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Theology of the Body for Teens

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1 Theology of the Body for Teens
Seventh Grade Curriculum 2.2 God’s Plan, Human Sin, Jesus’ Love

2 Bellwork Write the sentence filling in the blanks:
1. When I crave _______________________, having _________________________________ instead is an unfulfilling substitute. 2. It seems like many people wrongly think ________________________________ will satisfy their craving for love. Why are they wrong? Discuss.

3 Opening Prayer My Jesus, I want to serve you, and cannot find the way.
I want to do good, and I cannot find the way. I want to find you, and I cannot find the way. I want to love you, and I cannot find the way. I do not yet know you, my Jesus, because I do not seek you. I seek you, and I cannot find you. Come to me, my Jesus. I will never love you, if you do not help me, my Jesus. Cut through my bonds, if you wish to have me. Jesus, be Jesus to me. Amen. --Saint Philip Neri

4 History of Humanity “Original Man” (Pre-Fall)
-Mankind started with ‘original innocence’ -Peace of life -No sin, no effects of sin -Man knew the greatness of being made in the image of God Brainstorm with a seatmate which sins it would be best for humanity never to have experienced. List on board and tally totals.

5 History of Humanity (con’t)
“Historical Man” -Title Saint John Paul II called the era from the Fall to the end of the world -What were the results of sin? -How did sin affect relationships? --With a seatmate, see if you can identify four relationships which were ruined when sin entered creation. Read page 16 bottom “Death came…” to “Original Sin” on page 17.

6 To the Core… As a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, death came to four different relationships that had been perfect before sin. Physical world – injury, defects, disease Human Person – body and soul enter conflict Adam and Eve – tension and misunderstanding God – cut off from God We still crave happiness, purpose and love but we have lost sight of how to fulfill these desires (pages 18-19).

7 Video “Man on the Street” “Trivia” -Start at 10:43-15:00

8 Vocabulary Please know the definitions to these words/terms:
Image and Likeness In the beginning… Free will Original Sin

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