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Timing Attacks
What are Timing Attacks ?
The term “Timing Attack” was first introduced at CRYPTO'96 in Paul Kocher's paper Few other theoretical approaches without practical experiments up to the end of 97’ Theory was put into practice in early 98’ Timing attacks belong to the large family of "side channel" attacks
What are Timing Attacks ?
Principle of Timing Attacks : Secret data are processed in the card Processing time depends on the value of the secret data leaks information about the secret data can be measured (or at least their differences) Practical attack conditions Possibility to monitor the processing of the secret data Have a way to record processing times Have basic computational & statistical tools Have some knowledge of the implementation
What are Timing Attacks ?
Everything performed unconditionally before the test A test based on secret data is performed that leads to a boolean decision True False Depending on the boolean condition, the process may be long (t1) or short (t2) Everything performed unconditionally after the test
Case Study Attack on a PIN Code Verification
PIN Code Verification Secret data are stored in the smart card
Example : a PIN code, 8 bytes long Like passwords on a PC, authentication is based on this secret A dedicated function exists in the smart card software : The ‘VerifySecret’ command which: Receives the challenge (proposed value for the PIN code) Compares the challenge with the stored PIN Grants access rights if the comparison is successful
PIN Code Verification LEVEL 1
Pseudo-code for the "VerifySecret" command IN P = PIN code value stored in the card C = Challenge (proposed value for the PIN) OUT ‘KO’ or ‘OK’ VERIFY SECRET For b = 0 to 7 If C[b] != P[b] then return ‘KO’ Return 'OK’
PIN Code Verification LEVEL 1
Attack implementation Propose the n possible values of C[0] (256 values) Measure [n] the corresponding command duration Compute the maximum command duration [n0] [n0] = max([n]), n Î {0, …, 255} n0 is the solution P[0] for the first byte of the PIN code C[0] being known, iterate successively for all C[i] Complexity Number of comparisons: 8 * 256 = (instead of 2568)
PIN Code Verification LEVEL 2
Possible counter-measure To defeat this attack one may think of adding a random delay during the execution: Generate a random delay a uniformly distributed a Î{0, , 2, 3, …, r} with 0 r 255 is an elementary time unit Wait a time units whatever the command status 'KO' or 'OK' Follow the same implementation as the previous one
PIN Code Verification LEVEL 2
True False
PIN Code Verification LEVEL 2
Attack idea It is possible to know what would be the duration for processing a challenge as if there were no delay if (C[0]=P[0]) ; return KO Wrong candidates t1 + … … 2 3 4 … 255 time if (C[0]=P[0]) ; if (C[1]=P[1]) ; ... Right candidate t2 + … … 2 3 4 … 255 time
PIN Code Verification LEVEL 2
Random delay elimination For each n (n is the candidate C[0] for the first PIN code byte) Acquire a series of N command execution durations i[n] The minimum duration corresponds to a a = 0 random delay (with high probability, if N is chosen large enough) Consider the corresponding min[n] run time value Attack implementation Get rid of the random delay for each candidate (min [n]) Apply the previous attack scheme Complexity Number of comparisons: 8*256*N (still much more efficient than 2568)
PIN Code Verification LEVEL n
More complicated counter-measures may be thought of... Add a binomial (rather than uniform) random delay … …but they also may be defeated by more clever attacks !!
PIN Code Verification CONCLUSION
A typical example of insecure smart card software Can happen in any routine processing secret data Secret values comparison Memory scanning and loading Checksum computation Counter-measures evaluation Adding a delay is definitely not the good alternative Good counter-measure Check all bytes at all times decrease/increase ratification counter with backup Dynamic enciphered PIN
Power Analysis Attacks
Summary Introduction to Power Analysis
Experimental equipment Information leakage through the power Example : reverse engineering of an algorithm The algorithm structure Electrical signatures Single Power Analysis (SPA) Attack against the DES key schedule Attack against RSA Conclusion Counter-measures
Power Analysis Basic Principles
ICC's Power Consumption leaks information about data processing Power Consumption = f(processing, data) Deduce information about secret data and processing empirical methods statistical treatment Example : reverse engineering of an algorithm The algorithm structure Electrical signatures Single Power Analysis (SPA) Attack against the DES key schedule Attack against RSA
Power Analysis Tools 5V
Experimental equipment
Devices for monitoring the current consumption of a chip
Information leakage The power consumption of a chip depends on
the manipulated data the executed instruction Leakage models Hamming Weight of the data, address, code Op HW(0) = 0 HW(1) = HW(2) = HW(4) = HW(2n) = 1 HW(3) = HW(5) = HW(6) = HW(9) = 2 … HW(255) = HW(0xFF) = 8 Transitions weight (flipping bits on a bus state) : HW (statei Å statei-1) Other models, chips & technologies …
Load P1 and XOR with P2 = 0 (P1 Å P2 with P1 = 0, 1, 7, 255)
Information leakage Load P1 and XOR with P2 = 0 (P1 Å P2 with P1 = 0, 1, 7, 255) P1 = 0 = 0x00 P1 = 1 = 0x01 P1 = 7 = 0x07 P1 = 255 = 0xFF Signatures 1 cycle 1 cycle 1 cycle 1 cycle 1 cycle 1 cycle Load P1 into accumulator (3 cycles) P1 Å P2 (3 cycles)
Information leakage HW (P1 Å 184), for P1 = 0, 255 Hamming weight
Consumption (instant slice on 256 traces)
Power trace of an algorithm
KEY (64 bits) PC1 PERMUTATION REDUCED KEY (56 bits) PLAIN TEXT R0 R1 = L0 f (R0 , K1) f CIPHER TEXT INITIAL PERMUTATION (IP) L0 L1 = R0 L2 = R1 R2 = L1 f (R1 , K2) R15 = L14 f (R14 , K15) L15 = R14 L16 = R15 R16 = L15 f (R15 , K16) IP-1 K1 KeySchedule1 K16 Key Schedule16 K2 KeySchedule2 Data Encryption Standard Typical SK block cipher key schedule Feistel scheme 16 rounds
Power trace of an algorithm
Content of a DES round (with key schedule) Li-1 Expansive Permutation Key Ri-1 Substitution Boxes (8 LUT) P Permutation Ri Li PC2 Permutation Key Shift 32 bits 56 bits 48 bits 28 bits
Power trace of an algorithm : DES
MAX AVERAGE MIN Duration = 5 ms IP PC1 16 rounds 16 patterns IP-1
Power Analysis Profiles
Raw data Power Time
Power Analysis Profiles
Raw data, zoomed in Power Time 1ms Time
Power Analysis Profiles
Raw data, zoomed out Power Time 1ms
Simple Power Analysis Simple (Single) Power Analysis context
Find out a secret or private key Known algorithm Unknown implementation (background culture recommended) Conditions 1 card available Learning phase required (signature location) Key inference on a single curve (with relevant height of view) Possibly known plain or ciphertext
Case Study SPA attack on RSA
SPA against RSA private exponentiation s = md mod n n large modulus, say 1024 bits (n = p * q, with p & q large primes) m message : slightly smaller than n (say 1023 bits) s signature d private exponent such that : e * d 1 mod (p-1)(q-1), with e public exponent The attacker aims at retrieving d
SPA attack on RSA basic “square and multiply” algorithm
exponent bits scanned from MSB to LSB (left to right) Example : s = m9 = m1001b init (MSB 1) s = m round 2 (bit 0) s = m2 round 1 (bit 0) s = (m2 )2 = m4 round 0 (bit 1) s = (m4 )2 * m = m9
SPA attack on RSA Test key value : 0F 00 F0 00 FF 00 1 1 1 1 0F F0 FF
SPA attack on RSA Key value : 2E C6 91 5B F9 4A 2 0010 E 1 1 10 C
C 1 100 6 9 100 1 1 000 1 5 B F 9 100 1 4 0 100 A 10 10 Key value : 2E C6 91 5B F9 4A
What you can do with SPA SPA uses implementation related patterns
SPA strategy algorithm knowledge reverse engineering phase (signature location) representation tuning (height of view, zoom, visualisation) then play with implementation assumptions... SPA is always specific due to the algorithm implementation the applicative constraints the chip’s technology (electrical properties) possible counter-measures...
Counter-measures Counter-measure : anything that foils the attack !
Trivial counter-measure prohibit code branches conditioned by the secret bits Advanced counter-measures algorithm specification refinement code structure data whitening implementation design based on the chip’s resources play with instructions set hardware electrical behaviour (current scrambler, desynchronisation, cryptoprocessor…)
Effects of Counter-measures
d = d = FF 0A FF d = Non significant bits processing d = d = d = FF 0A FF Non significant bits processing S S M M One bit processing Relevant information SPA possible SPA resistant ! Although same specified RSA !
Differential Power Analysis
required number of acquisitions : 500 to 10,000 prerequisite physical access to the card under attack access to either plaintext M or ciphertext C varying plaintext and constant key algorithm specifications (MANDATORY) cost A few dollars (to a few thousands) A few days training Average good level of expertise Chip and implementation independent
Differential Power Analysis
description : choose a subset (subKi) of n bits of K perform a statistical test for each possible value of a subKi Choose the best guess Iterate on all possible subKi's 1 n K subKi 2n-1 1 2
Differential Power Analysis
DPA statistical test : a batch of data acquisitions for various messages Mk the corresponding plaintext Mk or the cipher text Ck the values of the subKi 1 k dfdsffb fdgcxv lklkjlsdq M0 M1 Mk 2n-1 1 2
Differential Power Analysis
DPA statistical test : selection function D : sort curves according to Mk or Ck for each value of a subKi output = image of a target bit of the algorithm
Differential Power Analysis
data processing for a value x of a subKi : x D - n 1 lklkjlsdq fdgcxv Mn dfdsffb M1 M0 Average
Differential Power Analysis
Choosing the right guess 1 2n-1
Differential Power Analysis
iterate on all possible sub-keys : find the remaining bits through exhaustive search 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n K subK1 subK2 subK3 subK4 K
Differential Power Analysis
How does it work ? D = 1 D = 1 Average for subKeyi D = 0 D = 0 Average for subKeyi DPA peak Difference for subKeyi
Differential Power Analysis
example : DES first round S-BOX ouput subKi : 6bits of the key
Differential Power Analysis
wrong subKi right subKi
Countermeasures Secret keys Messages Private exponents Bases Moduli
Add noise Scramble power consumption or stabilize it Randomize all sensitive data variables with a fresh mask for every execution of an algorithm Randomize, randomize, randomize … Secret keys Messages Private exponents Bases Moduli
Case study on a Combi Card
Suppose all power consumption curves are flat and identical despite different secret RSA exponents (hardware countermeasure).
Electromagnetic Analysis on RSA
Tests require a de-capsulation of chip with semi invasive method. A scanning of surface is needed to find the « good » area where electromagnetic analysis is possible. The chip is powered by contact reader
RSA Signature Algorithm Power and Electromagnetic
First semi exponentiation (Sq) Second semi exponentiation (Sp) Power combination Em
Electromagnetic Analysis Zoom in
One byte processed Power One bit processed Sq Mult 1 1 d= Em1 Em2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Radio Frequency Analysis (Contactless Cards)
Tests are non-invasive. A simple magnetic loop made with copper wire is needed. An image of the magnetic field, modified by the card’s consumption, is collected. The chip is powered by a contactless reader.
Equipment (1/2)
Equipment (2/2)
RSA Signature Algorithm Radio Frequency Analysis
First semi exponentiation Second semi exponentiation combination
Zoom on first semi exponentiation RF
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 7 3 6 dq= …
Conclusion There are many potential ways to try to attack a smart card
But there are also many ways to counteract and efficiently protect your secrets Smart Cards achieve the best possible trade-off between cost and security We try to keep it that way
(Differential) Fault Attacks
Introduction Fault Attacks where first published as a way of jeopardising computations of cryptographic algorithms (RSA, DSA, DES). However, you can imagine to implement fault attacks on other processes inside a microprocessor. Fault attacks are real industrial security concern: To pass some certification, like FIPS140-1 level 3 (US government security certification), you should prove that your system resists to fault attacks.
Different types of faults
Transients Faults. Appear randomly in a system, have various unpredictable causes. Latent or Internal Faults. Are the result of hardware or low level software default (floating point unit on Pentium chips,...). Rarely controllable Induced Faults. Appear after intentional stress (E2) or hardware "mutilation”, can be transient or permanent. Sometimes controllable with knowledge of the physical/chemical/electrical behaviour of the chip.
The DFA crisis: 1996 September 96 October 96 November 96
Attack on RSA CRT by Bellcore (EuroCrypt’97) Attack improvements by Lenstra October 96 18: DFA on DES by Biham et Shamir 29: Attack on RSA and ElGamal 30: DFA on unknown cryptosystems by Biham & Shamir. «Differential Fault Analysis of Secret Key Cryptosystems» (Crypto’97) November 96 Attack of CRT on LUC and Demytko by Marc Joye and JJ Quisquater
From theory to practice
We will detail major DFA ideas with associated counter-measures concerning: RSA DES Card processes Note that some of these attacks does not seem really practical. Some others are quite realistic if the hardware can be tampered with...
Attack on standard signature
Hypothesis: the message m and its signature s= md are known a fault is injected on one bit i of d this results in a wrong signature s’=md’ Then : s’/s = md’-d=m2i mod n if bit i was 0 or s’/s = md’-d=m-2i mod n if bit i was 1 One bit in random position of the secret exponent is discovered every round.
Attack on standard signature
Faults can be induced on more than one bit, making analysis slightly more difficult. This attack is compatible with transient or permanent faults.
Recall on CRT The Chinese Remainder Theorem is used in RSA in order to speed up exponentiation by a factor of 4. Exponentiation is performed in three steps sp = md mod p is computed (in fact, dp is used) sq = md mod q is computed (in fact, dq is used) the signature is recombined with CRT as s = a.sp + b.sq mod n, The constants a and b are precomputed such that a = 1 mod p, b = 0 mod p, a = 0 mod q, b = 1 mod q.
Attack on CRT exponentiation
This attack was first published by Lenstra. Hypothesis: s, signature of a message m is known. a fault is injected in the exponentiation mod p. Due to error injection, sp becomes sp’ s’ = a.sp’ + b.sq mod n, s’-s= (a.sp’+ b.sq) - (a.sp+ b.sq) mod n s’-s= a.(sp’- sp) mod n the prime q divides a and can be retrieved by Gcd.
Counter-measures on RSA
Applicative counter-measures Use a random padding with sufficient variability Compute the result twice and compare Verify that se = m mod n when e is known e is usually a small number, verification is very fast Algorithmic counter-measures Gemplus counter-measure on RSA-CRT (patented) intends to protect both half-exponentiations by: choosing a small random number r computing spr = md mod pr et sr = md mod r checking whether spr mod r = sr
DES and fault attack This attack was first published by Biham & Shamir. The idea is to: Stress the card in order to erase key bits in E² Record all the wrong ciphertexts Compute backwards the initial key This attack remains theoretical and is based on permanent faults. However, this attack can be applied to any cryptographic algorithm.
DES and fault attack There are no published counter-measures against this attack. The classical ways of dealing with fault attacks on secret keys algorithms are: Self-tests against permanent faults Check-sums where available Just Do It Twice
Card processes and fault attacks
Fault attacks can be extended to non mathematical processes. Need some knowledge about the code embedded to synchronise stresses and computations To localise the sensible place where the fault should happen To know the probable effect of the fault These attacks are mainly fought by hardware counter-measures.
Hardware aspects of fault attacks
Flaw injection in this case is a hardly controllable and reproducible process. Implementation is not that easy: Stress on memories, during read/writing/retention By means of variations on power supply, frequency Through various types of radiation Modifications on hardware mechanism Using probing or FIB Buses Random generators Crypto-coprocessors Hardware DES
Fault attacks and smart cards
Need expertise in measurements and hardware to implement efficient fault attacks. Smart cards give many tools to defeat fault attacks: Tamper-evidence Security sensors, security mechanisms Software counter-measures On algorithms, on secret storage GEMPLUS is actually researching on that topic, covering attack implementation and counter-measures.
Hardware Security
Attacks on Smart Cards Wide range of techniques, requiring various skills, equipment and time: Invasive Attacks Side Channel Attacks Fault Generation INVASIVE ATTACK: when the card or the chip are physically and irreversibly modified the attack can be consider as an invasive attack. Find useful additional information Find secret etched in silicon Bypass hardware counter-measure 7
Side Channel Attacks Monitor analog signals on all interfaces, and analyze: Time Power Electromagnetic signals ... 7
Fault Generation Apply combinations of environmental conditions
input key error Vcc Clock Temperature UV Light X-Rays ... and bypass or infer secrets 7
Smart card attacks : state of the art
Smart card attack : Physical Security
Invasive Attacks Deposit probe pads on a bus
Deposit probe pads through conductive grid Expose hardwired ROM links Defeat blown fuse links Connect tracks Cut tracks 7
Mechanical Probing Probe the bus with needles and probe station with micro-manipulators After FIB modification: pads added to probe buried buses Probe the bus directly (for >0.5µm technologies) Si DATA BUS
E-beam Probing Use e-beam tester to access submicron technologies
Analysis of the secondary electrons gives the voltage value Top metal layers can be probe with or without adding probe pad with FIB SI DATA BUS e-beam e - detector
Reverse ROM content Reverse the content of the ROM
Remove the top layers of the component by chemical etching or mechanical polishing Use a microscope to retrieve the content of the ROM Can always be done for ROM metal, implant or diffusion The difficulty is: reverse the scrambling and decipher the ROM array
ROM Diffusion Connections à la masse Acces ligne (polysililicium)
Acces colonne (metal)
Attack on ROM : Diffusion MOS NOR ROM
Remove the top layers Read the content of the array WL
ROM IMPLANT Ionic implantation ROM at low level
Implantation ROM after staining
Example 2: Metal ROM Unused area filled with ‘0’
Chip feature modifications
Shunt parts of the circuit Disconnect sensors Fault attacks, Contrast Voltage... Disconnect the RNG modify the output of the RNG (stuck at the same value) Reconstruct polysilicon fuse Make probing possible to tape data on the bus Bypass active shield Add probe pads Drill holes to probe buried metal lines
Circuit modification Metal strap Cut
Connect or disconnect security mechanism disconnect sensors RNG stuck at a fixed value Reconstruct poly-silicon fuse Add probe pads make micro-probing of the buried layers possible Equipment Laser FIB Metal strap Cut 7
Chip modification tools
Laser Local material removal, cut lines only top layers bad resolution (2x2µm min) Availability: FA labs, university FIB (Focus Ion Beam) remove or cut metal lines good resolution & accuracy (10nm) metal deposition (strap lines, add pads) can reach buried layers
INSECURE Layout analysis EEPROM CPU Shield Glue logic No Buses visible
RAM INSECURE Shield Glue logic No Buses visible Blocks can be easily identified No shield No glue logic Buses clearly visible
After metal removing
(0,18 µm)
Hardware security feature evolution
Temperature, Glitch sensors Active shield 0.35 µm technology 5 metal layers Glue logic Internal free oscillator CPU Freq = 16 MHz 16-bit CPU Dummy cycles Encryption of Memories Sensor improvement 0.18 µm technology 5 metal layers Internal free oscillator CPU Freq = 66 MHz 32-bit CPU Complemented logic Dynamic encryption Frequency,Voltage Integrity sensor 1 µm technology Passive shield 2 metal layers CPU Freq = 5 MHz 8 bit CPU Fast Erase of memory UV,Light sensors 0.6 µm technology 3 metal layers CPU Freq = 10 MHz ROM encryption 1996 2002 1998 2000
Chip Security Features
The following items are carefully analyzed : Security Sensors Clock Reset Design & Layout ROM, RAM, EEPROM CPU Buses RNG Memory Management Unit Crypto Coprocessor ... 7
Security Sensors protect against …
Voltage: fault attacks Frequency: fault attack, contrast voltage Temperature: fault attack UV: fault attack Light: fault attack, invasive attack Physical Integrity Sensors: invasive attack 24
Clock Internal Clock based on free running oscillator
PLL/Multiplier/Divider Use external clock for I/O and Timer only Interesting against Side-Channel and Fault attacks 24
Design & Layout Planarization is recommended
The smaller the techno, the better (0.18 µm) The more metal layers, the better (5) No accessible test pads Sensitive parts should be in low and separate levels Bloc connections should not be obvious (local buses) Glue logic should be used 24
RAM Dynamic Ciphering: Side-Channel attacks
@ and Data dynamic scrambling: Invasive and Fault attacks Fast Erase: Fault attacks 24
Non Volatile Memory (EEprom, Flash)
Ciphering @ and Data scrambling Automatic verify Checksum Error Correction Code Independent charge pump 24
Buses Ciphering: Side-channel and Invasive attacks
Scrambling: Invasive and Fault attacks Should be in low and separate levels: Invasive attacks 24
RNG RNG: is the basis of many HW and SW security measures
Should be carefully checked with several external conditions (Vcc, Temp, etc...) User application code should handle the RNG correctly (enough delay, refresh) 24
CONCLUSION Current platforms require additional SW Security Measures
HW Security Measures or Designs are to be the right mid-term solutions, for performance reasons: e.g. SW DES = 30 ms, HW DES within few µs Chips provide different solutions and security levels 24
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