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Jim Crow. Jim Crow What is Jim Crow? A racial caste system enforced for the most part in the Southern United States and the border states between 1877.

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2 Jim Crow

3 What is Jim Crow? A racial caste system enforced for the most part in the Southern United States and the border states between 1877 and the mid to late 1960s.

4 Jim Crow was enforced and supported by:
The Law – laws were put in place that enforced the separation of the races Science – studies were conducted that supported racist ideas Religion – support was cited from the Bible to support the superiority of white people Children’s Literature and Toys – depictions of black people in children’s stories ensured that the stereotypes and prejudices would be shared by future generations (i.e. “Brer Rabbit”) The Media – newspapers, magazines, etc. demonize the black community

5 Jim Crow Etiquette Never say or even suggest that a white person is lying Never suggest a white person is from an inferior class Never comment on the appearance of a white woman (this can lead to an accusation of rape)

6 Plessy Vs. Ferguson What: A court case tried in 1896
Who: Plessy, 1/8 black man from Louisiana tried to sit in a white rail road car and was removed The Verdict: The court decided by majority vote that as long as black people are treated “equally” they may be kept separate from whites The Result: This made discrimination and segregation legal once and for all

7 Lynching “Legal” (as in ultimately excused by the courts) murder, usually brutal and for minor offenses like a black man looking at a white woman Almost 5,000 people total lynched under “lynch law,” at least a third of them innocent of any offense

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