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HIRE ME! Will you get the job?.

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Presentation on theme: "HIRE ME! Will you get the job?."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIRE ME! Will you get the job?

2 Before the Interview Research the company
Practice interviewing with a friend Prepare 3 questions to ask about the job/company Make sure your clothes are clean and appropriate Know where you are going.

3 Appearance Matters Dress conservatively
Try to dress one step above the company standard Cover all tattoos Remove “extra” piercings Keep make up and accessories to a minimum Make sure your shoes are clean & shined.

4 Getting to the Interview
Rehearse your route Call to reschedule as soon as possible Arrive 15 minutes early Check yourself in the restroom Review your materials Be respectful and courteous to the “gate keeper”

5 Greetings Give a firm, confident handshake
Maintain eye contact & SMILE Listen to pronunciation of interviewer’sname Always address interviewer by title (Ms.; Mrs.; Mr.; Dr.) and last name until invited to do otherwise. Appear upbeat and confident Wait until you are asked to be seated Sit still in your chair; avoid fidgeting and slouching. Hands on your lap. SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE

6 The Interview Opening Be prepared to engage in limited small talk
Deliver your 60 sec. infomercial with poise and confidence Be prepared to mention some facts about the company Keep the focus on how you can help the company

7 Responding to Questions
Take a moment to formulate your answers Be brief, but complete Provide concrete examples that demonstrate your skills Focus on the company When asked about a challenge or weakness – be honest and describe the steps you have taken to remedy the problem

8 Interview Don’ts Cell phones OFF
Don’t eat, chew gum or bring your own beverage to the interview Be respectful Try not to fidget Use common sense

9 Asking Questions Prepare at least three questions to ask
Bring your research into your questions Show you are thinking about your future Ask for clarification about something already discussed

10 Illegal Questions Illegal questions are discriminatory
Age, gender, church affiliation, marriage, children, etc. You don’t have to answer Ask how it pertains to the job Answer the question directly If those questions are asked; do you really want to work there?

11 After the Interview Write and send a thank you note within 48 hours of the interview You can type, hand write or your thanks Directly reference items you discussed Include an action statement

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