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Grade 4.

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1 Grade 4

2 election citizen vote ballot candidate campaign president
VOCABULARY WORDS election vote candidate president citizen ballot campaign

3 Election: The act of choosing something or someone from a group.

4 Candidate: A person that is trying to be elected.

5 Vote: An expression of choice in an election.

6 President: Someone elected to lead a country, group or company.

7 Citizen: A member of a country or state.

8 Ballot: A ticket or piece of paper used to vote in an election.

9 Campaign: A series of activities meant to produce a particular result.

10 Why are elections important?
Elections give a chance to the candidates to show their interest in the community, government or school. People vote during the elections.

11 Roles of the candidate Respecting the rights of others. Participate in activities that focus on classroom, school or community issues. Debates whether or not they agree with the others’ viewpoint

12 Campaign Candidates campaign so that the citizen will know and understand the ideas of the candidates.

13 Campaigns can also be done using:
Radio TV Magazine Newspapers Internet Billboards Flyers



16 Class President Qualifications
Fair, honest and responsible. Interested in dealing with class and student problems. Willing to represent the class in the Student Council.

17 Register to vote. (Voters’ registration card)
VOTING PROCESS Register to vote. (Voters’ registration card) Fill the ballot. (Ballot form)

Without the voters’ registration card, you CANNOT vote. All students must register to vote.

19 Ballot A ticket used to vote in an election. At the end of the voting,
the ballots are counted and the person with the highest number WINS.

20 Duties of the Class President.
Works with students to solve their problems. Inform the student council and administration on the class ideas. Responsible for class meetings and organize student activities and events. Raise funds for the class to use for activities e.g. PROM

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