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Practical NO -8- Dalia kamal eldien

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Presentation on theme: "Practical NO -8- Dalia kamal eldien"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical NO -8- Dalia kamal eldien
Leukemia Practical NO -8- Dalia kamal eldien

2 Normal Mature Leukocytes


4                                                                                                                                                                              Size of the cell: m Shape of the cell: oval or round Colour of cytoplasm: pink Granularity: a few azurophilic and neutrophilic, different in number granulation Nucleus' shape: lobulated (normally less than 5 lobes) Type of chromatin: condensed Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: low or very low Nucleoli: not visible Occurrence:   blood: %  marrow: % Magnification: x 1000

5 Size of the cell: 15 - 25 m Shape of the cell: oval or round
                                                                                                                                                                             Size of the cell: m Shape of the cell: oval or round Colour of cytoplasm: pale, covered by granules Granularity: abundant eosinophilic (orange-red) Nucleus' shape: lobulated, semicircular Type of chromatin: condensed Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: low or very low Nucleoli: not visible Occurrence: blood: %  marrow: < 2 %

6 Shape of the cell: round or oval
                                                                                                                                                                             Size of the cell: m Shape of the cell: round or oval Colour of cytoplasm: light-pink, mostly covered by granules and nucleus Granularity: very dark, basophilic, granules of various size. The amount varies Nucleus' shape: oval shaped in not mature forms; lobular shaped in mature forms Type of chromatin: condensed, pale Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: low or very low Nucleoli: not visible

7 Size of the cell: m Shape of the cell: round, oval or irregular Colour of cytoplasm: grey-blue Granularity: absent or a few, azurophilic, very fine granules Nucleus' shape: usually irregular Type of chromatin: coarse chromatin, clumped Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio: moderate or low Nucleoli: not visible Occurrence:  blood: %  marrow: < 2 %

8 Netrophilia

9 Physiological At birth Physical exercise. Emotion Pregnancy.
Following partum.

10 Pathological Infection
Pyrogenic: staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, and gonococci. Non pyrogenic: rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria and poliomyelitis. Septicemia. Haemorrhage trauma: surgical, fracture, crush and burns Malignant disease. carcinoma and sarcoma Cardiac disorders

11 Drugs and chemical poisoning.
Metabolic disturbances. renal failure, diabetic coma , gout . Myeloid leukemia. Collagen disease. rheumatoid arthritis, SLE Miscellaneous Serum sickness accompanying intravascular haemolysis.

12 Myloblast

13 Promylocyte


15 Monoblast

16 AML

17 ALL

18 CML

19 CLL

20 This is the last practical in hematology, I wish all of you luck and success

21 Thank you

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