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DC Recruitment Training

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1 DC Recruitment Training
This session looks at how the New Volunteer Portal deals with the TaxAide Volunteer Recruitment process. The focus is the system -- who and how to access it and the processes it supports. The actual prospect review process is outside this system and has not changed for the coming tax season; therefore, it is not addressed in detail here. Some of the roles and responsibilities of TaxAide leaders involved in this review process will change depending on how Split States decide to implement the new system – particularly the role of the PVS. Based on our experience during the first year some roles may be redefined. Chapter 3

2 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
Content Covered In this training you will learn how… The volunteer recruitment process works Prospective volunteers apply to our volunteer opportunities Roles of DC/AC, PVS and ADS Review applicant’s data and make decisions This training will focus on the way the New Volunteer Portal supports the TaxAide Recruitment Process from the time a prospect “applies” for a TaxAide position through the conversion of the prospect to an “active volunteer”; or, to the conclusion that the prospect should be placed “On Hold” or is not a match for our Program (“No Match”). DCs and ACs will conduct the review of applicants much as they do today. PVSs will focus more on monitoring their State’s review process and handling “special situations” than on the routing of prospects to Districts. The ADS performs the “Certification” AARP Foundation Tax-Aide

3 What’s New? Volunteer Opportunity Board:
Prospective volunteer enters zip code of the desired volunteer area with distance willing to travel Applicable Prospective Volunteer positions are displayed by district based on the district’s central zip code Prospective volunteer fills out application form Prospective volunteer is assigned to a district based on the selected positon Let’s talk now about what’s new in the Portal. The biggest change involves replacing the old application process in with the new system’s “Job Board” functionality. AARP has named this feature “The Opportunity Board” and made it the ONLY way to identify and apply for an AARP Volunteer Opportunity. Prospective Volunteers will be asked search for opportunities by entering their volunteer interest, the location they wish to volunteer at and the distance they are willing to travel to volunteer. The Opportunity Board will then provide a list of opportunities that meet the search criteria. The Prospective Volunteer can then read more about the opportunities and their locations before selecting and applying for one. Prospective Volunteers who apply for TaxAide opportunities will be asked to fill out an application afterwhich they are assigned to a generic prospective volunteer position in the District that best fits their application. The applicant receives immediate confirmation that the application has been received.

4 What’s New? (Cont’d) No notification upon application receipt
Volunteer Leader Edit profiles can review and edit prospect record through Dashboard All prospects are visible to leader profiles (Read & Edit) Prospect can see the comments left by reviewer In the new System, No separate notification is sent to the PVS, DC when the application is received. New Prospective Volunteers show up in a “Prospect” view on the Portal Dashboard for all Volunteer Leaders. Volunteer Leaders with Edit Capability (PVS,DC,AC) can edit the Prospective Volunteer Record based on the Split State Review Process. Anyone with access to the Prospective Volunteer Record (leaders and the individual prospect) can see actions, including reviewer comments.

5 Prospective Volunteer Records AARP New Volunteer Portal
Volunteer Recruitment Process 2. confirms receipt of application while system sends automated confirmation to prospective volunteer. Prospective Volunteer 1. Prospective volunteer submits application online, via Opportunity Board, for desired position found DC 4. DC/AC reviews application, conducts interviews, and schedules training. Changes prospective volunteer Assignment Status to Candidate, On Hold, or No Match The DC may optionally delegate their responsibility for prospective volunteers to an Administration Coordinator (AC). Prospective Volunteer Records AARP New Volunteer Portal DC 3. DC/AC access prospective volunteers from “Prospects” report Now let’s walk through how our new system works -- The cylinder in the center represents our new system database which holds all volunteer records -- active, inactive and prospective volunteers. There is no longer a separate prospect system. Various status changes to records which will be discussed in this and other training sessions manage the life cycle of any volunteer. In Step One a Prospective volunteer at interacts with the system by searching for and applying for a volunteer opportunity. In Step Two the system acknowledges the application within and by separate introducing the review process. In Step Three the DC/AC checks their Dashboard “Prospect” View to see new prospective volunteers routed to their District. In Step Four based on the Split State Process, the DC/AC conducts their review consisting of interviews with the prospect, local and state leaders as needed. The objective of this process has not changed: determine if the prospect is a good candidate for volunteering and if so to schedule the required training. The system helps this process by recording the status changes made by the reviewer ( DC/AC/Other) . These status change will be explained later in this session.

6 Prospective Volunteer Records AARP New Volunteer Portal
Volunteer Recruitment Process ADS 5. DC reports certification of new volunteers to ADS following new Certification Reporting process* DC Prospective Volunteer Records AARP New Volunteer Portal 6. ADS processes the certified candidates to volunteers by: Changing the volunteer status to "Volunteer" and setting their active Volunteer "Start Date". Editing the Assignment to reflect the actual position the volunteer will fill and setting the "Start Date" for the assignment. Report Certified Volunteers to IRS. In Step 5 the DC reports the certification of new volunteers to the ADS following the largely unchanged process explained in the “Certification” brainshark on OneSupport or Certification Chapter in Process and Portal Guide (Chapter 4). In Step 6 the DC processes the certification of new volunteers by editing the Volunteer and assignment records as shown. This action will then be reported to IRS as part of the annual notification of Certified Volunteers. Note: As noted on the slide the Responsible DC may optionally delegate their responsibilities to their District AC. The DC may optionally delegate their responsibility for prospective volunteers to an Administration Coordinator (AC).

7 DC/AC, ADS, and PVS Roles Responsibility DC/AC ADS PVS
Review application, interview and arrange training for Prospective Volunteer X Provide the certification status of prospect and final assignment to ADS Re-direct prospect to another split-state or district (District) (Split State) Monitor DC’s processing of prospects (coordinate redirection of volunteer within state, all redirection within split-state, and review of volunteers with multiple assignments) Process Certified Prospective Volunteers to active volunteer roles Depending on State Policy Leader responsibilities may be different. This slide reflects suggested best practices for the New Portal which minimizes the changes from the old environment. In most states the DC or AC will continue to lead the Prospect Review Process which includes a review of the application and interview with the prospect. This leads to either the scheduling of training or a decision to status the prospect as “On Hold” or “No Match”. The DC or (if delegated) the AC will edit the assignment status of prospects that complete certification and pass this information to the ADS. When needed, the DC or AC and, depending on State Policy, the PVS will coordinate the redirection of prospects to other Districts or Split States. This is explained further in the Demo Section of this session. The PVS will monitor the recruitment process within their State, working to promote expeditious and accurate prospect reviews, training and certification within all Districts. This will be a Role Change for those PVS’s that are used to doing the initial routing of Prospects to Districts. As they have done in the past, the ADS will update the system ( New Portal) with Certification results as they do in the current system. As we will show below the process is the same but the actual steps are not.

8 Assignment Status Status Stage Purpose Submitted
Assigned when Contact is Created by Opportunity Board Shows up on “Prospects” report used to begin the Review. Candidate Changed by the DC to indicate interviews, evaluation and training has started. Indicates a Prospective Volunteer undergoing review and training to become an active volunteer. Approved Changed by the ADS when all certification requirements are met for assignment to an active volunteer position. Indicates a volunteer is certified and assigned to a position as an active volunteer. On Hold Changed by DC to indicate a temporary stop to candidacy for a prospective volunteer Used to track prospective volunteers who while not able for some reason to complete the certification process for the current tax year are good candidates for the future. No Match Not a match for the Position – Must have Reason Code Closes out records where the certification process could not be completed. In earlier slides we have mentioned that the New Portal uses “Assignment” status’s to explain relationship of a prospect to an assignment attached to their record. When the record is created by the “Opportunity Board” the assignment Status is set to “Submitted” indicating a prospect has applied for the position. When the review process has begun at the DC/AC level they will edit the Status to “Candidate” indicating that the review process is underway. When a prospect completes certification for an active volunteer assignment, the ADS will edit the Status to “Approved” after editing the assignment to reflect an active volunteer position. At any point the prospect appears to be both a good candidate for TaxAide but not able to volunteer in the coming Tax Season the DC/AC will edit the Status to “On Hold” so that they will be in the queue for the next tax season. At any point in the review process it is determined that the candidate is not a good match for TaxAide the DC/AC will edit the assignment to “No Match”. This will allow the prospect to be filtered out of the prospects still being reviewed. However, there Contact Record will remain in the New Portal should the situation change in the future.

9 No Match Reasons Stopped Responding No Longer Interested
Failed Background/Reference Check (only MA1) Did Not Complete/Pass Training or Certification Poor Communication Skills Displayed During Interview Compensation (N/A for Tax-Aide) Does Not Meet Age Requirement (N/A for Tax-Aide) No Position Currently Available Lacked Access to Technology (N/A for Tax-Aide) Skills/Experience Do Not Match Volunteer Role When the prospect assignment status of “No Match” is used the DC/AC must also select the reason code from a drop down list provided which best explains why the prospect is not a good match for the TaxAide Program. The prospect stopped participating in the review. The prospect was not interested in pursuing a TaxAide Volunteer Position. The prospect failed a required background or reference check. At this time this applies only to MA1. The prospect did not complete required training or certification. The prospect lacks required communication skills. There are no Compensation and Age criteria within the TaxAide Volunteer Program. Their may be no position for which the prospect is a match that is currently available within the geographic area the prospect is willing to volunteer in. Since TaxAide provides access to technology needed a prospect can never be a no match for a lack of access to it. A prospect may not have the skills or experience needed for the assignment applied for.

10 Prospect Application Process
The next five slides will show how a prospect searches and applies for a TaxAide Volunteer Position. 1. Prospect goes to where the “Opportunity Board” is located. 2. At the “looking to Volunteer” prompt a Prospective Volunteers selects “Tax Return Preparation” under the Interest drop down, then entering their desired volunteer location zip code and finally the distance they are willing to travel to volunteer from another drop down box. 3. Hitting “Search” will result in list of all volunteer opportunities that meet the criteria provided. 4. Prospective volunteers reviews search results by selecting “Read More” to see a description of the position and its location – picking the position/location the best fits their interest. 5. Prospect clicks on “Apply Now” to begin their application for their selected position.

11 Prospect Application Process
6. Prospect will be directed to register with if not previously done. 7. After filling out required information click on “Register”. 8. Once registered, prospects clicks on “Continue” to return to the application process. 9. Prospect will be directed to AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Prospective Volunteer Form. Information previously provided as part of the site registration will be pre-populated. 10. Prospect fills out required ( “marked with asterisk”) and optional information about themselves and click on “Submit My Application”. 11. Prospect will receive online confirmation page and acknowledging the receipt. 12. System creates a contact record for prospective volunteer Program Volunteer Status = under consideration Assignment Status = Submitted

12 Prospect Application Process
6. Prospect will be directed to register with if not previously done. 7. After filling out required information click on “Register”. 8. Once registered, prospects clicks on “Continue” to return to the application process. 9. Prospect will be directed to AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Prospective Volunteer Form. 10. Prospect fills out required (Question regarding how they learned about Tax-Aide) and optional information about themselves and click on “Submit My Application”. 11. Prospect will receive online confirmation page and acknowledging the receipt. 12. System creates a contact record for prospective volunteer Program Volunteer Status = under consideration Assignment Status = Submitted

13 Prospect Application Process
6. Prospect will be directed to “Register” with if not previously done. 7. After filling out required information click on “Register”. 8. Once registered, prospects clicks on “Continue” to return to the application process. 9. Prospect will be directed to AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Prospective Volunteer Form. 10. Prospect fills out required (Question regarding how they learned about Tax-Aide) and optional information about themselves and click on “Submit My Application”. 11. Prospect will receive online confirmation page and acknowledging the receipt. 12. System creates a contact record for prospective volunteer Program Volunteer Status = under consideration Assignment Status = Submitted

14 Prospect Application Process
6. Prospect will be directed to register with if not previously done. 7. After filling out required information click on “Register”. 8. Once registered, prospects clicks on “Continue” to return to the application process. 9. Prospect will be directed to AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Prospective Volunteer Form. Information provided during the registration will be pre-populated. 10. Prospect fills out required (marked with an asterisk) and optional information about themselves and click on “Submit My Application”. 11. Prospect will receive online confirmation page and acknowledging the receipt. 12. System creates a new Prospect Contact Record for the prospective volunteer in the New Volunteer Portal with. Program Volunteer Status = under consideration Assignment Status = Submitted

15 Dashboard & detail list by Split State
Sample : PA 2 Once a New Prospect Contact Record has been created all Volunteer Leaders will be able to see them in their New Portal Dashboard – Prospects View. In this slide we see what an SC or PVS looking at their entire Split State would see. Initially the View indicates PA1 has 4 new prospect records. When the program is selected a report opened showing the four records. Selecting the name of one of the prospects will link the viewer to the actual contact record.

16 Dashboard & detail list by District
Sample : PA 2 District 7 In this case we are looking at the Dashboard for a DC/AC looking only at their District (D07). Selecting the prospect name will, as with the SC/PVS view bring up the full Contact Record. This will be the starting point for all the demos in this session which start now.

17 Demo: Reviewing New application
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18 Demo: reassigning a prospect to another district
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