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ASTD Charlotte - Day of Learning – December Guy W

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Presentation on theme: "ASTD Charlotte - Day of Learning – December Guy W"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTD Charlotte - Day of Learning – December 4 2013 Guy W
ASTD Charlotte - Day of Learning – December Guy W. Wallace, CPT Performance & Enabler Analysis

2 Objectives You should be able to…
Determine Areas of Performance for a job or multi-job process Complete a Performance Model chart for each Area of Performance Derive the Enablers of Performance using the Performance Model data

3 Agenda Open Quick Objectives & Agenda Review
Application Exercise Handout Overview Applications Exercise Steps 1-9 Applications of the Data Applications Exercise Q&A Close

4 Performance & Enabler Analysis
2 Sided Handout

5 Performance & Enabler Analysis
2 Sided Handout

6 Performance & Enabler Analysis
2 Sided Handout

7 Step 1 Focus the analysis on a job title
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 1 xxxxxxxxxxx Focus the analysis on a job title Reflect on your own personal past Kid Jobs to chose one for this webinar

8 Step 1 Focus the analysis on a job title
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 1 Newspaper Delivery Boy Focus the analysis on a job title Reflect on your own personal past Kid Jobs to chose one for this webinar Guy: Newspaper Delivery Boy

9 Step 2 Identify 1 major portion of the job AoP: Area of Performance
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 2 Identify 1 major portion of the job AoP: Area of Performance

10 Step 2 Identify 1 major portion of the job For Guy: Deliver Newspapers
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 2 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify 1 major portion of the job AoP: Area of Performance For Guy: Deliver Newspapers Deliver News-papers Cycle: Daily

11 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 3 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify the AoP that logically precedes your first AoP in its “Cycle” Deliver News-papers

12 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 3 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify the AoP that logically precedes your first AoP in its “Cycle” Guy’s Adds Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers

13 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 4 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify the AoP that logically follows your first AoP in its “Cycle” Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers

14 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 4 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify the AoP that logically follows your first AoP in its “Cycle” Guy’s Adds: None Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers

15 Step 5 Identify any additional AoP Cycles and their AoP/AoPs
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 5 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify any additional AoP Cycles and their AoP/AoPs Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers

16 Step 5 Identify any additional AoP Cycles and their AoP/AoPs
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 5 Newspaper Delivery Boy Identify any additional AoP Cycles and their AoP/AoPs Guy’s Adds Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions

17 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 6 Newspaper Delivery Boy Acid Test: Identify any and all additional AoP Cycles and their AoP/AoPs Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions Train other Kids

18 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 6 Newspaper Delivery Boy Acid Test: Identify any and all additional AoP Cycles and their AoP/AoPs Guy’s Adds: Train other Kids Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions Train other Kids

19 Step 7 Complete the left side of the PM Chart
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 7 Newspaper Delivery Boy Complete the left side of the PM Chart Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions Train other Kids

20 Step 7 Complete the left side of the PM Chart Guy’s Adds
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 7 Newspaper Delivery Boy Complete the left side of the PM Chart Guy’s Adds Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions Train other Kids Insert, Roll and Bag Newspaper Bag ready for delivery -right # -right roll -bagged in plastic if needed - on bike -Get inserts -Insert -roll & tuck -bag tightly -mount bag

21 Step 8 Complete the right side of the PM Chart
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 8 Newspaper Delivery Boy Complete the right side of the PM Chart Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions Train other Kids Insert, Roll and Bag Newspaper Bag ready for delivery -right # -right roll -bagged in plastic if needed - on bike -Get inserts -Insert -roll & tuck -bag tightly -mount bag

22 Step 8 Complete the right side of the PM Chart Guy’s Adds
Performance & Enabler Analysis Step 8 Newspaper Delivery Boy Complete the right side of the PM Chart Guy’s Adds Obtain correct # of Papers Insert, Roll and Bag Deliver News-papers Collect Sub-scription Fees Sell Sub-scriptions Train other Kids Insert, Roll and Bag Newspaper Bag ready for delivery -right # -right roll -bagged in plastic if needed - on bike -Get inserts -Insert -roll & tuck -bag tightly -mount bag -missed inserts -Poor roll -lack of attention to detail -Poor roll technique dI dK

23 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 9 Select the Enabler Categories appropriate for the project’s goals

24 Performance & Enabler Analysis
Step 9 Select the Enabler Categories appropriate for the project’s goals Guy’s example Materials & Supplies - Front Bag - Back Bag - Inserts Personal/Interpersonal - Taking Criticism - Sales

25 Applications of the Data

26 Applications of the Data

27 Applications of the Data

28 Q&A

29 Close Thank you for your participation!
Guy can be reached via and his web site – where there are over 350 free resources related to Human Performance Technology

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