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It’s your retirement – we’ll help you get there.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s your retirement – we’ll help you get there."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s your retirement – we’ll help you get there.
Let’s connect.

2 Set up your account 1 Visit: 2
Provide: Name | Birth date | ZIP code | ID number 3 Create your username and password Let’s set up your account. Depending on which device you have, what you’ll see on screen may look a little different. Let me know if you can’t find something.

3 Set three online security questions and answers
Keeping your information safe Enable two-factor authentication with your mobile number Add your address Set three online security questions and answers We protect your information in a number of different ways because your online security is important to us. That’s why we’ll ask you to do a few things the first time you log in to your account. Add address Enable two-factor authentication using or mobile number to get a one-time verification code (Mobile number is safest option, highly recommended) Select how often you want to use the verification code – every time you log in or just when we suspect it might not really be you (don’t recognize the device) Enter verification code to access your account Set three online security questions and answers should you ever forget your username or password. You’ll then be directed to your account information [Note to speaker: This slide will change by Aug. 10 for rollout of MFA]

4 See your account anytime, anywhere
With your account set up, you’ll want to be able to access it on the go. View your retirement account anytime, anywhere with the free, secure Principal app, or at For illustrative purposes only.

5 We want to make sure you have the right info … you can do that here
My Profile We want to make sure you have the right info … you can do that here Be sure to let us know how and where to best reach you. How many of you have an address or mobile phone number listed here? Is it still accurate? Now’s a great time to take a second to add a number or address if you don’t have one, or update them so we have the right information.

6 Get started Navigate Seek out Learn
Now that you’re all set up, you can put down your devices and I’ll show you some resources you can use …. No matter where your journey takes you, we’ll connect you to the information you need at the right time. We’ll show you where you’re headed and how to make progress to get there.

7 See the big picture Let’s take a look at all of your account information in one place.

8 For illustrative purposes only.
In your account overview, you can make changes and check in on your progress. And don’t worry, if you forget how to make changes to your account or if you aren’t sure what something means, there’s an easy way to find out. Just click on the “info” icons (the gray circles with an “I“) for an explanation. So, how do you know if you’re saving enough? For illustrative purposes only.

9 Are you on track? Find out with one quick number – your Retirement Wellness Score. Red, yellow or green quickly shows if you’re on track for the life you want in retirement. No matter what you’re able to set aside, start by doing something. Even a small amount can make a big impact over time. [Note to speaker: Skip the unlock, if they already have a score.] If your score is locked, you can unlock your score by adding salary and paycheck frequency. Now let’s dive a little deeper and visit the Retirement Wellness Planner, which is in the top menu under Retirement Planning.

10 For illustrative purposes only.
Are you on track? You can use the Retirement Wellness Planner to make changes like adjusting your contribution amount or annual pay. You can also input some more information to get a more holistic picture of your retirement readiness. For illustrative purposes only.

11 For illustrative purposes only.
Planning & account inputs See the potential impacts in real time. You can use the slider to change your contribution percent to see how small increases can make a difference. For illustrative purposes only.

12 For illustrative purposes only.
External accounts Go deeper by adding in other retirement accounts outside from Principal. [Note to speaker: Give examples of other retirement savings] For illustrative purposes only.

13 For illustrative purposes only.
If you have an account that’s outside of Principal, you can link it directly or manually enter an approximate amount. We recommend adding any outside retirement accounts so you can see a more complete financial picture. For illustrative purposes only.

14 For illustrative purposes only.
It’s a quick, 3-step process to link an outside account: Select the financial institution – or start typing it in Enter your username and password for that site (Don’t worry, that information will only be used to pull in the account balance and will not be available to your plan sponsor) Review the list and if you have no more to add, you can click “All Done” For illustrative purposes only.

15 For illustrative purposes only.
Principal accounts [Note to Speaker: Remove this slide if participants don’t have other accounts at Principal] And if your plan includes other accounts at Principal, your [KSOP/ESOP/Pension/NonQal] will show up here. For illustrative purposes only.

16 For illustrative purposes only.
Household inputs Or add your retirement age or your spouse’s age and contributions to get a more complete picture of your retirement savings. By knowing where you stand today, you can have the confidence to take the next step on your retirement journey. Be sure to check back regularly and use the planner to make adjustments for things like a raise, increasing your contributions or changing your target retirement date. For illustrative purposes only.

17 If you haven’t already or haven’t recently, now’s a good time to take a closer look at how your funds are invested. For many people, this is the point where they tune out. So, we’ve made some updates to make it easier for you to figure out your investment options and make changes if you want. There’s also a quick way to access investment information if you need information. Ask yourself how comfortable am I with risk? If you’re unsure how you feel about risk, you can take our short quiz. [Note to speaker: Point out the short cut on the right-hand side] Or if you’d like a little help going through it later, let me know and we can set up a 1-on-1 education meeting.  

18 Take our investor profile quiz
The answers to this quiz will help you make more well-informed choices about where to put your money. Just remember you can make changes to your investment selection. In fact, you should revisit this often, especially when your life changes like getting married or expanding your family.

19 Personalize planning When life does change, we have some really great resources that can help you make more informed decisions and better manage your account.

20 Make sense of rollovers
Learn about savings Make sense of rollovers Investment choices Set up beneficiaries Learn about loans Review your goals My Virtual Coach can help break down or simplify complex decisions. It’s a fun, interactive conversation that takes a look at your life right now, and what’s ahead, to help you consider any adjustments you may need to make to your savings. Then it offers some simple steps to help you get there. Take a few minutes to give your retirement savings a checkup, find out how much to save or review your investment choices and more with My Virtual Coach at

21 Focus on what matters When you want to go deeper on a topic that matters, check out our monthly webinar series.

These short videos focus on timely topics that fit with your life like budgeting, Social Security, tax strategies, retirement planning or estate planning. Register for an upcoming webinar or watch a replay anytime at Register for a webinar

23 Get connected 800.547.7754
Let’s connect. We’re here to listen and give you answers you need when you need them.  Our call center team has an average tenure of 8 years. And we’re right here in the middle of the country in Des Moines, Iowa.   Contact us by phone to speak with someone between 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. Central time (Monday-Friday), online to check your account or find tools and resources, or you can subscribe to our Youtube channel, or follow us on facebook or twitter.

24 Important Information
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. This communication is intended to be educational in nature and is not intended to be taken as a recommendation. The Retirement Wellness Planner information and Retirement Wellness Score are limited only to the inputs and other financial assumptions and is not intended to be a financial plan or investment advice from any company of the Principal Financial Group® or plan sponsor. This calculator only provides education which may be helpful in making personal financial decisions. Responsibility for those decisions is assumed by the participant, not the plan sponsor and not by any member of Principal®. Individual results will vary. Participants should regularly review their savings progress and post-retirement needs. Insurance products and plan administrative services provided through Principal Life Insurance Co., a member of the Principal Financial Group®, Des Moines, IA Principal, Principal and symbol design and Principal Financial Group are trademarks and service marks of Principal Financial Services, Inc., a member of the Principal Financial Group. PT583AA-1 | © 2017 Principal Financial Services, Inc. | t gi | 07/2017

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