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OSHA and Bloodborne Pathogens Training for the Medical Office

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Presentation on theme: "OSHA and Bloodborne Pathogens Training for the Medical Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 OSHA and Bloodborne Pathogens Training for the Medical Office
A “Jeopardy!” Type Game

2 Instructions This PowerPoint game is designed to help facilitate a fun and engaging training session, and reinforce principles learned in the “OSHA and Bloodborne Pathogens Training for the Medical Office” Distance Learning course on the BSM Connection® for Ophthalmology website. Estimated length: 30–45 minutes Materials needed: Computer, projector, timer Instructions: This game is to played like the TV game show, “Jeopardy!” where the “answer” is presented and the contestant is to respond with the appropriate, corresponding “question”. Instruct players to choose a category and point value from the “game board” slide or screen. Click on the corresponding box on the game board which will take you to the associated answer. Read the answer out loud and give the player 30 seconds to provide the correct response, which must be in the form of a question. Once a response is given, click the mouse (or press “Enter” on the keyboard) to advance to the next slide which will show the correct question. Keep a running tally of the points for correct responses. To return to the game board, click on the icon in the lower left corner of the question slide. Repeat until all point values boxes in each category have been selected. Total the points at the end. The player with the highest point value is the winner.

3 Eleanor M. Savko OSHA & Bloodborne Pathogens Overview Exposure Control & Protective Procedures Management of Spills & Waste 9/17/2018 Vaccinations & Exposure Incident Record Keeping 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 This organization was created to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths

5 What is the Occupational Safety & Health Administration?
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6 This is required for all medical employees at the time of hire, and is mandatory annually thereafter

7 What is OSHA training? Return to Game Board

8 Ways in which bloodborne pathogens can enter the body, such as a needlestick, cuts with contaminated instruments or glass, or through abraded skin

9 What are routes of transmission?
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10 Microorganisms present in human blood that can cause disease in humans including, but not limited to, HBV and HIV

11 What are bloodborne pathogens?
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12 The most risky type of body fluid for the transfer of bloodborne pathogens

13 What is blood? Return to Game Board

14 A plan that describes the rationale, policies, procedures, and interventions available for employees that have potential risk of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials during the normal course of work

15 What is an exposure control plan?
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16 The single most important defense in preventing the spread of infection

17 What is frequent handwashing?
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18 Substance used regularly to clean equipment and surfaces that come in contact with patients

19 What is alcohol? Return to Game Board

20 An approach to infection control in which all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens

21 What are universal precautions?
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22 These must be puncture resistant, color coded red, leakproof, kept out of the reach of children, and disposed of properly

23 What are disposable sharps containers?
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24 Practices may purchase a commercially made or produce their own one of these, to be kept on hand and used for cleaning up blood or other contaminated waste

25 What is a spill kit? Return to Game Board

26 Do this to protect yourself while managing blood spills or other contaminated waste

27 What is put on or wear protective gloves?
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28 Disinfectants or cleaning solutions recommended by the CDC

29 What is Cidex or a bleach dilution of 1:10?
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30 These substances should be disposed of in a yellow container

31 What are chemotherapeutic agents?
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33 What is the Universal Biohazard Warning Symbol?
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34 This vaccination is a series of three injections
This vaccination is a series of three injections. The first dose is given with the second following one month later. The third is administered six months after the initial dose.

35 What is the Hepatitis B vaccination?
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36 A specific event that involves a contact with blood or other potentially infectious material

37 What is an exposure incident?
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38 Action employees must take when an exposure occurs that includes a blood spill or contaminated waste

39 What is notify a supervisor immediately?
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40 Time frame in which an exposure should be reported to the local emergency room or designated health provider for post-exposure evaluation and treatment

41 What is one to two hours? Return to Game Board

42 If injured with a contaminated needle or other sharp instrument, an employee is considered to be this

43 What is exposed? Return to Game Board

44 Recordkeeping required by OSHA includes accurate documentation of medical records and this

45 What is training provided to employees?
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46 OSHA training records must be completed for each employee upon completion of training and kept for at least this length of time

47 What is three years? Return to Game Board

48 This log must be posted in a visible place from February 1 through April 30 each year

49 What is an OSHA 300 log or Log of Work-Related Injuries or Illnesses?
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50 This form is to be completed when an employee has an exposure incident

51 What is the OSHA 301 (incident report form)?
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52 Training records should include: a summary of the training session, names & qualifications of instructors, names & job titles of participants, and this

53 What are the contents or summary of training sessions?
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