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Welcome to Palos Verdes Intermediate School 5th Grade Parent Orientation March 10, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Palos Verdes Intermediate School 5th Grade Parent Orientation March 10, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Palos Verdes Intermediate School 5th Grade Parent Orientation
March 10, 2016

2 Life at Middle School Parent Participation Curriculum Expectations
Promote a successful transition Questions

3 Parent Participation PTSA Booster Club Peninsula Education Foundation
Parents on Campus Parent University at Night Cotillion

4 Daily Schedule Tuesday – Friday Period 0 7:15 – 8:10 (optional)
Homeroom/Nutrition 10:10-10:20 Period 3 10:25 – 11:20 Period 4 11:25 – 12:20 Lunch 12:20 – 1:00 Period :05 – 2:00 Period :05 – 3:00

5 Monday Schedule Period 0 7:15 – 8:10 (optional) Period 1 8:15 – 9:00
Homeroom/Nutrition 9:50 – 9:55 Period 3 10:00 – 10:45 Period 4 10:50 – 11:35 Period 5 11:40 – 12:25 Lunch 12:25 – 1:05 Period :10 – 1:55

6 Sixth Grade Language Arts Social Studies Math Science
Physical Education Elective


8 Physical Education Fitness and Wellness
Movement Skills & Movement Knowledge Self-image and Personal Development Social Development and Group Interaction Co-educational Classes Students “dress out”

9 Electives Trimester Three options will be offered:
Option 1: YEAR LONG Foreign Language Spanish 1A or Chinese 1A Option 2: YEAR LONG Music Band or Orchestra Option 3: TRIMESTER Electives Art, Study Skills and Technology


11 Instrumental Music Yearlong Band or Orchestra.
Students are placed into Concert Band B (beginning level), Concert Band A (intermediate level), or String Orchestra (all levels). Auditions are at PVIS on Saturday May 14th 9:00AM to 2:00PM For more information contact Ms. O’Loughlin at PVIS (ext. 218).

12 6th Grade Binder Every student is required to have one binder, filled with supplies, that he/she takes to all his/her classes

13 Why 1 Central Binder? Often students accidently pick up the “wrong” binder from their locker during their 5 minute passing period, and have to leave the classroom to return to their locker during class . 1 binder eliminates this mistake. Cuts down on time spent at lockers during the passing period

14 Sixth Grade Student Orientation
Registration Day will be held August 24th from 8:00AM to 12:00PM Our School Ambassadors will lead campus tours An invitation will be sent to your home

15 School to Home Communication
Edline Dedicated Folder “Incoming 6th Graders” Edmodo Teacher Websites

16 Thanks for coming THE PVIS STAFF

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