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Tail-Catcher/Muon Tracker Prototype

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Presentation on theme: "Tail-Catcher/Muon Tracker Prototype"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tail-Catcher/Muon Tracker Prototype
Vishnu V. Zutshi for NIU/NICADD

2 Goals for the TC/Muon System
Provide a reasonable snapshot of the tail-end of the shower for simulation validation Prototype detector with high-fidelity to what is imagined for a generic LCD correcting for leakage understanding the impact of coil muon reconstruction + eflow fake rate 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

3 Leakage 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

4 Shower Depth Shower depth dependent sampling weights
(least squares minimization) are calculated with and without tail-catcher energy. Weights for layers get progressively “frozen”. 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

5 Erec/Egen 50 GeV p 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

6 Single particle E Resolution
9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

7 E correlation (with “coil”)
9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

8 Multiple Scattering 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

9 50 GeV p± 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

10 HCal Table 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

11 HCal & TCMT 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

12 <90%> Containment
9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

13 Rotations 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

14 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

15 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

16 Design Elements “Fine” section (8 layers) 2cm thick steel
“Coarse” section (8 layers) 10cm thick steel 5mm thick, 5cm wide strips Tyvek/VM2000 wrapping Alternating x-y orientation Si-PM photo detection Common readout with HCal 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

17 Fermi-NICADD Extruder
9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

18 Die 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

19 Bulk LY BC  0.22 BC  0.15 F-NICADD 2.01  (~66% of BC408) averaged over 10 samples 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

20 Separation Grooves Provides better rigidity Epoxy/paint mixture 1 2 3
4 5 Epoxy/paint mixture 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

21 Strips 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

22 X-talk 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

23 Grooving 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

BIG HOLE GLUED 14.36 GROOVE 0.063 12.34 GROOVE 0.078 13.9 11.8 GROOVE 0.117 14.39 12.7 GROOVE 0.156 13.27 SMALL HOLE 15.2 13.1 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

25 Uniformity (Grooves) 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

26 Uniformity (small holes)
9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

27 Longitudinal Scan 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

28 Cassette I 1mm thick steel walls Electronics sit here LED’s sit here
9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

29 Cassette II 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

30 Cassette III 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

31 LED Stability studies underway 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

32 Absorber and Cart Good quality steel plates from Fermi scrap available (0.75 and 4 inches thick). Maximum size for the thicker plates is 1.066m x 1.2m. Cart being designed with about 10 tonne load capacity. Will have the capability for forward-backward and left-right motion. 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

33 Quality Control I Hole Tolerance Width and thickness measurements
Dopant presence Attenuation length measurements Longitudinal and horizontal scans 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

34 Quality Control II 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

35 Quality Control III 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

36 Summary Strip-fiber R&D essentially done, we are entering construction phase. All the scintillator required for the device has been produced. Mechanical prototype cassette assembled. Hope to have the first fully instrumented layer readout before year-end. 9/17/2018 V. Zutshi, ECFA, Durham

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