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The future we want Sustainable Development re-invented

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1 The future we want Sustainable Development re-invented
A post Rio plus 20 analysis with a view towards the future, connecting a few of the dots Jan-Gustav Strandenaes at UNOSD November , 2012

2 Just an observation … “In short, Rio was not a triumph. But it was not necessarily a disaster either. It was, as the Earth Summit Bulletin put it, “one of the most significant international negotiating processes. That negotiating process is still going on, day by day and in one form or another around the world in a hundred different fora and with ever-shifting participants, rules and objectives. Though it is far too soon to predict the final outcome, it is not too soon to recognize that the conference has in a very real sense helped to define the terms of the debate.”

3 An observation written by Stanley P
An observation written by Stanley P. Johnson in his book called «The Earth Summit» published in 1993. ( He is by the way the father of the current London Mayor, Boris Johnson, and commissioned to write a somewhat similar book)

4 Stanley Johnson goes on to observe that
Measuring the success or otherwise of UNCED will be what happens in the future. UNEP’s own analysis (in 1992) of environmental data and trends over the past twenty years as represented to UNCED, does not make encouraging reading. In the year 2012, on the fortieth anniversary of the Stockholm Conference and the twentieth anniversary of Rio, it will – hopefully – be a different story.

5 I am asked to give a presentation on connecting the dots between global, regional and national level implementation I will take the dots and connect them within the context of the Rio outcome document

6 My interpretation is that the Rio outcome document
“The future we want” – gave us a positive, pragmatic and a paradigmatic outcome

7 The MAKINGs of a better and different FUTURE?
Sustainable Development (SD) came out of Rio strengthened There is consistent reference to the three dimensions of SD, no longer pillars IFSD – the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development - and good governance came out of Rio strengthened.

8 In fact – the concept … of Sustainable Development is used directly 287 times, and by adding references to the “three dimensions”, we find sustainable development is used in more than 300 contexts throughout the Rio plus 20 Outcome Document

9 What about governance and related issues?
“Good governance” in11 paragraphs Add “institutional framework” – we come to 15 paragraphs Add “accountability and transparency”, we come to 26 paragraphs Add “participation”, we come to 49 paragraphs Out of 283 paragraphs about 20% deal with governance issues

10 Too many dots? Just numbers?
No, numbers are about priorities expressed Priorities are about understanding Understanding is about policy development Policy development is about the basis for implementation Implementation is about partnerships and holding governments and civil society accountable Accountability is about good governance Applying good governance is about values

11 ”The future we want”… ... has no problem in stating that ‘good governance’ is a necessity in the struggle to establish a world based on sustainable development. Good governance and sustainable development are intertwined and mutually dependent

12 Let’s look at the nature of the document
After all, it is the paragraphs of the document that gives us the dots to connect

13 The ambition From § 56: «… to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions … is our overarching goal…»

14 Paragraph 3 (of the Rio Outcome Document) sets the standard and is the basis -
§ 3”We therefore acknowledge the need to further mainstream sustainable development at all levels, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects and recognizing their interlinkages, so as to achieve sustainable development in all its dimensions.”

15 § 10 – the basis for governance & SD
… democracy, good governance and the rule of law, at …all levels … an enabling environment, are essential for sustainable development, including sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development, environmental protection and the eradication of poverty and hunger. .. to achieve our sustainable development goals we need institutions at all levels that are effective, transparent, accountable and democratic.

16 § 75: What is important for SD institutional framework?
Should be strong, respond coherently, effectively to current and future challenges; Bridge efficiently gaps in the implementation. Integrate the three dimensions of SD in a balanced manner, enhance implementation, strengthen coherence, coordination, avoid duplication of efforts, review progress in implementation; Be inclusive, transparent, effective; Find common solutions related to global challenges to SD

17 § 42, we reaffirm/ recognize on behalf of all stakeholders
the key role of government, legislative bodies in promoting SD at all levels. efforts, progress made at local, subnational levels, the important role that such authorities and communities can play in implementing sustainable development, including by engaging citizens and stakeholders and providing them with relevant information, as appropriate, on the three dimensions of SD. the importance of involving all relevant decision makers in the planning and implementation of SD policies.

18 § 13 is the basis for decision making on sustainable development
We recognize that opportunities for people to influence their lives and future, participate in decision-making and voice their concerns are fundamental for sustainable development. We underscore that sustainable development requires concrete and urgent action. It can only be achieved with a broad alliance of people, governments, civil society and the private sector, all working together to secure the future we want for present and future generations.

19 What is the content of the Rio document?
A few general reflections on the outcome document A few key ‘dots’

20 Which dots are emphasised?
People at the centre And the environment as well Good governance a necessity Collaboration with civil society /the major groups at all levels (repeated throughout the document) Environmental protection/ecosystems tied to poverty issues in a causal way The three dimensions of sustainable development (no longer the three pillars)

21 Such a process has never taken place before in the history of humanity
A result of an open and interactive process MGs civil society recognised as players at all levels by the GA resolution calling for Rio + 20 All stakeholders could contribute to the zero draft document

22 “Renewing political commitments”
Section II. “Renewing political commitments”

23 Which dots have been focussed on?
Not to achieve sustainable development is a set-back for developing nations (§20) SD is now an integrated element of poverty eradication (§ 21) Recognition that poor people depend on ecosystems and SD (§ 30) Broader measures of progress to complement GDP to better inform policy decisions (§38) Rights of nature recognized (§39)

24 More dots Acknowledging the importance of corporate sustainability reporting, §47. Access to information and communications The science technology interface/evidence based decisions commit to work together with major groups and other stakeholders in addressing implementation gaps, §55 onwards.

25 Instruments to connect the dots
Section IV. Instruments to connect the dots

26 What is found in this section?
High level forum to replace CSD Strengthening UNEP, with universal membership Cities play a part internationally Local communities as well Civil society at every level The understanding of good governance permeates the document

27 A few general observations on the connecting process
From the document A few general observations on the connecting process

28 What is accepted in the document
Level playing field becoming universal CBDR not used as a stalling argument Environment accepted as a major issue The north south divide on the wane, and a multi-polar world in the ascent Many solutions were driven by the south

29 Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication
Became a disappointment to many Opposed by some Holds promises for all Is still unfulfilled, but Is a process just begun (?) Lacks a governance structure

30 These have started or will start
15 identified processes These have started or will start

31 Rio Started 15 processes On green economy
On GDP plus or something different On sustainable development On agriculture and energy On the SDGs On governance On the Ombudsperson for Future Generations On strengthening finance

32 Which dots are missing?

33 This is missing Strong CSR Strong Principle 10 Strong ombudsperson
Strong analysis of green economy Clearer direction on content for the SDGs Strong position for the HLPF in the system Language on NSDS

34 Which dots are new? We have a unique situation to start integrating the three dimensions of sustainable development Environment better understood Social issues and equity are recognised Economy as expressed through green economy is understood within the confines of environmental limits Beyond the GDP

35 There is a paradoxical dot striving to be connected …
…a dot repeated 17 times throughout the document §4. “…the need to achieve sustainable development by promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, creating greater opportunities for all, reducing inequalities, raising basic standards of living, fostering equitable social development and inclusion, and promoting integrated and sustainable management of natural resources …”

36 An entirely new dot

37 The SDGs – the Sustainable Development Goals
§ 246 «… We further recognize the importance and utility of a set of sustainable development goals,… The goals should address and incorporate in a balanced way all three dimensions of sustainable development and their interlinkages… “

38 The SDGs –remain undecided
But could contain (nexus issues): Food security and sustainable agriculture Water and sanitation Energy Urban sustainability Waste management and chemicals Sustainable transportation/ sustainable infrastructure

39 Post 2015 – one process – or two?
”Unlike the MDGs which are directed towards the developing countries, the SDGs are universal in nature” (Colombia) Will the SDGs take over from the MDGs? How will these processes function? The OWG – the Open Working Group – 30 members, on the SDGs – who will serve on this working group?

40 How do we connect the dots found in the Rio document

41 On a global level A strong mechanism at the UN, the HLPF positioned high up in the UN hierarchy, reporting to ECOSOC and to the GA (and not to the GA through ECOSOC) A mechanism by which all of the UN has to report to the HLPF, could be similar to a task manager system that functioned well during the early phase of CSD

42 On a regional level Strengthening the regional hubs of the UN, responding to a changing world and restoring the principle of universality to the UN Strengthening the capacity building and knowledge sharing elements of the regional hubs to promote NSDS

43 On a national level Through national SD mechanisms in all countries have broad based consultations with all stakeholders and prepare national reports on the key dots from the Rio outcome document report back to the new SD mechanism at the UN

44 On all levels A strong governance structure with broad and informed multi-stakeholder participation based on central principles of good governance such as, in addition to participation Transparency Accountability Access

45 We are dealing with nothing new
Rachel Carson said it in 1962 Barry Commoner said it in 1970 UNEP, Stockholm, said it in 1972 UNCED, Agenda 21, Rio, said it in 1992 The UN millennium ecosystems report said it in 2000 WSSD, Johannesburg, said it in 2002 Rio plus 20 said it in June this year

46 What’s new? What is different now, is that we have a global audience willing to listen and a new generation eager for change based on sustainable development

47 In his video greeting said:
The Chief from Brazil In his video greeting said: “We cannot leave the future as it is now, to our future generations”

48 It is up to us now to build a better century than the one we left 12 years ago
And we can do that with the dots and connecting processes we find in the Rio Outcome Document

49 A final quote 600 years ago, in the year 1602
A famous author simply said something we need to implement – today – he actually pointed to the connecting process for all the Rio dots. William Shakespeare in his play Corolianus simply said:

50 William Shakespeare “Action is eloquence”

51 Thank you for your attention
Senior adviser on governance for Stakeholder Forum Jan-Gustav Strandenaes

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