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Computer Applications Unit A

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1 Computer Applications Unit A
Desktops, Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets, and Smartphones

2 A desktop computer is a computer that is intended for regular use at a single location.
The Tower of a desktop computer used to be placed under the monitor, but is often stood vertical next to the monitor today. There is a specialized form of desktop, called the all-in-one, that integrates all the PC internal components into the same case as the monitor. Desktops, with the exclusion of most all-in-ones, have the ability to easily upgrade, expand, or customize the internal components of the computer.

3 A laptop is a portable personal computer suitable for mobile use.
It has many of the same components that a desktop has, but also features a pointing device known as the touchpad. Has the advantage of being able to be away from the wall with a rechargeable battery. There are several additional subgroups of laptops.

4 The netbook is a specialized laptop that is small, lightweight, and relatively inexpensive.
Introduced in 2007 as an optimized laptop for their low weight and low cost. Certain features are often omitted: e.g. optical drives. Netbooks have smaller screens and reduced computing power to a full-sized laptop. Netbooks quickly became very similar to their laptop counterparts. Netbooks would decline in sales with the surge in popularity of tablets lead by the iPad.

5 Released in 2012 to compete against the ultra-thin MacBook Air, the Intel designed Ultrabook is considered to be a high-end subnotebook. Featuring reduced bulk without compromising performance or battery life, the Ultrabook would used low-power Intel Cores, solid-state drives (SSD), and an unibody chassis to meet the criteria. Features such as optical drives and Ethernet ports are often omitted. Currently the similar MacBook Air is the most popular device in the category, selling 2 million units to the 500k that the Ultrabook sold.

6 Fully known as a tablet computer, the tablet is a one-piece mobile computer.
Replacing the traditional keyboard and mouse with a virtual keyboard and the finger or a stylus. Larger than smartphones, tablets are usually 7 inches or larger. Tablets were actually conceptualized in the mid 20th century, the devices would not actually become affordable and popular until 2010. Windows actually first unsuccessfully tried to sell a tablet in 2002 for business but, it failed to find widespread usage. Android would be one of the first dominating tablet platforms in 2009, but many manufacturers waited until the Honeycomb version of Android in 2011 to release an Android tablet. The release of the iPad in 2010 popularized tablets into the mainstream.

7 A smartphone is a mobile phone built with a mobile operating system, that has more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. Originally having the combined features of a personal digital assistant and a mobile phone, the later models added functionality such as media players, compact digital cameras, pocket video cameras, and GPS units. Modern devices include high-resolution touchscreens and web browsers that display standard as well as mobile optimized web pages. Ninety percent of the market today is dominated by Android or iPhone devices.

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