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Learning Question How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society? Learning Outcome To write a RESPONSE.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Question How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society? Learning Outcome To write a RESPONSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Question How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society? Learning Outcome To write a RESPONSE exploring the question and addressing the AO3 assessment criteria successfully.

2 What did the exam board say after last year’s exam?
Some candidates provided generalised context which had little relevance to the question, writing mini-biographies of the writer or including random historical detail which, while accurate, had no relevance to the question. Similarly, those who included context as a ‘bolt-on’ at the end of a paragraph performed less successfully than those who embedded context within their responses. The best candidates worked outwards from the text and relevant context was used to illuminate the candidate’s argument. BAND AO3 Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of contexts in which texts are produced 5 13-16 marks confident evaluation of impact of contextual factors in shaping the production of texts (weighs up how relevant social factors have influenced the text, context is weaved through response, analysis is detailed) 4 9-12 marks clear awareness of the influence of contextual factors on the production of texts (refers to how relevant social factors have influenced the text, context is weaved through response, analysis is quite detailed) 3 5-8 marks sensible awareness of the influence of contextual factors on the production of texts (refers to social factors without fully exploring them, often at the end of points, some contextual information is not relevant to question) This is key – context must be relevant to the question you are answering.

3 How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society?
Band 5 Criteria: Analysis is detailed. Context is weaved through response. Context relates directly to the characters in the play. Model 2: In Act 3, Albee uses Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in American society. Through Martha, Albee highlights the hypocrisy of society in 1962 that frowns on women drinking but appears to tolerate excessive drinking in men. Using the derogatory plural common noun ‘lunkheads’ to describe the men attracted to her, she describes how they need to ‘fuel-up’ on alcohol. The idiom ‘fuel-up’ implies that the men need to be intoxicated in order to flirt with her in full view of their ‘wives’ which emphasises the double-standards in American society as unfaithful behaviour in men appeared to be excused if they had been drinking.

4 Support: Band 5 criteria Model response (support station)
Outcome: To write a RESPONSE addressing the AO3 assessment criteria successfully. Question: How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society? Support: Band 5 criteria Model response (support station) Model 2: In Act 3, Albee uses Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in American society in Using the derogatory common noun ‘lunk-heads’ to describe the men who are attracted to her, she describes how they need to ‘fuel-up’ on alcohol. Through Martha, Albee highlights the hypocrisy of a society that frowns on women drinking but appears to tolerate excessive drinking in men. The idiom ‘fuel-up’ implies that the men need to be intoxicated in order to flirt with her in full view of their ‘wives’ which again reveals the double-standards in American society as unfaithful behaviour in men appeared to be excused on the grounds of drunken behaviour. Self Assessment: Look back at the model and check that you have included success criteria. In your margin, write a target. This is your opportunity to meet the success criteria before I mark your response.

5 PLENARY Use your highlighter to highlight your best example of AO3.
BAND AO3 Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of contexts in which texts are produced 5 confident evaluation of impact of contextual factors in shaping the production of texts 4 clear awareness of the influence of contextual factors on the production of texts Outcome To write a RESPONSE addressing the AO3 assessment criteria successfully.

6 Learning Question How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society? Learning Outcome To understand how to write an essay response to this question.

7 E.g: “Screw you!” – exclamative - crude/vulgar
Select and record relevant textual detail. Write any key words/terminology next to them. E.g: “Screw you!” – exclamative - crude/vulgar Childish/crude Act 1 (p.1 – 14) Insulting Act 1 (p.24 – 46) Promiscuous Act 2 (p.62 – 72) Total War Act 2 (p. 80 – 92) Insecure Act 3 (p ) Exposed/ Shattered Act 3 (123 – 128)

8 How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society?
Role of women in Patriarchal society –wives and mothers Attitudes towards women Gender inequality Concepts of femininity

9 Using your structure strips, you will now write up your response to this question. How does Albee use the character of Martha to explore the constrictions placed on women in society?

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