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Monday, 17 September 2018Monday, 17 September 2018

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1 Monday, 17 September 2018Monday, 17 September 2018
Forests Monday, 17 September 2018Monday, 17 September 2018

2 What the fuck do you think and English forest is for?

3 Johnny answers his own question
Look at his eulogy to the woods on p102 “I’ve seen a lot of strange things in this wood (beat)” How many of these images are impossible? Think of the poetic metaphor describing early morning sun falling on a stag – “Fourteen-point antlers of solid gold” – establishing such value on a majestic creature. Often hunted for sport.

4 Threats: “When I stare out into the trees, there’s always pairs of eyes out there in the dark, watching.” Is it only the animals we fear in the Woods? What are johnny’s ghosts? Memories? Ghosts? Faint, fleeting sightings of nameless people?

5 The ghosts The wood is a refuge and hiding place. “Women burn love letters. Men dig holes at night” The Wood is a place of solace and comfort “A young girl… wrap her arms round a broad beech tree and give birth to a baby boy” A place to witness the cycle of humanity and nature “I seen first kisses. Last Kisses.. laughing, crying”

6 Linking Actions seem to be linking modern human condition to a more ancient power. People might need to be more in touch with nature and so seek the comfort and support of older powers “Elves and fairies” – Johnny seems to be dismissive of Phaedra’s question – the wood is far more important than a home for Elves and Fairies.

7 English Woods: As You Like It
From As You Like It Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile, Hath not old custom made this life more sweet Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods More free from peril than the envious court? Here feel we but the penalty of Adam, The seasons' difference, as the icy fang And churlish chiding of the winter's wind, Which, when it bites and blows upon my body, Even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say 'This is no flattery: these are counsellors That feelingly persuade me what I am.' Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life exempt from public haunt Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in every thing. I would not change it. (II,i)

8 As you like it A sense of equality
A sense of reality rather than “painted pomp” or the voices of flatterers. Fully in touch with nature Can learn from nature Can be made better people by exile in the woods

9 As you like it 2 The play will present nature as a refuge and place for spiritual enlightenment Individuals have a freedom to love – the cross dressing adds a frisson BUT Jacques is still melancholy and presents a sense of something darker in the woods that the Duke does not see. He will not join the Duke a the end of the play and is left alone. TASK: read around the use of the Forest of Arden in this play and find ideas which tie in with our reading of Jerusalem.

10 Why English – What other woods are relevant?
German Woods Teutoberger Forest was place of ill omen even before Varrus lost his legions in a slaughter Romans were terrified of the darkness of these ever-green forests Is the English wood, with its deciduous trees less threatening? Beauty in rebirth every year Lighter to the eye Colour imagery

11 Staying in Germany Consider the role of woods in “fairy stories”
Task: Use Grimm’s tales and research the use made of the woods as a place of danger Then consider what this can tell us if the woods are a metaphor for the mind.

12 Archetypes create myths, religions, and philosophical ideas that influence and set their stamp on whole nations and epochs. Jung Jung saw archetypes in the form of objects such as forests, castles and so on…. And also in animals – lions or serpents. So why not a rooster? Archetypes create myths, religions, and philosophical ideas that influence and set their stamp on whole nations and epochs. Jung So a forest will always carry certain ideas with it in the human experience. What might be the ideas surrounding Rooster’s Wood?

13 Jungian Archetypes in Jerusalem? What do you recognise?
The self, the personality striving towards its own complete realization. The scapegoat, suffering the shortcomings of others. The shadow, the amoral remnant of our instinctual animal past. The fool, wandering off in confusion and faulty directions. The persona, the mask and pretence we show others. The artist, the visionary and inspired way of approaching truth. The anima and animus, our female and male roles and urges. The journey, a representation of the quest towards self-realization. The mother, primarily in the sense of our need of her. Life, death and rebirth, the cyclic nature of existence. The father, primarily an authority figure often inducing fear. Light and dark, images of the conscious and the unconscious. The child, our innocent beginning with all our potential in front of us. The tree, the growth towards self-fulfillment. Water, the unconscious and the emotions. The sage, or wise old man, one who has the profound knowledge. The wizard, knowledgeable of the hidden and of transformation needed. The god, the perfect image of the Self. The goddess, the great mother, or Mother Earth. The trickster, a rascal agent pushing us towards change. The hermaphrodite, the joiner of opposites. The beast, a representation of the primitive past of man.

14 A very simplistic idea English Forests act to develop our sense of humanity by experience of nature German Forests present threat, fear and educate about the horrors of life The forest of the mind is another world to explore

15 Sondheim: Danger and excitement in the woods.
[LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD] Mother said, "Straight ahead, Not to delay or be misled." I should have heeded Her advice... But he seemed so nice. And he showed me things Many beautiful things, That I hadn't thought to explore. They were off my path, So I never had dared. I had been so careful, I never had a boyfriend have u lets go and see And he made me feel excited- Well, excited and scared. When he said, "Come in!" With that sickening grin, How could I know what was in store? Once his teeth were bared, Though, I really got scared- Well, excited and scared- But he drew me close And he swallowed me down, Down a dark slimy path Where lie secrets that I never want to know And when everything familiar seems to disappear forever At the end of the path was granny once again As we lie in the dark till you came and set us free And you brought us to the light Now were back at the start And I know things now, Many valuable things, That I hadn't known before: Do not put your faith In a cape and a hood, They will not protect you The way that they should. And take extra care with strangers, Even flowers have their dangers. And though scary is exciting, Nice is different than good. Now I know: Don't be scared. Granny is right, Just be prepared. Isn't it nice to know a lot! And a little bit not... Read more: Into The Woods - I Know Things Now Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

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