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Using Math Stations to Enhance Content Spiraling and Student Math Talk

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1 Using Math Stations to Enhance Content Spiraling and Student Math Talk
Post Learning Goal: Apply knowledge of spiraling mathematical curriculum when designing mathematical stations. Remind teachers to bring the following: Levels of Discourse Rubric Balanced Math Model September Math Talk and Spiraling Action Plan DEA math data 3-5 FSA test spec items Laptop Needed materials: White paper for foldable Chart paper for the t-chart Station Action Plan October 2014

2 Learning Goal from September PD
FLASHBACK 10 minutes As participants enter the room, coach will pass out ‘Partner Picking Cards”. How did you set up your norms for speakers/listeners? Share which math talk moves you used from last month. Were the students engaged in productive math talk and spiraling activities? How do you know? Reflecting on your class discourse last month, how has your role changed (refer to the Levels of Discourse rubric)? Take up Action Plans.

3 Learning Goal Success Criteria
Apply knowledge of spiraling mathematical curriculum when designing mathematical stations Develop a station action plan Implement purposeful standards-based math stations 2-3 min Learning goal will be displayed on chart paper/whiteboard.

4 When I Say Math Stations…
Management Small Groups Standards Activities Frequency Materials When I say math stations…do you think of: Small Groups: purposeful, flexible, cooperative Observations: Management: Routines NOT rules, culture/environment, organization, expectations, consistency, Activities: purposeful, spiraling/independently, standards-based, cooperative, self-checking Standards: MAFS Materials: manipulatives (MP5), task cards, gameboards, whiteboards, journal, exit pass Frequency: Refer to your SPP Differentiation: Content, product, process, environment ( Using Math Stations for Commonsense Inclusiveness Andreasen, J. and Hunt, J 2012) multiple entry/exit points-students unlocking the problem to determine their own pathways for solving (product/process) Differentiation Observation

5 Math Stations Definition in your own words?
What do you expect from your students? What is the role of the teacher? 20 minutes Participants will be given a blank piece of paper and directed to fold it to make a four quadrant graphic organizer; fold horizontally, then vertical, fold over at crease where all corners meet to create a Frayer Model (Foldable). Students are asked to provide a Definition of the word, Facts or Characteristics of the word, Examples, and Nonexamples. This graphic organizer will lead students to a deeper understanding of a word and its relationship to their own lives. Presenter will have a sample - point out vertical and horizontal Using private think time, participants will create and complete the graphic organizer. Participants will then share with your shoulder partner, feel free to change or add onto your answers. Share with group – presenter should use the Talk Move, “Repeat/Rephrase” For example; “What did she say?”. Then after discussion ask group if they recognized the Talk Move that was used. Ask group if they recognized any Talk Moves or Spiraling in their discussion about Math Stations? Are you using stations to spiral the content you have taught? Take 5 minutes to read article first 3 pages What it is not?

6 Where to Start? Set up your routines Set up a classroom of numeracy
Establish your groups (based on data) and activities Include other resources: Guided Math, Guided Math in Action, Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Van de Walle, Math Activities, Differentiation

7 Set up your routines Classroom Spaces and Places
Classroom Movement (transitions) Manipulative Usage Expectations for Cooperative Learning (Kagan Structures & Marcia Tate Strategies ) Calm Signals and Check in Norms Discussion Video shows the flexibility of using stations, not all have to be in one day.

8 Math Stations Looks Like Sounds Like
Turn over Frayer Model and make T chart and record Create T-chart as a whole group Coach will model talk moves such as Agree/Disagree… Cohesiveness-grade levels agree on what stations should look/sound like – cohesiveness is a CCSS shift

9 Set Up a Classroom of Numeracy
Whole Group Area Small Group Instruction (Teacher Station) Math Workstations Area Organization & Storage of Manipulatives Problem of the Day (Daily) Math Word Walls Calendar Board Student/Class Created Charts Teachers who are departmentalized are at an advantage for using their wall space to immerse students in a numerate rich environment. Last year after the second DEA test was administered, a 4th grade teacher consulted 2 math coaches after analyzing her class data. She found her homeroom class, which received math instruction first thing in the morning was outperforming her afternoon group. The teachers practices and strategies were consistent and the first/second group had similar scores at the beginning of the year. After conversations with the math coach, the teacher decided to flip the class times. For example; the morning math group second quarter received math instruction in the afternoon. This provided the second group first qtr to be more alert/attentive and collaborated with her team teacher to incorporate more numerate rich materials in the classroom. The morning math group first qtr spent more time in their numerate rich environment than their peers.

10 Set up your groups CUM Folder Study DEA/FCAT Pre-assess (Formative)
Groups can/should change regularly Data based (Mid-chapter/Chapter Assessments, Informal, Formal) Participants will take out their DEA data-give participants a few minutes to look over their classroom data and then as a group analyze the data looking for strengths and weaknesses. Hand out Station Action Plan participants will use data to create groups, needs, support, and spiraling activities. What would a homogenous group look like? Looking at your data what would the groups look like? What would a heterogeneous group look like?

11 Crosswalk with Reader’s Workshop
Math Workshop Mini-Lesson Word Work Math Vocabulary Fluency Practice Fluency Practice Automaticity & Strategies Strategy Practice Conferences Share Time Guided Reading Groups Guided Math Groups 5 minutes What stations do you already have? How do you label/title your stations? Use turn and talk to brainstorm ideas for 1 minute. Create group concept map with “Math Vocabulary Station” in the middle. Teachers brainstorm Math stations and possible station types. Station Domains: K-2 OA 3-5 NBT Looking at your test specs/data what tasks do we need to spiral in our domain stations?

12 Ideas for Workstations
Technology: Neo 2s, Computer, I-pads, Laptops, i-Ready, Think Central, Clickers Standards-Based Games: Card Games, Teaching Children’s Mathematics, FSA. Problem Solving: Problem-Solving Math Journals Fluency Building Activities: Timed tests, Flash cards, Accelerated Math, Reflex Math, IXL, Moby Math, etc. Guided Manipulative Exploration: Geoboards, Measurement, Base tens etc. Math and Literature Standards-Based Stations To make sure your stations incorporate spiraling ask yourself: Will the activity reinforce/spiraling or extend a concept already taught? Focusing on Standards-based stations will help keep your activities focused on previous content taught, as well as current standards. K-2 OA standards- Look over your standards taught qtr 1, comparing your class/grade level DEA data, what activities should you include in an Operations/Algebraic Thinking station? Record on your station action plan 3-5 NBT standards-Look over your standards taught qtr 1, comparing your class/grade level DEA data, what activities should you include in a Numbers Base Ten station? Record on your station action plan What resources can you use to create spiraling station activities? Teachers will use PLC time to search resources to use in their NBT & OA station.

13 Now What… Now what…your station is planned what do I do next…read slide Whole class- model, model, model. Model the activity, acceptable behaviors including nonexamples- multiple exposures before putting in station Review- Before station time, review norms/behaviors, click 1x I can…for stations pops in, click 1x removes Assess- through informal observations, conferencing with student, recording sheet, share time at the end of the math block-students share what they did during stations.

14 Wrap Up Create an action plan to implement stations that include spiraling and student talk into your math block at least twice a week over the next month. Clarify that spiraling is continuing in morning work and

15 Thank You!!

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