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Statistics 262: Intermediate Biostatistics

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1 Statistics 262: Intermediate Biostatistics
May 18, 2004: Cox Regression III: residuals and diagnostics, repeated events Jonathan Taylor and Kristin Cobb Satistics 262

2 Residuals Residuals are used to investigate the lack of fit of a model to a given subject. For Cox regression, there’s no easy analog to the usual “observed minus predicted” residual of linear regression Satistics 262

3 Deviance Residuals Deviance residuals are based on martingale residuals: ci (1 if event, 0 if censored) minus the estimated cumulative hazard to ti (as a function of fitted model) for individual i: ci-H(ti,Xi,ßi) See Hosmer and Lemeshow for more discussion… Satistics 262

4 Deviance Residuals Behave like residuals from ordinary linear regression Should be symmetrically distributed around 0 and have standard deviation of 1.0. Negative for observations with longer than expected observed survival times. Plot deviance residuals against covariates to look for unusual patterns. Satistics 262

5 Deviance Residuals In SAS, option on the output statement:
Ouput out=outdata resdev= Satistics 262

6 Schoenfeld residuals Schoenfeld (1982) proposed the first set of residuals for use with Cox regression packages Schoenfeld D. Residuals for the proportional hazards regresssion model. Biometrika, 1982, 69(1): Instead of a single residual for each individual, there is a separate residual for each individual for each covariate Based on the individual contributions to the derivative of the log partial likelihood (see chapter 6 in Hosmer and Lemeshow for more math details, p ) Note: Schoenfeld residuals are not defined for censored individuals. Satistics 262

7 Schoenfeld residuals Where K is the covariate of interest,
the Schoenfeld residual is the covariate-value, Xik, for the person (i) who actually died at time ti minus the expected value of the covariate for the risk set at ti (=a weighted-average of the covariate, weighted by each individual’s likelihood of dying at ti). Plot Schoenfeld residuals against time to evaluate PH assumption Satistics 262

8 Schoenfeld residuals In SAS: option on the output statement: ressch=
Satistics 262

9 Influence diagnostics
How would the result change if a particular observation is removed from the analysis? Satistics 262

10 Influence statistics Likelihood displacement (ld): measures influence of removing one individual on the model as a whole. What’s the change in the likelihood when this individual is omitted? DFBETA-how much each coefficient will change by removal of a single observation negative DFBETA indicates coefficient increases when the observation is removed Satistics 262

11 Influence statistics In SAS: option on the output statement:
ld= dfbeta= Satistics 262

12 What about repeated events?
Death (presumably) can only happen once, but many outcomes could happen twice… Fractures Heart attacks Pregnancy Etc… Satistics 262

13 Repeated events: 1 Strategy 1: run a second Cox regression (among those who had a first event) starting with first event time as the origin Repeat for third, fourth, fifth, events, etc. Problems: increasingly smaller and smaller sample sizes. Satistics 262

14 Repeated events:Strategy 2
Treat each interval as a distinct observation, such that someone who had 3 events, for example, gives 3 observations to the dataset Major problem: dependence between the same individual Satistics 262

15 Strategy 3 Stratify by individual (“fixed effects partial likelihood”)
In PROC PHREG: strata id; Problems: does not work well with RCT data, however requires that most individuals have at least 2 events Can only estimate coefficients for those covariates that vary across successive spells for each individual; this excludes constant personal characteristics such as age, education, gender, ethnicity, genotype Satistics 262

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