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KAGALI PE code development

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1 KAGALI PE code development
Hyung Won Lee, Inje University, 24 June 2016 coll. With Jeongcho Kim(Inje U.), Chunglee Kim(SNU) KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

2 Contents Motivation Parameter Estimation with Bayesian Inference
Implementation in LALSuite Strategy for KAGALI Development for KAGALI Progress from the last Discussions KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

3 Motivation Implement MCMC PE for KAGALI Based on LALSuite
Minimum full functionality for MCMC Parallel tempered Improvement as many as possible from LALSuite Modularize as much as possible for easy maintenance and readable Ready for iKAGRA data analysis KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

4 Parameter Estimation with Bayesian inference
℘ 𝜃 𝑥 = ℘ 𝜃, 𝑥 ℘ 𝑥 = ℘(𝑥|𝜃)℘ 𝜃 ℘(𝑥|𝜃)℘ 𝜃 𝑑𝜃 ℘ 𝜃,𝑥 =℘ 𝑥 𝜃 ℘ 𝜃 =℘ 𝜃 𝑥 ℘ 𝑥 𝜃 : unobservable model parameters 𝑥 : observable data ℘ 𝜃,𝑥 : Joint probability observing data 𝑥 with model parameter 𝜃 ℘ 𝑥 𝜃 ∝𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑙𝑖ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm, ~ samples KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

5 Parameter Estimation with Bayesian inference
MCMC Samples MCMC Samples PTMCMCOutput.00 PTMCMCOutput.nn Post Process Post Process KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

6 Waveform Templates There are many waveform templates
Concentrate taylorF2 with Amplitude correction up to 2.5 PN Effect of eccentricity up to 3.0 PN TaylorT2 can deal with CBC inspirals when there is a BH spin that is aligned to the orbital angular momentum. SpinTaylorT4 is one of the most comprehensive inspiral waveform model used by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration. This can deal with precessing CBC inspirals with two spins. KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

7 Likelihood Calculation
ℒ(𝑠|𝜃)∝exp −2 0 ∞ 𝑠 𝑓 − ℎ (𝜃,𝑓) 2 𝑆 𝑛 (𝑓) 𝑑𝑓 Gaussian noise assumption ℘ 𝑥 𝜃 = ℒ(𝑠|𝜃) KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

8 MCMC Process Parallel Tempering Accept next state with probability
𝑟= ℘(𝑥| 𝜃 2 ) 1/𝑇 ℘ 𝜃 ℘(𝑥| 𝜃 1 ) 1/𝑇 ℘ 𝜃 1 Metropolis-Hasting sampling KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

9 Parallel Tempering Use few chains with different temperature
Use likelihood ℒ 𝑠 𝜃 1 𝑇 , 𝑇>1 𝑇 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑁𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑁𝑅 2 𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑟 Improve convergence and mixing The higher temperature, the smoother distribution 𝑇>1 KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

10 Implementation in lalsuite
LAL MCMC Pipeline Directory structure of lalsuite Basic entities of LALSuite LAL applications Likelihood, proposal and prior functions Simulation related functions and waveforms Post Processing python script KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

11 LAL MCMC Pipeline Start Initialization MPI synchronize PT MCMC
Clearance End KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

12 main LALInferenceInitRunState() LALInferenceInjectSignal()
LALInferenceApplyCalibrationErrors() init_ptmcmc() LALInferenceInitCBCPrior() LALInferenceInitLikelihood() LALInferenceDrawThreads() runState->algorithm KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

13 InitRunState() Makoto & Takuji, 2 19937 −1≈ 10 6000 2016-06-24
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

14 LALInferenceInjectInspiralSignal()
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

15 LALInferenceApplyCalibrationErrors()
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

16 init_ptmcmc() KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

17 LALInferenceInspiralPrior()
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

18 PTMCMCAlgorithm() KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

19 Template LALInferenceTemplateXLALSimInspiralChooseWaveform 2016-06-24
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

20 Strategy for KAGALI Base on LALSuite for many functions
Modularize if possible Use structures Command parameters(KGLProcessParamsTable) IFO information(KGLInferenceIFOData) Waveform parameters(KGLWaveformModelParams) MCMC status(KGLInferenceRunState) Simulation parameters Use simple text file for injections Ready for iKAGRA data(hope, to be done) KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

21 Development for KAGALI
Use a new branch “mcmc” for development Library and application directory are separated (version 4) root/kagali/inference/src root/kagali/kglcommon/clock/src root/kagali/kglcommon/detector/src root/kagali/kglcommon/std/src root/kagali/waveform/src root/kagaliapps/cbc/mpisrc Cloned on KISTI and local Ubuntu server Build and run on both systems KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

22 Main features Use a unique union structure for waveform parameters (KGLWaveformModelParams) KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

23 Structures KGLInferenceIFOData KGLWaveformModelParamsValue
KGLProcessParamsTable KGLInferenceRunState KGLWaveformModelParams KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

24 KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

25 KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

26 Development for KAGALI
kagali/inference/src KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

27 Development for KAGALI
kagali/kglcommon/clock/src KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

28 Development for KAGALI
kagali/kglcommon/detector/src KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

29 Development for KAGALI
kagali/kglcommon/std/src KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

30 Development for KAGALI
kagali/waveform/src KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

31 Development for KAGALI
kagaliapps/cbc/mpisrc KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

32 2016-06-24
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

33 KGLProcessParamsPair KGLProcessParamsTable
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

34 KGLCommandUtils.c KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

35 KGLInferenceMCMC.c KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

36 inferenceMCMC.c KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

37 inferenceMCMC.c KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

38 KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

39 build KAGALI KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

40 build script KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

41 build script(cont’d) 2016-06-24
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

42 Build results nohup ./ & 2016-06-24
KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

43 Sample run KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

44 Sample run(con’d) KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

45 Progress from the last Defines some structures
Waveform Parameters, Datetime, etc. Implement basic placeholder functions KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

46 Discussions Basic data structures are ready
Basic program architecture fixed Need to write source codes and hurry up Hanyang, SNU Seoul Toyama KISTI, NIMS Daejeon Pusan U. Osaka Gimhae KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

47 Thanks KAGALI PE code development, The 1st International Meeting on KAGRA, KISTI

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