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Thinking About the Future

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1 Thinking About the Future
Your American Dream English 10 Introduction Assignment

2 Broad ideas about the future…
Part One Broad ideas about the future…

3 Pencil and Paper, Please
This is an idea collection exercise. Please take out a pen or a pencil and the worksheet I provided. Place your name, the date, and your block at the top of your paper. For this exercise to work, we must allow colleagues (friends at work/in class) to be able to focus: no talking! You may write ideas in words or sentences and phrases…whatever is most comfortable.

4 FIVE YEARS INTO MY FUTURE (Remember, you’ll only be 20-22 years old)
Broadly identify where you see yourself in 2020… Where do you hope or dream to be?

5 When advised to do so: Chat with your neighbors for a moment about your list What words might you consider changing? Why? Did you delete or cross anything out? Why?

6 Preparation… No. 1 Where do you see yourself in five years? Name and describe a specific place.

7 No. 2 What are you doing with your life in five years? How do you see yourself spending your 9 – 5 time?

8 No. 3 What is the biggest physical change in you from your high school self? In other words, at your high school reunion, what will people notice about you?

9 No. 4 What is your general attitude toward life? Are you happy? Depressed? Confused? Dissatisfied? Why?

10 Finally… No. 5 What do you miss most about your high school self and/or your high school life?

11 The Point/The “So What”…

12 “Ex-Basketball Player” by John Updike

13 1. What are your first impressions of Flick Webb. 2
1. What are your first impressions of Flick Webb? 2. Who was he in high school? 3. Who is he now? 4. What is the setting of the poem? 5. How does the poet describe Webb? 6. What is Webb’s attitude? How do you know?

14 “Sincerely” by Naomi Shihab Nye

15 1. Who might be the narrator in the poem
1. Who might be the narrator in the poem? Who might be the “you” she refers to in section 3? 2. What imagery stands out to you in section 3? How does it contribute to the poem’s mood or tone? 3. How does the poet suggest it feels to leave your comfort zone? What factors determine how it feels?

16 Your Turn! Now that we have read and discussed “The Ex-Basketball Player” and “Sincerely”, what additional details could you add to your brainstorming? Please look over the “Letter to Myself” assignment instructions for your next step!

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