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May 7th, 2012 D-Day and Pearl Harbor WWII Notes – On the Homefront

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1 May 7th, 2012 D-Day and Pearl Harbor WWII Notes – On the Homefront
“Rosie the Riveter” “The Decision to Drop the Bomb” “US and the Holocaust”

2 April 23, 2013 “Rosie the Riveter” WWII – The War at Home Notes
Propaganda Poster

3 The War at Home

4 How do you get business to make war materials in a capitalist nation?
By convincing corporations to build war materials, i.e. warplanes. Cost-Plus Contracts – The government paid the cost of the product plus a guaranteed percentage as profit to companies. RFC – allowed to give loans to companies to pay for the new equipment they needed in order to produce war materials By summer 1942 almost all major industries and most corporations converted to war production.


6 Daily Life During WWII Scrap drives – stations set up to collect vital war materials such as tin, aluminum, pots, rubber etc. Mostly done to make people feel like they were part of the war effort. Victory Gardens Paid for the war by raising taxes and selling Victory Bonds

7 Creating an Army Men were given shots and issued uniforms “Government Issued” GI Draftees were sent to basic training for eight weeks to learn how to handle guns, read maps, dig trenches etc. Army was segregated- African Americans were separated from whites, usually under white commanders. Wanted to keep them out of combat.

8 “Double V” African American leaders argued that blacks should join the war effort to fight for a double victory. Victory over Hitler’s racism abroad and a victory over racism at home.

9 FDR Responds to African American Pressure
African Americans in the North voted for FDR FDR ordered The Navy, Marines and Air Force to recruit Blacks. Tuskegee Airmen –sent in to combat in Italy Did NOT integrate the military but it did expand roles of blacks and integrated military bases.

10 A. Philip Randolph and the Sleeping Car Porters Strike
Businesses still refused to hire African Americans Randolph threatened FDR with a fifty thousand man march on Washington if FDR did not open up defense jobs to blacks. FDR executive order 8802 stated “there shall be no discrimination in the employment if workers in defense industries… because of race, creed , color or national origin.” Fair employment Practices Commission- First piece of civil rights legislation since the end of the Civil War

11 Women and the War Women could enlist in army but could not fight
Companies needed so many laborers to produce for war they could not discriminate. Break-down of the married women syndrome (if you were married you should stay home) 2.5 million women began working in shipyards, aircraft factories etc. “Rosie the Riveter”




15 Daily Life During WWII Government controlled prices, wages and brokered between Unions and Owners. Rationing – constricted consumption to make sure there was enough for the army. Every month each household would receive a coupon book. Blue coupons – controlled processed food Red Coupons- controlled meats, fats and oils Other coupons controlled things like sugar and coffee

16 Propaganda n : information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause In WWII, propaganda was used more than any other time this world has seen. With new technological inventions such as photography, radio and film, manipulative messages bombarded every day life in an attempt to persuade a person to believe in a specific cause.







23 Propaganda Project Now you will create your own piece of propaganda using the techniques we looked at in World War II. Think about the following things: What message are you sending? What are you trying to get the person who will look at your work to do or think? How can you portray this message in a simple, catchy way that will be easy to understand and hard to forget (i.e. slogan, artwork, etc.)? What forms of symbolism can you use?

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