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Basic Adders and Counters

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1 Basic Adders and Counters
ECE 645: Lecture 3 Basic Adders and Counters

2 Required Reading Behrooz Parhami,
Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Design Chapter 5, Basic Addition and Counting, Sections , pp

3 Half-adder c x HA s y x y c s 1 1 1 1 2 1 x + y = ( c s )2

4 Alternative implementations (1)
Half-adder Alternative implementations (1) a) c = xy s = x  y b) s = xy + xy c = x + y

5 Alternative implementations (2)
Half-adder Alternative implementations (2) c) c = xy s = xc + yc = xc  yc

6 Full-adder x cout FA y s cin x + y + cin = ( cout s )2 x y cin cout s
1 1 1 1 1 x + y + cin = ( cout s )2

7 Alternative implementations (1)
Full-adder Alternative implementations (1) a) s = (x  y)  cin cout = xy + cin (x  y) s c

8 Alternative implementations (2)
Full-adder Alternative implementations (2) b) s = x  y  cin = xycin + xycin + xycin + xycin cout = xy + xcin + ycin

9 Alternative implementations (3)
Full-adder Alternative implementations (3) c) x y cout s 1 1 1 cin cin cin cin cin cin

10 Alternative implementations (4)
Full-adder Alternative implementations (4) Implementation used to generate fast carry logic in Xilinx FPGAs x y A2 A1 XOR D 1 Cin Cout S p g x y cout 1 cin p = x  y g = y s= p  cin = x  y  cin




14 Latency of a k-bit ripple-carry adder
Tripple-add = TFA(x,ycout) + + (k-2)  TFA(cincout) + TFA(cin s) Latency  k  TFA Latency  k



17 Overflow for signed numbers (1)
Indication of overflow Positive + Positive = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Formulas Overflow2’s complement = xk-1 yk-1 sk-1 + xk-1 yk-1 sk-1 = = ck  ck-1

18 Overflow for signed numbers (2)
xk-1 yk-1 ck-1 ck sk-1 overflow ckck-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


20 xi yi Bit-serial adder c0 ci+1 start clk si

21 xi yi d d Digit-serial adder c0 ci+1 start clk d si

22 Addition of a constant (1)
xk-1 xk x1 x0 yk-1 yk y1 y0 variable + constant sk-1 sk s1 s0 xk-1 xk xh+1 xh xh x0 yk-1 yk yh variable + constant sk-1 sk sh+1 xh xh x0

23 Addition of a constant (2)
. . . xk-1 xk-2 xh+2 xh+1 xh xh-1 x0 . . . ck . . . . . HA/ MHA HA/ MHA HA/ MHA HA/ MHA sk-1 sk-2 . . . sh+2 sh+1 xh xh-1 . . . x0 If yi = Half-adder (HA) yi = Modified half-adder (MHA)

24 Modified half-adder c x MHA s y x y c s 1 1 1 1 x + y + 1 = ( c s )2
1 1 1 1 2 1 x + y + 1 = ( c s )2

25 Incrementer xk-1 xk-2 x2 x1 x0 . . . ck . . sk-1 sk-2 . . . s2 s1 x0
HA HA HA HA sk-1 sk-2 . . . s2 s1 x0 Decrementer xk-1 xk-2 x2 x1 x0 . . . ck . . MHA MHA MHA MHA sk-1 sk-2 . . . s2 s1 x0



28 Possible solutions to the carry propagate problem
1. Detect the end of propagation rather than wait for the worst-case time 2. Speed-up propagation via look-ahead carry skip carry select, etc 3. Limit carry propagation to within a small number of bits 4. Eliminate carry propagation through the redundant number representation


30 Analysis of carry propagation
Probability of carry generation = (xiyi = 11) Probability of carry propagation = (xiyi = 01 or 10) Probability of carry anihilation = (xiyi = 00 or 11) j j i+1 i 1 0 … 1 …0 … 1 1 1 1 … 0 …1 … 0 1 11 or 00 01 or 10 Probability of carry propagating from position i to position j = = probability of propagation probability of anihilation

31 Expected length of the carry chain that starts at position i (1)
Expected length(i, k) = Length of the carry chain Probability of the given length Distance till the end of adder Probability of propagation till the end of adder

32 Expected length of the carry chain that starts at position i (2)
Expected length(i, k) = For i << k Expected length of the carry propagation is  2

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