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Annual General Meeting 2015
Presented by PMI- Durham Highlands Chapter Board of Directors
Agenda 6:30-6:45pm Welcome and Accept 2014 Meeting Minutes
6:45-7:00pm Accomplishments over the past year :00-7:15pm Financial Update 7:30-7:45pm Survey Results 7:45-7:55pm Introducing the Board and Committee Chairs 7:55- 8:10pm Board Member Recognition 8:10-8:45pm Networking Activity 8:45-9:15pm Volunteer Recognition 9:15-9:30pm Closing Remarks AGM 2015
AGM 2015
for acceptance of last year’s AGM meeting minutes
Motion: for acceptance of last year’s AGM meeting minutes Motion to approve AGM 2015
Accomplishments over the past year!
AGM 2015
PMI-DHC Our Cause, Our Mission. . .
COMMUNITY Our Mission With a focus within our membership area we will achieve increased members engagement and participation by providing opportunities for continuous learning, personal growth, and professional development, mentorship, innovative community - based volunteering programs, professional networking, and community service. AGM 2015
PMI-DHC Our Vision - Status
We will see retention increase by 5%. JAN 2014: 72.89% JAN 2015: 74.08%, up 1.6% JUN 2015: 70.27%, down 5.1% We will see a greater number of members participating (a 10% increase). This includes volunteers, mentorship, monthly meeting attendance, education. MM attendance OCT 2014: 62 (Avg ) MAY 2015: 68, up 9.7% Membership participation: ? ? ? We will see increased satisfaction scores by achieving a score of 80% or higher overall satisfaction for the chapter. PMI Survey: % DHC Survey: % We will increase our membership by 5%. JAN 2014, JAN 2015: 578 JUN 2015: 603, up 4.3% We will increase our community service involvement by 100% 100% DECA-U AGM 2015
Monthly Meetings / Board Logistics VP, Administration – Cameron Linton
New Venues! McLean's Community Center VIVA New Menus! Relations with caterers for delicious new hot/nutritious menus Streamlined Meeting Logistics! Checklists; Registration/PDU’s integrated with online system Streamlined Board process! Status, minutes templates, actions tracking Mail, printing AGM 2015
Membership Director of Membership – Christina Todorov
Chapter Welcome Package for NEW Members! A welcome package to be sent to all new members, welcoming them to the chapter Membership Milestone Recognition Initiated Project to recognize members as they reach milestones within the chapter Website Picture Gallery Submitted a formal proposal to create an online picture gallery of chapter events AGM 2015
Marketing and Communications / Outreach VP, Operations – Joe Campa
New WEBSITE!! Our new website was launched in August 2014 Monthly Newsletter Monthly Chapter Newsletter to streamline the sharing of information Streamlined Blasts A clear internal process to ensure you are not being inundated by s from PMI-DHC AGM 2015
Marketing and Communications / Outreach VP, Operations – Joe Campa
New Topics and Speakers! Agile Risk Leadership and Communication DECA-U PMI-DHC partnered with chapters across Ontario at DECA-U 2014 AGM 2015
Education / Mentoring and Development Director of Education – MaryAnne Slemon
PMP Prep PMI-DHC help 3 PMP Prep Classes with a total of 36 students Continue to use InAct Velociteach curriculum using Andy Crowe’s text book Brought three new instructors on board Provided study group sessions – currently have an informal study group Presented at Region 3 in the fall of 2014 We are being audited Mentoring (committee chair Emily Van de Klippe) Run by Emily and the Mentoring committee 8 mentors and 8 mentees – one mentor overseas AGM 2015
Governance Past President &VP, Governance – Susan Carroll-Clark
Governance Committee Approval of new Board Replacement Policy (to govern procedure when a Board member resigns or does not complete a term) Monitoring of progress of Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act legislation Nominations Committee Management of the 2015 elections process AGM 2015
Volunteers and Networking President – Ranjini Cassup
Volunteer Recruitment New Process for engagement and exciting new opportunities Networking PMI-DHC hosted a formal networking event with a record turnout of over 200 people! Social Hosted a casual night out to thank our dedicated volunteers ! Student Symposium In partnership with Durham College, we hosted our first Student Symposium! AGM 2015
Financials VP, Finance – Maddie Sanders
Financials are up to date! New process to balance budget vs actuals Increases our oversight on spending New investments – increase GIC amount to 50,000 New and improved expense submission form Financial goal : For each event we will know our break even point To increase the number of events that are revenue generating AGM 2015
2014 Financial Results The Chapter is in good financial health.
An overall expected deficit of approximately $(8,520.58,), primarily due to subsidization of Monthly Meetings, additional operation cost (new website) SWAG, scholarship, etc) Revenues of $17, were up by 2.2% compared to last year. Chapter was able to engage more members. $60, for FY14 year, showing an increase in Revenues of $1,000 from FY13. Even though we did not have that many extra PD events. Our increase although it is small, is positive reflection of the board/volunteers listening to our members and increasing engagement in all our events. AGM 2015
2014 Financial Results Current Assets Cash in bank Accounts receivable
Prepaid Expenses Investments 62,856.62 2,894.27 3,844.13 50,000.00 Total Current Assets 119,595.02 Total Fixed Assets 157.12 Total Assets 119,752,14 Current Liabilities 6,553.01 Retained Surplus 113,199.13 Total Liabilities and Retained Surplus AGM 2015
2014 Financial Results Revenue PMI Membership Dues Membership Meeting
Professional Development PMP Exam Prep Programs Mentorship Interest Income 17,305.29 9,377.36 27,440.54 5,029.33 475.00 491.06 Total Revenue Expenses Operating Expenses (website,board training, etc) Membership meetings Volunteer Recognition Miscellaneous (Scholarship, Accting, etc) 20,130.50 17,370.60 19,419,56 2,946.74 8,771.76 Total Expenses 68,639.16 Surplus/(Deficit) (8,520.58) AGM 2015
2014 Financial Initiatives
We re-invested our GIC that better reflects the reserve funds we need to operate the Chapter over a 12 month period. PMI advised to have 6 months operating expenses averaged over the past three years, we as the board decided to extend that to 12 months For FY14 we earmarked a portion of the money in bank for membership engagements such as the CLIC, better speakers, volunteer recognition, SWAG, etc. Each portfolio applied for a portion of the ear-marked money for these initiatives. They have been a success. AGM 2015
Motion: To approve the Financial Statements for the Year ended at October 31, 2014 Motion to approve AGM 2015
Survey Results What’s on your mind? Survey Highlights AGM 2015
Member Demographics by Age
Number of people replied – 72 Baby Boomers 39 Gen X 27 Gen Y 4 Did not share 2 Summary Baby Boomers and Gen X – Goal is to retain these members Gen Y and Gen Z – Goal is to attract more of these members
Member Demographics by Location
45 56 61 11 10 42 14 41 Summary Whitby is the top choice for meeting location
Please list 1 to 3 primary benefits of membership in PMI-DHC?
Summary The three primary benefits for the members are PDUs, Networking and Learning/Keeping up to date
Our Strengths as a Chapter
Overall Satisfaction Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Very Unsatisfied Summary
If the chapter were to implement live streaming of our monthly meetings, would you attend:
Summary 61% prefer face to face
How often do you wish to be informed about upcoming monthly meetings and events:
Summary Surprise! Preference for by-weekly communication
What communication methods do you use (or would you like to use in the future) to receive information about chapter events, activities and/or other PMI educational information? Summary Preferred communications method -
If you have seen the new PMI-DHC website what is the primary reason for which you usually visit the website? Summary 44% of members visit the website to check the Chapter Events and Meetings
What would you recommend as a website improvement?
Complaints: Didn`t know about the current job postings - maybe that portion needs to be more evident? Login/Logout not very intuitive. Once you are logged in... there is no easy way to locate the `logout` I know there were issues with registration for the symposium and other registration issues that could be improved After logging in, registering for a monthly meeting should be one mouse click away. It is too cumbersome right now. Occasional reminders it is there through . keep it up to date, correct, and functioning - none of which I found to be true recently DHC information is usually via meetings or communications Suggestions: Simultaneous membership list updates Blog! Get members to contribute and highlight amazing project managers and leaders in the community. More event pictures and the presentations of the monthly meetings Option to post resume`s by members who are searching for new opportunities. Summary Please review the main file to review the detailed comments
If PMI-DHC were to offer workshops on the following topics, which would you consider registering for? Summary 1. Leadership Skills Advanced Microsoft Project Influencing without Authority
What influences your decision to attend an event?
Summary 1. Day of the Week – 33% 2. Speaker – 26% Activity – 20%; Cost – 18% 5. Food – 3%
What types of events would you be interested in attending?
Summary 1. Networking – 40% 2. Community Events – 33% 3. Volunteer Build – 20%
Please provide any additional suggestions or comments for Chapter activities.
I would like less networking time at the monthly meeting and would like the meeting to start on time. I do come to hear the speaker but find there is never enough time for the full presentation. Topics for future meeting would be great to hear lessons learned or project review from actual projects. Enhancing working relationships between business analysts & project managers Members want to learn how to do their job easier and faster. Speakers should be providing value to the room not speaking for the sake of speaking. There are speakers who provide tools, frameworks, models, etc. If the start time could be earlier, that would be great. The speaker should start no later than 7 since it is a long day for folks. Regarding the survey, some of the questions should have N/A or yes/no. More networking events specifically for those who are looking for new opportunities "Remove the dinner and have meeting/speaker start time of 7pm. Just offer coffee and tea" I don`t see the point in an event focused just on networking. it needs to include something else- a speaker, or an activity. not just a dinner.... Summary 12 opinions vs 60 who did not reply
Do you want to get involved
Do you want to get involved? If you are interested in volunteering, please select areas of interest Summary 46 members did not reply; 26 - replied
Your PMI- DHC 2015-2016 Board of Directors
AGM 2015
Your PMI- DHC 2015-2016 Committees
AGM 2015
Motion: To adjourn AGM Motion to approve AGM 2015
It’s so hard to say GOOD-BYE!
AGM 2015
Christina Todorov – Director, Membership 2014-2015
AGM 2015
Susan Carroll- Clark – Director of Governance & Past- President President VP, Communications AGM 2015
Describe your picture to the group, use as much detail as you can!!
You may only look at your own picture and must keep your picture hidden from others. Describe your picture to the group, use as much detail as you can!! The Challenge: The group must sequence the pictures in the correct order without looking at one another's pictures. There is only one right answer!!! AGM 2015
Volunteer Recognition
AGM 2015
Education, Mentoring and Professional Development
Jennifer Johnston Emily Van de Klippe Katie Croninwood Royston Fernandez MaryAnne Slemon Irina Murisan Raihan Khonker Orquidea Casitillo Vanessa Wananabe Danielle Robinson Judith Crowell Kerith Hamilton-Pearson Natalina Manulyk Ralph Blank Greg Ingham Leticia Alpahando Doris Bergeron Ralph Blank Stuart Brunt Joe Campa Ranjini Cassup Susan Carroll-Clark Cheri Essner Carrie-Ann Grimley Mark Guy Kristen MacNeil Greg Watson Michelle White AGM 2015
Networking and Monthly Meetings
Suzanne Anthony Jennifer Beeching Katy Brouwer Grace Archibald Tanya Archibald Alvin Johns Collin Lord Daniel Doberstein Debbie Shepstone Douglas Dillion Jeff Hassal Jennifer Johnson AGM 2015
Website and Communications
Dennis Abuan Israel Ufomadu Raj Prajapatl Garnett Gibson Ayush Patel Orquidea Castillo AGM 2015
Nominations, Governance and Finance
John Dimopoulous Ken Bhimji Marlene Sivell Bill Murray AGM 2015
Closing Remarks AGM 2015
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