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I believe I deserve so why not take it?

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Presentation on theme: "I believe I deserve so why not take it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 I believe I deserve so why not take it?
Manifest Destiny I believe I deserve so why not take it?

2 Manifest Destiny The idea that the US had the right to own all land between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans “The 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.” Oxford Dictionary


4 Its all about living on your own!
Texas no longer wanted to be part of Mexico. A large percentage of inhabitants of this area – Americans. Texas fights and wins its independence from Mexico Becomes : the Republic of Texas (Lone Star Republic)

5 Oops…..where did all the money go?
Texas is NOW bankrupt No money….no “country” Needs help from a larger and more efficient nation Asks the US if they can join and become a state

6 Why can’t we all just get along?
Congress and the US citizens are split! Mexico does NOT believe that Texas EVER gained its independence. To them…..Texas is still “owned” by Mexico They never recognized Santa Anna’s “treaty” with the Texans They saw it as a failed revolt and forced treaty

7 Fears…..we all have them!! Fear of war with Mexico – loss of people, supplies, maybe land Fear that slavery would continue into Texas BUT ……. The people still wanted more land!!!!

8 The Lone Star State President Polk agrees that we need more land
Manifest Destiny states we have the “right to more land”. We fight against the Mexican gov’t We win……. In 1845 – Texas becomes the 28th state

9 But Where does the US end now?
The question of borders??? The US gov’t believed that the border of Texas and the US was the Rio Grande River The Mexican gov’t believed that the border of Texas was the Nueces River What do we do? How do we solve this?


11 The usual way…….sneaky!!! If the land on the North of the Rio Grande River (South of the Nueces River) is owned by Texas then its owned by the US. What do we do to “protect” that land from invaders? Place military there ….of course!!!

12 Let’s not fight….let’s negotiate!
John Slidell November 1845 Sent to negotiate with Mexico To avoid war – offer Mexico $30 million to buy New Mexico and California Mexican gov’t refused to even hear his offer

13 “American Blood has been shed on American soil”
A war cry that was heard throughout the US Polk stationed American soldiers (with General Zachary Taylor) South of the Nueces River (just north of the Rio Grande) The Mexican gov’t believed this was their land. They invaded….a skirmish happened…..the US lost soldiers Result……Mexican War begins!!

14 The war had just begun……
July 1846 – California started their own rebellion Didn’t want to be part of the Mexican gov’t anymore This was called the Bear Flag Revolt In the end, they were successful and became the Bear Flag Republic

15 It is time to end this war!
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Signed – February 2, 1848 Stated that Texas was let go and the Rio Grande River was the southern border of Texas and the US Stated that Mexico gave up New Mexico and California US had to pay $15 million for the lands (NM & CA)

16 Keep adding on the lands…..
Gadsden Purchase Mexico furthered their business with the US by selling southern NM and AZ to the US for $10 million later

17 Questions, questions, questions??
What will happen with slavery now? Will the new territories to the US be included as slave state? According to the MO Compromise, most of these territories are located south of the 36’30 line? What happens to the balance of free and slave states?


19 Wilmot Proviso Introduced in order to answer the question about slavery in the new territories gained through the Mexican War 1846 – David Wilmot introduced an amendment (proviso) Stated that slavery would NOT be permitted in any of the territories gained from the Mexican War

20 Was it successful? NO!! Congress NEVER passed this amendment Why?
Slavery was too much of a hot button issue Slave states wanted that power

21 All that glitters is GOLD!
January 1848 James Marshall and John Sutter find gold on Sutter’s land Word spreads like wildfire Around 4,000 prospectors came looking for this gold

22 Greed is an ugly thing! People came from all around the world looking to “strike it rich” by finding gold Population of CA: 1848 – 14,000 residents 1849 – 100,000 residents 1852 – 200,000 residents These settlers became known as the “49ers”

23 The Gold Rush This “rush” of people caused California to become a state quickly It also caused: Boom towns; Ghost towns; and the BIA

24 Boom Towns Cities/towns that “popped up” due to increased amount of settlers going west to find gold These towns were extremely violent and wild Result: The Wild West

25 Ghost Towns Mining (boom) towns became deserted and desolate as people left to continue moving west when the mines stopped producing They are still around today throughout the Midwest states (Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, etc)

26 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
1824 – was established to get rid of the Indian land claims through the previous treaties and annuities Part of Department of the Interior (1849)

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