu

49 Add Purchase Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Here the Party i.e. Manufacturer is selected Main Menu

50 Add Purchase Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Here the Manufacturer’s detail is to be entered. Main Menu

51 Add Purchase Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Here the Party Detail of the Manufacturer for the second item is shown Main Menu

52 Add Purchase Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Here the Purchase Detail of the Manufacturer is shown Main Menu

53 Purchase effect in Form RG 23D (Detail mode)
The purchase entry summary in detailed form of RG 23D is shown here for FIRST STAGE Detail of Supplier is shown here Detail of Manufacturer is shown here To see the form in Summary form click Summary or press F4 Main Menu

54 Purchase effect in Form RG 23D (Horizontal mode)
The purchase entry summary in Horizontal form of RG 23D is shown here for FIRST STAGE Details of Manufacturer is shown here Details of First Stage dealer is shown here Main Menu

55 Purchase effect in Excise Stock Register (Detail)
Form 2 (Part 1) and (Part 2) gives you the detail of purchase and sales when both the corresponding entries are done. As only purchase entry is done this Form 2 of Dealer Excise Report is shown blank Main Menu

56 Purchase effect in Excise Purchase Bill Register (Detail)
Excise Purchase Bill Register Details of First stage dealer purchase made. Purchase Bill Register showing receipt details like Invoice No, Date, Product Name, CETSH No., supplier, Nature of Purchase etc To see the Summary or Pending stock of purchase entry made click this Summary button or press F4 Main Menu

57 Purchase effect in Sales and Purchase Extract
Here in Sales and Purchase Extract it shows the Part2 of the report for first stage dealer as only purchase entry is done The Sales and Purchase Extract shows the details of all the items in the document. Main Menu

58 Effect of Multiple Manufacture in Purchase Entry
To take Multiple Manufacturer at the time of Purchase Entry select Yes here Main Menu

59 Effect of Multiple Manufacture in Purchase Entry
Here Multiple Manufacturer is allowed to select Main Menu

60 Add Sales Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Click Add to Make entry for sales or Press Insert Main Menu

61 Add Sales Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Select the name of the 1st Stage Dealer here Main Menu

62 Add Sales Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Enter the Dispatch Details here. Main Menu

63 Add Sales Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Select the name of the 1st Stage Dealer from whom the product is purchased Main Menu

64 Add Sales Bill (First Stage) – Dealer Excise
Details of product sold to the st Stage Dealer Main Menu

65 Add Sales Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Select the Manufacture Party A/c to whom the goods is sold Select the Bill / Supplier’s Name for the product selected Main Menu

66 Add Sales Bill (Manufacturer) – Dealer Excise
Transaction showing goods sold to the Manufacturer level dealer Main Menu

67 Sales effect in RG 23D (Horizontally)
Here the Horizontal form shows purchase detail of manufacturer, supplier and Customer details for FIRST STAGE Main Menu

68 Sales effect in Form RG 23D (Detail)
Form RG 23D detail of Manufacturer, Supplier and Customer for FIRST STAGE Sales The Purchase details of First Stage dealer, Manufacturer etc. The Customer details shown here To see the Summary of sales click this Summary button or press F4 Main Menu

69 Sales effect in Form 2 (Part 1)
Here it shows you the Form 2 (Part 1) i.e. the entry made for Sales for First Stage To see the (Part 2) i.e. Purchase entry click this button Part 2 or Press F4 Main Menu

70 Sales effect in Form 2 (Part 2)
Here, it shows the Part 2 of Form 2 i.e. the details of purchase made from First Stage Dealer Main Menu

71 Sales effect in Excise Stock Register Detail
Stock Register shows details of purchase along with rate, Qty etc. for sales made to FIRST STAGE dealer Stock Register shows details of purchase along with rate, Qty etc. Here it shows the Details of the Customer and the units sold and rate. To see the Summary Report or Pending Stock Report click this Summary button or Press F4 Main Menu

72 Sales effect in Excise Purchase Bill Register (Summary)
Excise Purc. Bill Register shows details of purchase along with rate, Qty etc. for sales made to FIRST STAGE dealer The Purchase Bill Register in Summary shows the detail of Receipt and Issue of Goods Main Menu

73 Sales effect in Excise Purchase Bill Register (Detail)
Detailed report of goods sold (Issue) and Purchased (Receipt) Main Menu

74 Sales effect in Sales and Purchase Extract (Part 1)
Sales and Purchase Extract (Part 1) shows details of Seles made to FIRST STAGE dealer Part 1 shows the details of goods sold along with invoice no., date, quantity, duty and other cess Main Menu

75 Sales effect in Sales and Purchase Extract (Part 2)
Sales and Purchase Extract (Part 2) shows details of Purchase made from FIRST STAGE dealer Details of purchase made along with different Cess, amount of duty, Quantity of goods etc. Main Menu

76 Effect of Multiple Manufacturer in single invoice
Double click here or press Enter key for “YES” here to take multiple manufacturer in Purchase Entry Main Menu

77 Effect of Multiple Manufacturer in single invoice
Here, in our case Bolts of 50 units each from different manufacturer is to be selected for total 100 units The first 50 units is selected from Atul (Manu) A/c Main Menu

78 Effect of Multiple Manufacturer in single invoice
The second 50 units is selected from Raj (Manu) A/c Main Menu

79 Nature of Purchase required in Sales - Setup
Select Yes if the Nature of Purchased is to be shown in Sales Invoice Main Menu

80 Effect of Nature of Purchase required in Sales - Setup
Effect of Selecting Yes in the Nature of Purchase in Sales Invoice Main Menu

81 Effect of Nature of Purchase required in Sales - Setup
Here the Type selected only will be shown in Nature of Purchase Main Menu

82 Automatically open user fields for dispatch detail? - Setup
If the user wants to enter the Dispatch Details like prepare date, time, removal date, time, transporter and vehicle no. Miracle provides you this by selecting “YES” here Main Menu

83 Effect of selecting Yes in dispatch details of Setup
Effect of Selecting Yes in “Auto open user fields for dispatch detail” in Setup of Dealer Excise Main Menu

84 Consider Bill Date in Reports – Dealer Excise Setup
Select Yes here if you want the reports to be prepared using the Bill Date. If No is selected then it will be prepared according to the Challan Date. Main Menu

85 Auto RG 23D Entry No – Dealer Excise Setup
Select Yes here if you want the RG 23D Entry No to come automatically in Sequence. Starting from 1 continuously If No is selected, then it will be show the cursor blinking inside the RG 23D column asking you to enter the number Note: If Yes is selected here then in Update RG 23D Auto Entry No. in New Year will automatically change to “Reset From 0”. If No is selected here then it will change to “Previous Year RG 23D No.” Main Menu

86 Auto RG 23D Entry No – Dealer Excise Setup
Here effect of selecting Yes can be seen. The RG 23D no. is shown automatically. It will start with 1 here. Main Menu

87 Auto RG 23D Entry No – Dealer Excise Setup
Here the effect of selecting No can be seen. The user is prompted to enter the RG 23D number as the cursor can be seen inside the RG 23D Entry no. column Main Menu

88 Common RG 23D Entry No. – Dealer Excise Setup
if you select Purchase here, then the RG23D number given at the time of purchase will be the same RG23D for sale entry for that particular goods. If you select Sale-Purchase here, then if RG23D number for purchase is 7 then for sales it will be 8 i.e. the next sequence number Note: If Sale-Purchase option is selected here then “Edit RG 23D Entry No. in Sales option” will not be displayed. Main Menu

89 Edit RG 23D Entry No. in Sales – Dealer Excise Setup
If the user wants to give the RG 23D No. for the Sales Entry, then select “Yes” here. If No is selected here then the next number that comes in sequence will be automatically shown in the RG23D column Main Menu

90 Replace Entry No in Repeat Update Balance – Dealer Setup
If you select Yes here then at the time of Balance Update the same RG 23D no. of previous year will be carried forward. If you select No here then at the time of Balance Update the RG 23D no. will be updated here. Main Menu

91 Update RG 23D Auto Entry No. in New Year – Dealer Excise Setup
On selecting “Reset from 0” then the RG 23D no. for new financial year will be reset to zero i.e. the RG 23D no. will start with one. On selecting “Previous Year RG 23D No.” then it will continue with the previous year RG 23D No. in the new financial year On selecting “Blank” it will keep the RG 23D no. blank and user will be prompted to enter the value Main Menu

92 Add Suffix to Previous Year Entries – Dealer Excise Setup
Miracle stores information of your first financial year in a folder with the name Yr25 then second year asYr26 and so on. If you want this YrXX to be added as suffix to the RG 23D no. of previous year entries then you can use Yes for this setup option If No is selected then the entries will be kept with the same RG 23D no. given at the time of making entry. Main Menu

93 Dealer Excise E-Return
Select the Quarter for which the E-Return file is to be prepared Main Menu

94 Dealer Excise E-Return
Give the correct Registration no. here Select Yes if it is a NIL-RETURN Give Date, Place and Remarks here. Click Validate and Create to create the Excise E-Return file. Main Menu

95 Dealer Excise E-Return
Message showing E-Return file created successfully Click Open Excel button to see the Microsoft Excel file for the E-Return Main Menu

96 Thank you for using this self running demo.
Miracle Accounting Software The Way to Success … Thank you for using this self running demo. For any suggestions / comments, Please write to us at Back Replay

97 Company Setup Main Menu

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