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AARP Foundation Tax-Aide PROGRAM gOALS

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1 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide PROGRAM gOALS
NY3 District Coordinator Meeting November 2016 Welcome Introductions Michelle Duchowney NYS Outreach (Karen Martino) Reports to Deputy Commissioner of Communications and Outreach, Anna Burgard. Bill Morrow IRS Spec (Joanne Passineau) Reports to Joseph Hayek, Mgr SPEC program Linda Eddy SMT Partnership & Communications (Dave Weaving) Michelle Kasch Ass’t National Director TaxAide Program (Marcy Gouge) Covers 4 Regions (New England, North Atlantic, Gulf, Central) Laura Ehrich AARP NYS Office Provides recruiting suppoort As of 10/20/2016

2 2016 Critical Areas of Focus
Quality Growth Security Multicultural/Diversity (MME) Outreach Volunteer Portal Adoption These focus areas represent the goals of the National TaxAide Organization and reflect in no small part many of the criteria laid out in the grant we receive from Congress through the IRS. I would like to share with you how NY3 stackes up in terms of achieving these goals in 2016

3 2016 Tax-Aide Critical Areas of Focus NY3 Results
National Goal NY3 Actual Quality Accuracy as determine by IRS Return Reviews 100% Policies & Procedures instruction* Explanation of return & responsibility to the taxpayer * Growth Total People Served (Actual) 2% -9% Federal Returns Prepared (IRS Actual) 4% Accuracy – Based on 22 IRS reviews conducted this past year Policies & Procedures – Based Instructor training and verified by AARP Site reviews Explanation of return – 97% based on Taxpayer survey (Excellent to Good) Total People served - -9% Based on AARP Site Activity Report (Possibly due to new activity reporting process) Federal Returns - +4% based again on AARP Site Activity Report * Based on AARP TaxAide Site Reviews

4 2016 Tax-Aide Critical Areas of Focus NY3 Results
National Goal NY3 Actual Security TWO usage 100% Multicultural Outreach Multicultural Taxpayers 22% 6% Multicultural Volunteers 12% <1% Bundle Sites 40 Volunteer Portal Adoption by DC Level & Above TWO Usage – 100% and has been for years Multiculural TP- 13% Actual for Natl Source and 6% for us based on 2016 TP Satisfaction Survey Multicultural Volunteers – <1% SWAG on my part for NY3. Volunteer Opinion survey results not available until Jan 2017 Per Rosa Maymi Natl AARP Bundle Sites -0 One attempt . The Greenwood Lake Sute We have historically served communities with high levels of diversity e.g. Poughkeepsie , Newburg The AARP brand is very strong when focused on the elderly. To extend our reach in the Multicultural Community we must partner with non-profits who are better connected e.g. Conmmunity Aaction organizations in the counties. Volunteer Portal 100% (95% of all leaders)

5 Regional View - RETURNS FILED 2011/2015TY
TAX YEAR 2011TY 2015TY % CHANGED NJ1 30,911 43,700 41% NY1 14,130 18,500 31% NY2 11,967 12,400 4% NY3 25,329 31,600 25% NY4 23,521 25,500 9% PA1 36,603 19% PA2 30,950 35,500 15% TOTAL 173,411 210,900 22% Excellent Growth Historically AGR 5.7%

6 Regional View -VOLUNEERS 2011/2015TY
TAX YEAR 2011TY 2015TY % CHANGED NJ1 925 995 +7.57 NY1 350 379 +8.29 NY2 307 271 -11.73 NY3 652 709 +8.74 NY4 487 464 -4.72 PA1 869 851 -2.07 PA2 586 559 -4.61 TOTAL 4,176 4,228 +1.25% Also excellent growth in the number of active volunteers AGR 2.1% More returns per volunteer returns per returns per Given the significan expansion of the tax laws during this period this is Outstanding

7 2016 Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey
Excellent or Good Rating NY3 (n=300) Quality of Service 99% Friendliness of ARP Volunteers 98% Helpfulness of AARP Vollunteers The volunteers tax knowledge How well the volunteer explained your return to you 97% And to wrap it up this is how we scored on the TP Satisfaction surevey. Right in line with National results

8 Reasons for NY3 Success It is worthwhile to reflect on why we are doing so well Solicit input from DCs

9 Reasons for NY3 Success Recruiting Partnering Dedication of Volunteers
Quality Service Ability to Handle Change Leadership Review the list Segway into award for Bill Nevits

10 2017 Tax-Aide Program Goals
NY3 2017 Tax-Aide Program Goals

11 2017 Tax- Aide Program Goals
Recruiting more volunteers Local marketing focus/word of mouth Target recruiting to meet specific needs Develop an onboard and retention strategy Word of Mouth – Still the best source Target for specific roles based on need Try teamwork to avoid burnout Why do people serve? We are God’s Children 2) We share the earth 3I find myself in you I win praise for serving you I suck Source: The Civically Engaged Reader by Adam Davis & Elizabeth Lynnn “What we don’t talk about when we talk about service” Increase the number of Active Volunteers by 3%

12 2017 Tax-Aide Program Goals
Developing more leaders Identify Leadership Candidates Assign Mentors Create Team Building Opportunities Establish Succession Plans Track Progress Need to shift leadership focus from “Leadership by Doing” to “Leadership Development” Team Building Opportunities – To lighten the load and build leadership skills at the same time. Assign mentors. Dave Weaving will be talking more about this later on. Succession Plans - How many of us have volunteers waiting in the wings to take over our positions? At the next wrap up meeting in May we should track progress. Speaking for myself I will be looking for an Assistant State Coordinator. Increase the number of Leaders by 5%

13 2017 Tax-Aide Program Goals
Maintaining quality Review IRS return review process with Counselors Establish AARP Site Review Process at the District Level Monitor impact of introducing TaxSlayer into the site process. Highlight what adaptations work vs. those that don’t What is the big deal. We are doing great on accuracy of returns. That is true We have come a long way. Volunteers take QR seriously. Yet, whenever you introduce change (TaxSlayer) into a process new habits are developed (good & bad) Need DCs to do site reviews. Not to score the sites but to find out what works and what doesn’t. Goal: 100% on Accuracy of Returns - IRS Reviews

14 Recap - 2017 Tax-Aide Program Goals
Three Goals Areas in 2017 Recruiting more volunteers Developing more leaders Maintaining quality Recruiting more volunteers – +3% Developing more leaders +5% Maintaining Quality 100% plus “What works” and “What does’nt”

15 Questions

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