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Parts Training 1.

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1 Parts Training 1

2 Parts Home Page By clicking on Parts Ordering this will take you to the Parts Home Page where you can view order statuses and access all other parts sections. 2

3 Part Search 3

4 Methods of Finding a Part
As built refers to the unit as it was built, capturing any changes that were incorporated into the construction of the unit. Catalog – As Built The term as designed simply means these are the parts the blueprints called for. Catalog – As Designed Ability to search Fleetwood's parts database. Search Multiple lists created by user for favorite or most used parts. Pick List 4

5 Method 1 – Catalog search by Vehicle Specific
Click on As Built then enter the last seven of the FIN (Fleetwood Identification Number), to validate click on the binoculars or hit enter. You can now navigate through the folders and sub folders and locate parts that refers to the unit as it was built. Colored balloons will indicate orderable status through out system. 5

6 Method 2 – Catalog search by As Designed
Use the drop downs to select appropriate product. Search folders and sub folders to locate parts the blueprints called for. 6

7 Method 3 – Search FEI’s Parts Database
To perform a search by part #, product development #, or vendor part #, enter the complete number or partial number using an * at the beginning, end or both, in the appropriate field. In the description field you can use and/or to help narrow or widen your search criteria. Scroll through the list to locate the needed part and click to highlight. This will activate the cart and pick list options. 7

8 Method 4 – Pick List A pick list is used to store a list of commonly used parts for stock orders and customer repeat orders. Create various lists that contain certain parts, by entering the name, description and saving. Click Print Pick list to generate hard copy of pick list. Anytime an x is present it can be used to delete the line item. 8

9 Parts Catalog 9

10 Catalog Navigation Click Print to generate hard copy of assembly image and parts. To highlight part needed click on the corresponding number on the image. Click on assembly images to view diagram of part Search folders and sub folders to locate needed part. Click zoom to enlarge diagram Once part is highlighted cart and pick list options will be activated. 10

11 Parts Ordering 11

12 Creating a Order Select order type and shipping method.
If entire order is for a specific unit click in the FIN field and enter the complete FIN of the unit. Click the change hyperlink, this will enable you to change the Ship To address. Begin creating an order by populating required fields indicated by a *, and select MH or TT Enter any special instructions using the Special Instructions field. 12

13 Creating a Order After completing your order you can use the appropriate hyperlink to save & close, re-check availability, submit, cancel & delete, or print a hard copy of the order. View description of part or enter the special order part description. Note: Maximum 30 characters, add details to line comment section. Enter Fleetwood Part #, or for special order parts use ** as the part number. Then hit enter or click on binoculars to validate. To have an item drop shipped from a vendor check the drop ship box. Enter quantity or if it’s a special order part enter unit of measure. Change ship from warehouse by selecting the drop down. Special orders requires complete FIN at the order line level. Ability to attach photos to each line item. 13

14 View availability at each warehouse.
Using Shopping Cart Click print shopping cart to print a hard copy of parts in shopping cart. Click on move to new order, this will add parts to a new draft order. NOTE: Selecting either “Add to Draft Order” or “Add to New Order” will clear the shopping cart. Click on move to draft order to add parts to a existing draft order that is open. View availability at each warehouse. Delete all Items in cart by clicking on delete cart or Individual parts by clicking on the corresponding X. 14

15 Managing Orders 15

16 Managing Orders From The Search Orders Tab
Draft orders with out activity will be auto deleted after 60 days. After 90 days, closed orders will be removed, and archived by Fleetwood. You can search for orders by status and type, or for a specific search you can use either the Ref#, FEI Order#, or Dealer PO #. 16

17 Complete List of Order Statuses
An order that has been started and saved for future use, or an order that has been started and is being worked in but has not been submitted. This order will not have a Fleetwood order number. Draft Order An order that has been completed and submitted, but has not received any updates. This order will not have a Fleetwood order number. Order Submitted An order that has been submitted and is being processed. This order will have a Fleetwood order number and line item statuses. Order In Process An order that has been completed and shipped. Order Closed An order that has been in the draft status for 60 days and has not been edited or viewed. Draft Order Expired 17

18 Line Statuses and Tracking
Line Item Statuses Accepted – Fleetwood has received the line, and the part number is valid Backordered – the part is not in stock and the line will be back ordered Substituted – the requested part is no longer available and a substitute part will be shipped Shipped – the part has been allocated to dealership and pulled from inventory Closed – no further action by Fleetwood is required on this line Cancelled – line has been changed to drop ship by Fleetwood, or has been cancelled and part will not be shipped. A paper clip in this column will indicate that you have added an attachment to the corresponding line. To view the attachment click on the attach Hyperlink. To track a UPS shipment click on the corresponding icon which will take you into the UPS tracking web sight. 18

19 Orders entered by Fleetwood
These orders enter your system with a status of “Order in Process”, an order type, a reference number, an order number, a dealer PO number and any special instructions. They are not editable. Effective March 18 we gained the ability to display orders that were entered on your behalf by a Fleetwood associate. These orders are easily identified by looking for fleetwood_mh, or fleetwood_tt in the created by column of the search orders screen. 19

20 Unit Inquiry 20

21 Unit Inquiry Customer contact information. Enter last seven or entire FIN (Fleetwood Identification Number) hit “Enter" or click on binoculars to validate Recalls Tab Open or Closed Recalls/Upgrades (Any open recalls/upgrades complete them) Options Tab Option #, description, Qty and weight Appliance Tab Type, Serial #, Make and Model Tires Tab # of Tires, Make, Model and Serial # Labor Ops Repair history Warranty end refers to the basic one year warranty. 3 year structural warranty applies to motor homes only. Extended warranty applies only if Fleetwood has extended the basic warranty as an accommodation. Down days calculated by the warranty claims. Print selected tab by clicking on the Print icon. 21

22 Open Campaigns 22

23 Campaign Inquires Print hard copy by clicking on print icon.
Recalls tab will bring up a list of recalls & upgrades, for new inventory for both Motor Homes and Travel Trailers. Print hard copy by clicking on print icon. Clicking on the FIN Hyperlink will take you to the unit inquiry. 23

24 This concludes the Parts portion of the eFDN training.

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