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Introduction to ArcGIS

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1 Introduction to ArcGIS
CORSE 2007 Introduction to ArcGIS Advanced Track Lesson 1 9/17/2018

2 What’s Happening… Going to go over the differences between ArcView 3.x and ArcGIS Introduce a new data container called a GeoDatabase Then you are going to… Download an ESRI on-line course Download the data for that course Do two of the exercises in that course

3 Objectives of Ex 1 Familiarize you with the ESRI on-line courses
Familiarize you with the differences between ArcView 3.x and ArcGIS

4 The Challenge You know how to use ArcView 3x
The world is going to ArcGIS, now in version 9.2 ArcGIS can do everything ArcView 3x could do … And MUCH MORE! The price you pay is complexity Which is not necessarily good from your point of view

5 Two basic things… There is no such thing as an Active Theme!
All layers are active unless turned off When in doubt, Right Click!

6 Terminology is Different
ArcView 3.x ArcGIS Documents Project (.apr) Map Document (.mxd) View Data frame Layout Data Theme Layer* Grid Raster Image Projection Coordinate System

7 Terminology is Different
ArcView 3.x ArcGIS Functions Query Builder Select by Attribute Select by Theme Select by Location Table Link Table relate *Layer Has two meanings (1) Like a theme, (2) Also means a Symbology file like a .avl but has extension .lyr and has no data!

8 In ArcView… You could… Add themes to the view
Change symbology of themes Re-order the themes in the Table of Contents Carry out many operations on the themes Select by attribute or location Overlay themes to make new themes Etc. Make maps from themes

9 And in ArcGIS… You can do the same things in ArcMap!
Let’s compare the old ArcView user interface with the new ArcMap user interface But first ArcMap comes in three license levels ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo More Power – more $

10 Table of Contents (TOC)
AV3x User Interface Button Bar Menu Bar Tool Bar Theme View Window Shape-file Table of Contents (TOC) ProjectWindow

11 ArcGIS in General… Can do the same kinds of things as ArcView
The interface is different and the terms used are different Two things to remember No such thing as the “Active Theme” When in doubt, Right click

12 X And in ArcGIS9x Menu Bar Button Bar Data frame
Tool bars; can be moved around Data View Shape-file Table of Contents (TOC)

13 Many Tool Bars; And toolboxes Data or Map mode Toolbars and RT CLICK
Extensions Many Tool Bars; RT CLICK CLICK And toolboxes This is a complex slide. The most important part is the connection between the list of extensions and tool bar names and the actual tool bars. This is sometimes because you will find ArcGIS opens without one of the standard tool bars and you have no idea what it is called! This provides a key. Data or Map mode

14 Basic Tools etc. Open Toolbox Add data Open Catalog Zoom in Find Info
Arc Length Remember the tool tip lower left Add data Zoom in Zoom out Zoom to full Extent Pan Select Feature

15 Layout view The Layout view is where you make maps
It is very easy to go back and forth between the Data and Layout views

16 Data Management When you moved data in ArcView3x you had to be sure that you got all the shapefile files Pain! So ESRI provided a second software called ArcCatalog In ArcCatalog you can copy and paste data without having to worry about missing some of the files

17 In ArcCatalog you can…. Manage data Preview data View Metadata
Geography Attribute table View Metadata When you find the data you want you can just drag it into ArcGIS!!!

18 ArcCatalog

19 Loading data Data can be And can be either stand-alone data …
Shapefiles – even ArcView 3 shapes Various kind of images Rasters Coverage (older file type) And can be either stand-alone data … Or be in a new container called a GeoDatabase (GDB)

20 GDB GDB Feature data set (FDS) Feature Class (FC) ShapeFile in a GDB

21 ESRI ArcGIS File Symbols
GDB Feature Data Set Point Line Poly Raster Relate Datafile Text file Shape files Point Line Poly Raster Coverages Arc .mxd =.avl

22 GDB GDBs are not hard to use They are hard to build
You can drag them around in Windows Explore with impunity More and more data is delivered in GDB Consider GDBs and FDSs to be folders

23 Views of data in Catalog
The Contents View Name Type Symbol

24 Views of data in Catalog
Preview of Geometry

25 Views of data in Catalog
Preview of Attribute table

26 Views of data in Catalog
Metadata Description Spatial data Projection Datum Linear unit Attributes

27 The Right Click Trick click

28 The Right Click Trick click

29 The Right Click Trick click click click click

30 Other Advantages of ArcGIS
Project on the fly That means you don’t have to mess with projections and datums! But only works if there is a .prj file Automatic ordering of data in the TOC Points at top, lines in middle, polys at bottom Right Clicking! Properties

31 Booby Traps Never, Ever have a space anywhere in a path to ArcGIS data or project!!!! Use “_” as a spacer not “-” X C:\My Documents\Good-Stuff\.... OK C:\My_Documents\Good_Stuff\....

32 Exercise 1 Your have 2 documents Demo of Print out of the course
A document describing how to download and store data Demo of accessing ESRI’s virtual campus Downloading a course Downloading the data for a course Doing two exercises #2 and #3

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