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Reporting Staff in the School Year

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1 Reporting Staff in the 2017-2018 School Year
Jeff Bittner 9/17/2018

2 Agenda New Staff Reporting Requirements in the 17-18 School Year
Templates Overview Snapshot Assignment Tenure Attendance Course Instructor Assignment Collecting Data for Snapshot and Assignment Level0 Access What’s Next 17-18 TAA System Out of Certification Reports 17-18 Staff-Student-Course SIRS Level2 Reports NERIC DataFlow References 9/17/2018

3 New in 17-18 Race/Ethnicity can be populated by Teachers in the TAA ePMF. Non-Teaching Professionals can review their Staff data in the TAA. Non-Teaching Professionals can enter their Race/Ethnicity on the TAA. Course Instructor Assignment – Primary Instruction Delivery Method. Course Instructor Assignment – Primary ESL/ENL Indicator. 9/17/2018

4 NYSED Staff Guidance The NYSED Teacher/Staff Data page has a wealth of information covering: Specific Template fields guidance Timelines ePMF SEDDAS Entitlements Assignment codes TAA guidance FAQs Teaching Assignment Codes 9/17/2018

5 Staff Snapshot 9/17/2018

6 Staff Snapshot on L0 9/17/2018

7 Staff Snapshot A Staff Snapshot record must be reported before any other staff template can be reported. It is used to populate the ePMF portion of the TAA system. Report all Teachers and Non-Teaching Professionals (including Itinerants) who were employed at any time from July 1st 2017 to June 30th 2018. Even if a staff member left for any reason during the summer (on or after 7/1) leading up to start of school. Do not include TAs or Substitutes who are not considered a Teacher of Record. EVERYONE needs a valid TEACH ID. Do NOT push data to Level 1 until ALL TEACH IDs on L0 are confirmed accurate. Make sure there aren’t any records with invalid IDs or fake place holders like A guide on how to obtain a TEACH is found on our website. 9/17/2018

8 Race/Ethnicity in Staff Snapshot
Race/Ethnicity is a “Required” field in Staff Snapshot, however edit checks will not prevent the data moving from Level0 to Level2. Teachers and Non-Teaching Professionals will have the option to enter their Race/Ethnicity in the TAA. If entered, their selection can be used to populate your source system to be reported in the Staff Snapshot. New for Race/Ethnicity in Staff Snapshot. If Hispanic Indicator = Y, then no Race codes are needed. 9/17/2018

9 TEACHER Title “Teach. Title” should only be populated for teachers.
Teachers can’t review their ePMF or fill in their BEDS Day assignments in until a Staff Snapshot record with TEACH title has been submitted. Teach. Hire Date is also required and should be the effective date of the first board appointment (or other official hire date if not currently board appointed) of the teacher. If a teacher left the district and was re-hired within the school year, the district may use the earlier hire date. If a teacher left service for more than a year and was re-hired in a subsequent school year, the LEA should use the later hire date. TEACHER title is required before a Staff Tenure, Staff Attendance, Staff Evaluation Rating, and Course Instructor Assignment data can be reported. 9/17/2018

10 PRINCIPAL Title “Prin. Title” should only be populated for principals.
A “Prin. Hire Date” is required and should be the day they were appointed as Principal. A few things to note when Prin. Title = PRINCIPAL. Should have a corresponding Staff Assignment Record with a Principal PMF Title that ties them to the proper Building and Grades. Should have a corresponding Staff Tenure record = ADT (and Staff Evaluation record) when reporting at the end of the year. 9/17/2018

11 TAA Account Creation If a staff member has never created a TAA account in the past, after the Snapshot record moves to Level 2, the staff can click “Create Account” on the TAA site. 9/17/2018

12 Annual Salary A detailed description of the Annual Salary field along with 9 “Salary Scenarios” (including per diem) are available in the “Reporting SIRS Staff Data to NYSED” guide (starting on page 10) on this site: 9/17/2018

13 Misreporting the Staff Snapshot
Submitting Staff Snapshot records with incorrect TEACH IDS or for staff members who were never employed during the school year should be avoided. Thoroughly review the data on L0 before pushing to L1. If a misreported record makes it up to L2, there is no way to delete the record from L2RPTs. All you can do is give the record a “deleted” active/inactive status and push again to Level1. This will remove the record from the TAA and indicate their status on L2 as “deleted.” A misreported record may get caught in M2L1C errors (they will appear every day in your District Folders until cleaned up!). If this happens, please contact the Data Warehouse to request that we remove the record from L1. After contacting us, you must delete the record from L0 so the record will not be pushed to L1 again. 9/17/2018

14 Itinerant Staff Itinerant Staff = A staff person responsible for your students (who are physically in your LEA) but employed by another LEA, district, BOCES, or charter school. Can be a Teacher OR a Non-Teaching Professional. Itinerant Teachers are reported in Staff Snapshot, Staff-Student-Course (if applicable) and Course Instructor Assignment. Itinerant Non-Teaching Professionals are reported in Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment. In the Staff Snapshot, “Itinerant Status” should be Y. A “Y” will reduce the required fields in the Staff Snapshot to: TEACH ID, Birth Date, Staff First and Last Name, TEACH Title (only if a Teacher), PRINCIPAL Title (only if a Principal), and . This data must be collected from the staff member or from their LEA in order to be reported. 9/17/2018

15 Itinerant Staff Snapshot on Level0 requires less fields when “Itinerant Staff” field = Yes. In addition to TEACH ID, fields required for Itinerant Staff are red. Be sure Teach. Title = TEACHER is filled in for any Itinerant Teachers. 9/17/2018

16 Itinerant Staff Scenario Breakdown
A detailed description of the what templates are needed in different Itinerant Staff Scenarios are available in the “Reporting SIRS Staff Data to NYSED” guide (starting on page 14) on this site: For example: 9/17/2018

17 School Counselors New this year, Counselors (School / Guidance) can be reported in the Demographics (Student Lite) file. This is optional. This is so the Graduation Exam Requirements Reports on Level2 can filtered by Guidance Counselors Counselors must be reported in Staff Snapshot prior to reporting the student demographics that contains Counselors. If the Counselor in the demographics is not in the Staff Snapshot, you will have import errors. Contact your SIS support for a work around if needed. 9/17/2018

18 Staff Employed for only part of the year
If a staff member (teaching or non-teaching professional) is employed at any point during the school year (7/1 to 6/30) they should be reported in all appropriate staff templates with the appropriate dates. New staff should be entered into your staff source system as soon as possible and their Staff Snapshot must be submitted to Level2 before any other template. The Staff Snapshot will allow them to access the TAA. Staff who leave the district at any point during the school year should be reported as such. All staff will need an exit date in the Staff Snapshot. Teacher and Principals will also need a Separation Reason code in Staff Snapshot Non-Teaching Professionals (including Principals) will also need a completion date in Staff Assignment. 9/17/2018

19 Staff Snapshot on L0 9/17/2018

20 Staff Assignment 9/17/2018

21 Staff Assignment Staff Assignment must be reported for all Non-Teaching Professionals employed during the school year – this includes Itinerant Staff. DO NOT REPORT TEACHERS in Staff Assignment (unless also in a non-teaching professional role). Must already have a valid Staff Snapshot record reported to L2. There is a form to gather necessary information from new staff. It provides an easy way to gather information such as TEACH ID, highest level of education, number of years professional education experience, Hispanic indicator and Race/Ethnicity , and PMF Description. On DW site under “Forms.” Non-Teaching PMF codes are found in the SIRS Manual. If you do not see an exact title description for a staff person, choose the non-teaching PMF code that most closely matches the staff person’s current assignment. Non-Teaching Professionals will have the opportunity to review their data (Snapshot and Assignment) on the TAA. More on this later. 9/17/2018

22 PMF Codes PMF codes (aka Assignment Codes) are found in the SIRS manual. Anyone who has a title that is found in the Assignment Codes should have a Staff Assignment. 9/17/2018

23 Staff Assignment - Principals
Principals: PMF assignment codes will be used to link the principal to the students enrolled in the program/location that they supervise for APPR purposes. If a principal is not responsible for all grade levels within a location, report multiple Staff Assignment records for the principal, one for each grade level the principal is responsible for. All Staff Assignment records will be part of the EOY certification, not just principals. If a staff member holds more than one position as defined in the non-teaching assignment codes found in the SIRS Manual, report one record for each assignment code/location code/grade level combination. 9/17/2018

24 Staff Assignment on L0 9/17/2018

25 Staff Tenure 9/17/2018

26 Staff Tenure Staff subject to APPR evaluations should be reported in this template. ONLY report Staff Tenure for teachers and principals. These staff must have a title of “TEACHER” or “PRINCIPAL” in Staff Snapshot, and Itinerant Staff = N. Valid Tenure Codes are in the SIRS Manual. Include each staff member’s Tenure Area Code, current Tenure Status as teacher and/or principal; effective date of the Tenure Status being reported; and, when their probation ends/ended. If a staff member holds more than one tenure, report one record per tenure area. This template is not year-based; and therefore, all codes are carried over from year-to-year for staff reported in this year’s Staff Snapshot. Please refer to SIRS 322 Staff Tenure report. 9/17/2018

27 Misreporting the Staff Tenure
Submitting staff tenure records that are incorrect should be avoided. Thoroughly review the data on L0 before pushing to L1. If a misreported Tenure record makes it up to L2, you must re-submit the record with a deleted status. Keep the same Tenure area code, same Effective Date, select Probation Extend. Ind. = No, remove any Probationary dates, and then change Tenure Status to “deleted”. If a misreported record is caught in M2L1C errors, it will appear every day in your District Folders until cleaned up. Contact the Data Warehouse to request that we remove the record from L1. After contacting us, you must delete the record from L0 so the record isn’t pushed to L1 again. 9/17/2018

28 Staff Tenure Valid Record
Same record edited so it can be deleted from Level2 9/17/2018

29 Staff Attendance 9/17/2018

30 Staff Attendance Staff Attendance is for TEACHERS ONLY.
Anyone with a TEACHER Title on Staff Snapshot should have Staff Attendance submitted. LEAs will have to make determinations as to which codes are most appropriate based on specific cases and how they track absences. In cases where they do not track the specific type of absence, O (Other) may be used. A teacher is absent if he or she is not in attendance on a day in the regular school year when the teacher would otherwise be expected to be teaching students in an assigned class. Only report full days. Partial days should not be combined. However, if more than one code is used for the same day, use the “other” code. For example AM is Sick and PM is Personal Leave on same day = 1 day Other. Teacher absences do not include administratively approved leave for professional development, exam scoring, field trips, snow days, or other off-campus activities with students. 9/17/2018

31 Staff Attendance Report the total number of days taken for each type of absence. Days a teacher is on unpaid leave of absence, for a portion of the school year, must be reported. Teachers on leave for the entire year do not need to be reported in Staff Attendance. 9/17/2018

32 Staff Attendance 9/17/2018

33 Course Instructor Assignment (CIA)

34 Course Instructor Assignment
Course Instructor Assignment (CIA) includes courses taught by each teacher, the dates of when they start and end teaching the class, primary instructional delivery method, and if they were the primary, special education, or ENL teacher on the course. These indicators are assigned for each section of a course. Why is this being reported? 17-18 is a simultaneous reporting school year. Teachers will continue to enter their BEDS day assignments on the TAA. SED is planning on using CIA and Student Class Entry Exit to populate the BEDS day assignments in a future school year. Who should be reported? All staff members reported in Staff Snapshot identified as “TEACHER” must be reported in this template. A record for all classroom teachers (district, BOCES, and, charter school teachers) must be reported here. This includes Itinerant Teachers. What should be reported? Course Code, Section Code, Instructor Start Date, Instructor End Date, Primary Instructor Indicator, Primary Special Education Instructor Indicator, Primary ENL Instructor Indicator, and Primary Instructional Delivery Method. 9/17/2018

35 CIA - Primary Instruction Delivery Method
Work with your Student System support to determine how to set this up for each section. This is a required field. Face-to-Face (code FACE) Course is delivered in the traditional classroom setting. Distance Learning (code DISTANCE) Course is delivered via Distance Learning (videoconferencing) technology, primarily or completely in a synchronous manner (i.e. students at multiple locations are engaged in instruction at the same time). Blended Learning (code BLENDED) Course is delivered at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace; at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home; and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience. Online Learning (code ONLINE) Course (instruction and content) are delivered over the Internet. 9/17/2018

36 CIA - Primary ENL Teacher indicator
This new field is similar to the Primary Instructor and Primary Special Education Instructor indicators that were introduced last year. It is meant to identify English as a New Language instructors for the course/section. Teaching aides and assistants are not to be reported. A "Y" in this field will subject the staff to an ENL certification match as required by State and federal reporting. If the ENL teacher is the only teacher in the class, he/she should be reported with a Y here and in the Primary Instructor indicator. Work with your Student System support to determine how to set this up. 9/17/2018

37 CIA – Primary and Special Education Indicators
Reporting SIRS Staff Data to NYSED document has scenarios and “Frequently Asked Questions on Completion of the Course Instructor Assignment Template” 9/17/2018

38 New Course Codes New course codes will be available for reporting self-contained classes. Special Classes consist of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similar individual needs for the purpose of being provided specially designed instruction. 99001: Special Class (Self- Contained)- Pre-school 99002: Special Class (Self- Contained) -K-6 Elementary 99003: Special Class (Self-Contained) Secondary Resource room is a special education program for a student with a disability in either a special class or regular class in need of specialized supplementary instruction in an individual or small group setting for a portion of the school day. 99004: Resource Room- K-6 Elementary 99005: Resource Room Secondary New course code for Library class. School library media program provides students with resource collections aligned with the local curriculum and support academic content standards. 99000: Library (Library Media Specialist)- All grades This is the ONLY course code in Course Instructor Assignment that has no corresponding Student Class Entry Exit records. 9/17/2018

39 Course Instructor Assignment

40 Template Cheat Sheet 9/17/2018

41 9/17/2018

42 Collecting Data for Snapshot and Assignment

43 Collecting Required Staff Data
Teachers and Non-teaching Professionals new to your district NERIC created a form to gather necessary information for the Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment templates as applicable. The “Professional PMF Information Form” is available on the Data Warehouse Downloads page under “Forms”. Itinerant Staff require less fields to be reported in Staff Snapshot. This data will have to be collected from either the staff or the staffs’ LEA of employment. The required fields for Itinerant Staff are: District Code, Location Code, Status/Active Indicator, Itinerant Status, Staff ID, Birth Date, Staff First and Last Name, Snapshot Date, Position Title, – Fields 1, 2, 8, 14, 40, 41, 50, 65, 66, 76). If reporting an Itinerant principal, Field 105 (Principal Title) would be required. All classes that Itinerant Teachers teach will also be reported in the Course Instructor Assignment template (and Staff-Student-Course if applicable), and Student Class Entry Exit, which will be exported from your Student Information System. Itinerant non-teaching staff will also be reported with a Staff Assignment Record. 9/17/2018

44 Itinerant Teacher on Level0

45 Sending Itinerant Staff Data
If you have teachers who are teaching another district’s students, and those students are physically located in their local school building, then you will need to provide Staff Data so the district of the students can report your teacher as an Itinerant Teacher. For example your Teacher is teaching a Distance Learning class that includes students from other districts. Gather the required information, contact the districts with students who your teacher is teaching, then, send the data securely. 9/17/2018

46 Requesting Itinerant Staff Data
Work within your district to determine the Itinerant Staff who are working with your students within your building. Some common examples: A BOCES teacher who is located in your building teaching your students. A BOCES Physical Therapist who serves students physically located in your building. A Teacher employed by another district who is remotely teaching your students (located in your building) taking a Distance Learning class. Reach out to the districts/BOCES of each Staff member to obtain the necessary information so you can report them as an Itinerant Staff. 9/17/2018

47 Level0 Access 9/17/2018

48 Make sure you have proper access to the Staff Templates
Make sure you have proper access to the Staff Templates. If you do not see these at the bottom of your dropdown, you do not have permissions to all Staff Templates. 9/17/2018

49 What’s Next 9/17/2018

50 Moving Forward Make sure all new staff (as of 7/1) are entered into your HR system and any staff who left are exited properly. Anyone whose official Exit Date is prior to 7/1 should not be reported in the school year. Staff whose official Exit Date is on or after 7/1 should be reported in the school year indicating they left. All staff must have a valid TEACH ID in your HR system. If they do not have a TEACH ID, they must obtain one ASAP (How to Obtain a TEACH ID). Enter required data into your HR system. Export Staff Snapshot from your HR system and import into L0. DO NOT PUSH to L1 until you have thoroughly reviewed this data. In L0, go to Reports > Staff Snapshot > Dist. School Summary. Click on each location with staff reported and check the following: Make sure only teachers have TEACHER in column “Title” Make sure only principals have PRINCIPAL in column “Second Title” Make sure only Itinerant Staff have a Y in column “Itinerant” All Teachers and Non-Teaching professionals are included. Only those employed in the school year should be included. Only staff working at district level and those working in more than one building should be reported at the District Location. Double check all TEACH IDs. Do NOT report as a TEACH ID. 9/17/2018

51 Moving Forward Make changes in your source system (HR) until all issues are resolved. If, during this initial loading of staff, you realize you have mistakenly imported a staff member who should not be part of Staff Snapshot AND YOU HAVE NEVER PUSHED THEIR RECORD TO L1, delete their Staff Snapshot record using the delete button on their Snapshot Record on L0. Then fix your source system so they do not export again. Once the Staff Snapshot data is clean on L0, push Staff Snapshot data to L1. 9/17/2018

52 Moving Forward Certain staff templates (snapshot, assignment, tenure, attendance, eval) move from L1 to L2 nightly. So, the next day, check for M2L1C errors and review the SIRS-320 Staff Snapshot L2RPT. Resolve issues in your source system, create new export from source (HR), import into L0, review, and push to L1. If you see a record on the SIRS-320 that should not be there, call the DW and we will walk you through what to do. Once data is correct on SIRS-320, you can begin reviewing and submitting Staff Assignment. Import Staff Assignment to L0. Review via L0 > Reports > Staff Assignment. Make changes in source system as needed, push clean data to L1. Review in SIRS-318. (Not due until February). 9/17/2018

53 17-18 TAA System 9/17/2018

54 Teacher PMF Data on the TAA System
Teachers will continue to log into the TAA system to review their ePMF and enter their BEDS Day assignments. Teachers can’t access the TAA until the district loads a valid Staff Snapshot record for them to L2 in the school year. Teachers will have to select the building they work in (choose district if they work in more than one building). NEW – Teachers have the option to enter their Race/Ethnicity into the TAA before they submit their ePMF. Race/Ethnicity reported in Snapshot (if any) will not pre-populate or overwrite the data in the TAA. SED recommends that teachers do not access the TAA system on the day it opens (Oct 30th) due to high traffic on the site. 9/17/2018

55 Optional Non-Teachers on the TAA
New this year, districts have the option to have their Non-Teaching professionals use the TAA to review their Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment data. This is optional, however, NYSED will no longer be creating the Non-teaching Professional Profile Reports on the NYSED Business Portal. If Non-Teaching Professionals do access the TAA they can populate their Race/Ethnicity and submit their form. This is meant to assist districts in the canvassing of their non-teaching professionals Race/Ethnicity. LEAs will be able to download this submitted Race data to use to populate or check against the Race data reported in the Staff Snapshot. Race/Ethnicity reported in Snapshot (if any) will not pre-populate or overwrite the data in the TAA. The official source of PMF data for Non-Teaching Professionals will be the data you submit via the Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment templates into L0 and push to L1. All TAA Certifications will not include the Non-Teacher data on TAA. 9/17/2018

56 Recommended ePMF Process
Report Staff Snapshot to L2. Work with other LEAs to gather Itinerant data. Ensure all Teachers and Non-Teaching Professionals create a TAA Account. Have Teachers review their ePMF data, enter the building they work in, enter their Race/Ethnicity, enter their BEDS Day Assignments, and submit. Make any reported changes in the source system and re-upload data to L2 as needed. Report Staff Assignment to L2. Have all Non-Teaching Professionals review their Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment data, enter their Race/Ethnicity, and submit. Download the Race/Ethnicity selections submitted by Teachers and Non-Teaching Professionals and update your source system as needed. 9/17/2018

57 TAA Account Creation Remember, PINs are no longer generated and posted to the NYSED Portal. Staff now create and reset their own account utilizing tokens sent to their staff s (from the Staff Snapshot Template). Staff who have never created a TAA account will need to be notified by the district once a Staff Snapshot record has made it to Level2. At that point, these staff should create a new account on TAA using their last 4 of their SSN, Date of Birth, and TEACH ID. This will trigger an to the address in their Staff Snapshot which they will use to complete the account set up. Staff who already have a TAA account (created anywhere) can use their credentials to log into the TAA system once a Staff Snapshot record has been submitted to L2 this year. 9/17/2018

58 When to start reviewing the TAA?
As long as a Staff Snapshot record has successfully migrated to Level2, teachers (including Itinerants) will be able to begin entering their BEDS Day Assignment. Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment should be reported before Non-Teachers begin reviewing their data on the TAA. ePMF entry is scheduled to open on October 30th. However, SED suggests staff don’t attempt to access the TAA site on October 30th due to high traffic on the site. Teachers and Non-Teaching Professionals will have until January 26th to review and enter their data before the TAA locks. NERIC suggests you set an internal deadline far prior to January 26th. Administrators will have until February 23rd to review the data in the TAA. Teacher data will be certified in the TAA no later than February 23rd. 9/17/2018

59 ePMF for Teachers Who Come or Leave
Remember, BEDS Day Assignments on the TAA are capturing what classes were taking place on BEDS Day. If the original teacher fills in BEDS Assignment and then leaves the district, the new teacher should not enter their BEDS Assignments on the TAA. This would be double reporting. If the original teacher does not fill in BEDS Assignments and then leaves, the new teacher should enter their BEDS Assignments. This is to ensure all classes are reported. 9/17/2018

60 Itinerant Staff on the TAA
Staff who “work” in more than one LEA (Distance Learning Teacher, BOCES staff working in LEAs) will use a single login to access the TAA, however they will see each district separately in the TAA. The staff will only see the LEAs on the TAA who have reported a Staff Snapshot record for them to L2 this school year. Staff should review their data, enter their BEDS day Assignments (Teachers only), and enter a Race/Ethnicity for each LEA. Note: LEA administrators have the ability to enter the data for the Itinerant staff if needed. 9/17/2018

61 Out of Certification Reports

62 Out of Certification Reports
The BEDS Day Assignment data submitted by teachers and certified by Superintendents is compared to the data in the TEACH system (certifications). Out of Certification Reports are scheduled to come out in June 2018 and will be posted to the IRS Portal. If corrections are needed, the Superintendents will have to un-submit ePMF forms in the TAA before corrections can be made. After any corrections, the Superintendent will then recertify the ePMF forms in the TAA. 9/17/2018

63 17-18 Staff-Student-Course

64 Staff-Student-Course
Same as school year, only 3-8 ELA/Math and Math Regents courses are reported in the Staff-Student-Course Template and therefore, only Teachers of courses 3-8 ELA/Math and Math Regents will verify their rosters on the TAA. Only the Assessment Group files will be reported (Roster (6/30) records will not be reported in Staff-Student-Course). NOTE: All courses must also be reported in the Course Instructor Assignment template. 9/17/2018

65 SIRS Level 2 Report 9/17/2018

66 SIRS Reports SIRS staff reports are found in L2RPTS and refresh the day after you push data to L1. SIRS-318 Staff Assignment Verification Report Includes Non-Teaching Professionals. Principals will appear with a link to the staff/students/courses they are tied to for Growth Scores once those records are on Level 2. SIRS-320 Staff Snapshot Verification Report Includes all reported staff with their expanded fields. SIRS-322 Staff Tenure Verification Report Teachers and Principals only. Includes all reported Tenure records. Tenure records reported in previous school year for staff who are reported on this years Staff Snapshot will also appear. SIRS- 324 Staff Attendance Report Teachers only. Includes all reported Staff Attendance records. SIRS-325 Staff Evaluation Rating Verification Report All staff subject to APPR. This is covered in a different training. SIRS-330 Student Class/Course Instructor Summary Report This report combines the data in the Course Instructor Assignment and Student Class Entry Exit. Every class and every teacher should be reported and verified. 9/17/2018

67 Staff on NERIC DataFlow

68 Staff Exports on NERIC DataFlow
We anticipate writing staff data to Level 0 via DataFlow in the near future. Staff Snapshot Staff Assignment Staff Attendance On the NERIC DataFlow sign-up form, there is a place to indicate if your district would like to write staff data once it becomes available. Currently only nVision plans on making this possible, however other systems may allow this later. 9/17/2018

69 Staff Reporting Timeline and References

70 Current 2017-18 Staff Reporting Timeline
Current Staff Reporting Timeline. SED ePMF and SIRS Staff Collection Timeline for 9/17/2018

71 References NERIC DW site: NYSED Information and Reporting Services Teacher/Staff Data site with many very useful links: 17-18 eScholar Templates: Level 0 Validation Checks: SIRS Manual: Non-Teaching Professional PMF Information Form (under Forms): Self Register for a TEACH ID here: Level0 Access Form (under Forms): TAA System: 9/17/2018

72 9/17/2018

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