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Welcome to Mrs. K’s Little Leaders Preschool Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. K’s Little Leaders Preschool Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. K’s Little Leaders Preschool Class!

2 All About Me My background
B.S. degree in Special Education from Illinois State University in 2004. M.A. degree in Early Childhood Special Education from Northeastern Illinois University in 2009. Received Type 04 Early Childhood certificate in August 2013. My experience - Community Unit School District 95, present. - Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization,

3 All About Me

4 Meet our Wonderful Service Providers!
Carrie Teschner, (Social Work) Nancy LaFayette, (O.T.) Kelly Wolinski, (P.T) Paula Froelich, (Speech)

5 Our Daily Schedule Arrival Circle Time Choice Time Bathroom Snack Story Gross Motor (Playground, Gym) Music Sing goodbye, pack up, load buses and cars. The children will also have music class and gross motor group once per week.

6 The Creative Curriculum
A research-based, play-based curriculum. Five principles: Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning. Social–emotional competence is a significant factor in school success. Constructive, purposeful play supports essential learning. The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions. Teacher–family partnerships promote development and learning.

7 Assessment and Evaluation
Your child’s progress will be assessed using the Creative Curriculum Teaching Strategies GOLD. Social/Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, and Mathematics Development A report summarizing your child’s progress in relation to the above objectives will be sent home at the end of each trimester. The first report will be discussed in person at Parent-Teacher conferences in November. If your child has an IEP, we will hold an Annual Review of their IEP during the school year.

8 Behavior Management Positive behavior intervention techniques to promote and encourage good behaviors. OUR FOCUS…being kind to one another! If problems do arise, especially between students, we model appropriate behaviors and interactions. If a child says something inappropriate, especially to a peer, we have them “change it” by saying something nice. Other positive behavior management systems may be introduced, as needed.

9 Communication Our daily news note (“Daily Doings”) will be ed to you daily and also posted to my classroom website. Summarizes what your child is learning in class. Assists with talking to your child about his or her day. Notes in the children’s take home folders/backpacks. —the best way to reach me!  Phone—before 8:20 or after 3:00 each day. If you leave a voic or send an , I will do my very best to get back to you as soon as possible.

10 Snack Time Remember to send in a small snack and drink each day.. Please remember to follow the District Wellness Plan and send in healthy choices. Water: We are always in need of water bottles to share during snack time. If you are able to periodically send in some water, it is greatly appreciated! Snacks are not shared amongst students due to various allergies and diets.

11 Early-Release Days Wednesday, September 28 Thursday, October 20 Monday, November 21 Thursday, February 16 Wednesday, March 8 Friday, May 19 Friday, May 26 THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL FOR LITTLE LEADERS STUDENTS!!!

12 Birthdays Birthdays are a very exciting time for young children! When it is your child's birthday, you are more than welcome to bring something in to share a non-food item with the class as birthday treats. Examples of acceptable birthday treats include: Stickers Play-doh Crayons Small toys Each child will be given a crown on his or her birthday. If appropriate, we will also sing to each of the children.

13 Parties Halloween Valentine’s
If you are interested in being a volunteer/room parent, please let me know before you leave tonight! 

14 Take-Home Teddy Beginning in October, the children will take turns bringing home Take-Home Teddy. The bag will contain Teddy, books, and a book to document Teddy’s adventures in your home!

15 Family Involvement Guest/Mystery Reader (sign up at parent-teacher conferences) Playdough Club Family Fall Festival Spring Playdate End of the Year Celebration

16 Absenteeism If your child is absent from school, please call the May Whitney attendance line to report the absence. If possible please let me know as well. If your child rides the bus, please also call transportation at Much of Early Childhood learning occurs in group activity, which cannot be made up at home. Please value school attendance as a priority. With that said if your child is sick, please keep them home. Refer to the policy within the District 95 Parent-Student handbook.

17 Other Important Info… If your child rides the bus, have your child ready when the bus arrives at your house. An adult must also be home when your child is dropped off at the end of the day. If you drive your child to school, have your yellow number appropriately displayed in your car window. Parents are responsible for loading and unloading their children in the car. Please turn off your car when doing so. Check your child’s folder each night and review any papers. Please return the folder each day. Make sure all money sent is in an envelope with the child’s name on it and the name of who it should go to. Place this envelope in your child’s folder. Please send in a change of clothing appropriate for the weather to keep at school. Make sure all items are labeled with child's name.

18 Before you leave…… November Conferences Room Parent/Volunteers
Growth Mindset

19 Here’s to a Happy Year in Mrs. K’s class!

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