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Department Agrometeorology

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1 Department Agrometeorology
Use of weather data at farm level Deutscher Wetterdienst Wolfgang Janssen Kaiserleistr. 29 D Offenbach Tel.: Fax: mail: Agrometeorology Nov 2004

2 find content of advisory
Department Agrometeorology find content of advisory typical weather conditions is often changing small time windows for working steps precipitation all over the year farmers benefit take crop with high profit and small risk only working when necessary find optimal time for working climate saisonal next days saisonal measured data forecast data Agrometeorology Nov 2004

3 focus of agrometeorological advices
Department Agrometeorology focus of agrometeorological advices most common crops like cereals, grassland, grain, sugar beet, potatoes, some fruits and vegetables give planning help for the next days (fertilizing, sowing, spraying, irrigation, harvesting) describe dependences from weather on crops in physical models Agrometeorology Nov 2004

4 Department Agrometeorology Branch offices and their responsibilities
central office in Offenbach internal data supply overregional data and product supply internet central research station in Braunschweig validation of advisory programs developing new advisory programs program tools for decentral advisory decentral advisory locations steering program tools for advisory generating regional forecasts und products provide regional products Agrometeorology Nov 2004

5 Working steps central decentral Department Agrometeorology
generate from data of synoptic weather stations and forecasts a complete hourly data set for: temperature, dew point, wind velocity, global radiation, precipitation, cloud cover complete time series from 1961 to +168 hours forecast central collecting all data quality check complete data set transfer data running some models generate some products provide products decentral store data set running selected models text advices and forecasts generate products provide products informations ftp internet telefax products products products provider informations informations Customer farmers government universities companies newspapers magazines plant protection service Agrometeorology Nov 2004

6 Department Agrometeorology
Products Telephone announcement service common weather forecasts (2 nd - 7 nd day) agrometeorological advices 28 regions strengths: accessible for all cheap weaknesses: only text small regionalisation limited information Agrometeorology Nov 2004

7 Department Agrometeorology
weather fax (also fax for vine, angler) common weather forecast (2 nd - 7 nd day) table with characteristic weather and agrometeorological values for every day special agrometeorological advices 74 regions strengths: cooperation with farmers association a lot of seasonal information high regionalisation paper form weaknesses: need falefax abo for one year Agrometeorology Nov 2004

8 Department Agrometeorology
Internet information for agriculture free of charge: warnings reports maps, charts and data on payment: forecast advisory tool phenological situation online irrigation tool our research activities agrometeorological models agroclimatology strengths: high actualisation rate high regionalisation can use graphics, tables, text, colours more detailed information low costs weakness: customers need computer need more resources and knowhow Agrometeorology Nov 2004

9 Example for agrometeorological information without charge
Department Agrometeorology Example for agrometeorological information without charge soil moisture Agrometeorology Nov 2004

10 Department Agrometeorology Examples for products on payment
Registration customer can select one or more stations out of map, put his personal information in a formular, print and send it to us via mail or telefax he gets username and password Agrometeorology Nov 2004

11 Department Agrometeorology advisory forecast tool „agrowetterPrognose“
Agrometeorology Nov 2004

12 Department Agrometeorology online irrigation service
30 different vegetables and fruits define condition on field online computations settings are stored Agrometeorology Nov 2004

13 Department Agrometeorology
plant useable water Irrigation recommandation infiltration real evapotranspiration irrigated water precipitation water-balance during vegetation period Agrometeorology Nov 2004

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