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WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL! Lapeer West Panthers!.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL! Lapeer West Panthers!."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL! Lapeer West Panthers!

2 Mr. Tim Zeeman, Principal
WELCOME Mr. Tim Zeeman, Principal Purpose Philosophy

Mr. Tim Zeeman, Principal Ms. Mary Haslinger, Assistant Principal Mr. Aaron Shinn, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Mr. Mike Smith, Dean of Students Mrs. Julie Pecore, Counselor (A-F) Mrs. Jan Ciaramella, Counselor (G-Pa) Mrs. Karol Settergren, Counselor (Pe-Z)

4 Cross Country (no cuts) Girls Competitive Cheer
athletics FALL WINTER SPRING Sideline Cheer Boys Basketball Baseball Varsity JV (if student interest) JV Freshmen Freshmen (if student interest) Cross Country (no cuts) Girls Basketball Lacrosse Boys Girls Bowling (no cuts) Softball Boys Varsity Girls Varsity Football (no cuts) Girls Competitive Cheer Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Ice Hockey Girls Tennis (no cuts) Varsity (Coop with East) Girls Swim and Dive (no cuts) Boys Swim and Dive Track (no cuts) Boys Tennis (no cuts) Wrestling (no cuts) Girls Volleyball

5 ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY *All athletes meet with Mr. Shinn
*Athletes must have: --completed physical (dated April 15, 2013, or after) --Emergency/Med. Card --Athletic Code of Conduct Card --Eligibility check (Students must pass 67% of third trimester eighth grade classes (2013 summer school classes will be considered for eligibility.) *Clearance dates and times: August 1st 8:00-3:00 August 5st 8:00-3:00 August 6th 8:00-3:00 August 7th 8:00-3:00 August 8th 8:00-3:00 *Pay-to-Participate is due before the athlete may participate in a game. *There will be an athlete orientation in April. Please pick up a coaches’ contact sheet tonight.

Students wishing to play college sports will want to select courses that are approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse. Approved courses are indicated in the course catalog. Generally NCAA Clearinghouse will require 16 cores classes on the high school transcript and two years of approved world language classes. At the conclusion of the junior year of high school, students will register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. Now is the time to plan out all four years for this process.

Students will take six classes each trimester. All core classes such as English, science, social studies, math and world language will be 3 trimesters in length. Classes will be 55 minutes in length. The day begins at 7:25am and ends at 2:10pm. Students will have to pass all three sections of each core to meet the requirements for graduation.

8 Sample 9th Grade Schedule
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 English 9A English 9B English 9C Math A Math B Math C Physical Science A Physical Science B Physical Science C World History A World History B World History C French IA French IB French IC Health Art IA Art IB

4 years of English 4 years of Math, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Student must also have math/math related senior year. 3 years of Social Studies, including World History, Civics/Economics, and US History 3 years of Science, including 1 year of Biology, and 1 year of Chemistry or Physics 1 Term of Physical Education and Health 1 Year of Visual and Performing Arts 2 years of World Language Must be the same language and in consecutive years. Online Computer Requirement

10 How credits are awarded
Credits are awarded to students who successfully complete and pass with a D- or better in each class each trimester. Students are awarded 18 credits per year for successfully passing each class. Students start their high school transcript as freshmen and credits are accumulated throughout their four years toward graduation and their final high school GPA.

11 Class of 2016 Credit Requirements
ENGLISH—12 Credits English 9 A, B, C = 3 credits English 10 A, B, C = 3 credits English 11 A, B, C = 3 credits English 12, A, B, C = 3 credits VISUAL, PERFORMING, APPLIED ARTS—3 Credits These are courses such as art, music, and industrial arts. SEE LIST PROVIDED BY COUNSELORS SCIENCE—9 Credits Physical Science A, B, C = 3 credits Biology A, B, C = 3 credits Chemistry A, B, C OR Physics A, B, C = 3 credits SOCIAL STUDIES—9 Credits World History A, B, C = 3 credits Civics A and B = 2 credits Economics = 1 credit US History A, B, C = 3 credits MATH—11 Credits Algebra I A, B, C = 3 credits Geometry A, B, C = 3 credits Algebra II A, B, C = 3 credits Math/Math related A and B = 2 credits minimum OTHER—2 Credits Physical Education = 1 credit Health = 1 credit WORLD LANGUAGE—6 Credits Two consecutive years of the same world language. Spanish I and II A, B, C OR French I and II A, B, C OR ASL I and II A, B, C TOTALS English 12 Social Studies Math 11 Science Other VPA 3 World Language Electives TOTAL POSSIBLE = 72 TOTAL REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION = 69 Class of 2016 Credit Requirements Required Credits for Graduation

Two consecutive years of the same world language is required for the incoming freshmen. Colleges such as the University of Michigan Ann Arbor like to see two or MORE years of world language in grades 9-12 on the high school transcript. Parents and students should check with colleges they are interested in for more specific requirements, or talk to your counselor.

13 PE AND HEALTH In the past, Physical Education and Health have been strongly recommended for the freshman schedule. With the new language requirement, some students may opt to delay PE and Health to a later year in high school if they need to. Students are encouraged to sign up for summer school if they would like to get some requirements out of the way in order to fit other classes in later, such as Advanced Placement courses.

This chart is located on page 81 of the COURSE CATALOG. We encourage parents and students to complete this. Planning out all four years of high school early will provide a roadmap or blue print for a student to follow. Students also can access the plan they have been working on in Career Cruising. This will enable students to plan for elective courses based on their career pathways. It helps students plan for the selection of Advanced Placement courses. Planning ahead will help ensure that all of the MMC requirements are met.

15 What classes do I need to take in 9th grade? What’s optional?
Required Classes Optional MMC Classes English 9 A, B, C Physical Education/Lifetime Fitness Math A, B, C Health Science A, B, C World Language World History A, B, C Electives (6) TOTAL: 18 credits for the year

16 What might a schedule look like?
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 English 9 A English 9 B English 9 C Algebra I A Algebra I B Algebra I C Physical Science A Physical Science B Physical Science C World History A World History B World History C Health Spanish I B Spanish I C Band A Band B Band C

17 What might a schedule look like?
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 English 9 A English 9 B English 9 C Algebra I A Algebra I B Algebra I C Physical Science A Physical Science B Physical Science C World History A World History B World History C Physical Education Art I A Art I B Introduction to Business Speech Clothing Construction

18 How do I complete the Course Selection sheet?
Keep these things in mind This is YOU scheduling for YOU. (Use the Course Catalog as a reference.) There is no guarantee that requesting the same classes as your friend will result in you having those classes the same hour. Think about your future! PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE Consider your educational and career goals, Keeping in mind the MMC requirements, Ed. Tech option, and the available electives, plan out your four years. This will help you avoid regrets about course selection. (Use the back of the Course Selection sheet.) ELECTIVES Be sure to list your electives IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE, including your 4 alternates. Sign up for both the A and B term of electives that are more than 1 term in length. PREREQUISITES Some classes have courses that must be completed before they can be taken. Read the course descriptions carefully. (See Pottery on page 18. You must complete Art I A and I B in order to take it.) MMC REQUIREMENTS Keep in mind that health, physical education and 2 years of a world language are required for graduation. While you do not have to take them this year, seriously consider doing so.

19 Course Selection Sheet


It is very important for students to list four alternate selections. Students will enter these in PowerSchool and write them on their course selection sheet. If there is a schedule conflict, counselors will select alternate classes to add to the student’s schedule.

22 A Few Words About AP Courses
Advanced Placement classes provide a rigorous course of study for students who want to challenge themselves. Students will learn critical thinking and advanced writing skills. Students who take the AP exam (There is a fee for this May test.) and earn a qualifying score can earn college credit. East and West each offer about 12 AP courses. AP World History is the only AP course open to freshmen. In order to be eligible, a student must have an average score of 20 on the reading and English portions of the EXPLORE, A’s in English and social studies, and a strong desire to challenge him/herself. Required summer work must be completed. Students are expected to remain in the class for the entire year. (One cannot “try it out” to see how it goes.

AP English Language Composition AP English Literature AP Studio Art AP Biology AP Spanish AP Chemistry AP French AP US History AP Government AP World History AP Statistics AP Psychology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC

19 Career-focused training programs 2 years (11th and 12th grades) Students attend for 3 hours each day A variety of certifications are possible Matriculation agreements with local colleges For more information: www. If a student is at all interested in attending, it is very important that he/she takes world language in 9th and 10th grade.

Testing Out Summer School After School Campus Online Courses Dual Enrollment Tuition/Fees may apply.

26 Testing Out In high school, students have the option to test out of classes for high school credit Testing out is offered prior to each trimester. Students must score an 77% or better on the test to be awarded high school credit. Students receive credit only for testing out. Grades will not appear on the high school transcript for testing out.

27 Summer School Students will be able to take classes over the summer to advance in their curriculum. Students will also sign up for summer school to recover credits lost during the school year.

28 GET Involved Art Shows and Exhibits Band Boosters
Band/Music Programs and Competition Baseball Basketball Blood Drive Book Club Bowling Cheerleading Class Officers Cross Country Dances Drama Club Equestrian Food Drive Football Foreign Exchange French Club Garden Club Golf Hockey Homecoming Activities GET Key Club Lacrosse Marching Band National Honor Society OMNI Leadership Council Peer Resistance Peer Tutoring Pep Assemblies Powder Puff Football Quiz Bowl Scholastic Art Competition Soccer Softball Spanish Club Star Lab Student Council Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball Weight Lifting Wrestling Involved

29 Mr. Tim Zeeman, Principal
CLOSING REMARKS Mr. Tim Zeeman, Principal

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