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Life is tough, but so are you.

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Presentation on theme: "Life is tough, but so are you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life is tough, but so are you.
01/10/2014 Focus Lesson Grab a new focus lesson from the front desk. Don’t forget our other procedures! Find your pencil box Clear your desk Have your id out for me to check Life is tough, but so are you.

2 Table Review: Answer on Page 35 (5 minutes)
What kind of cell division is required for sexual reproduction? In which organs does this division occur? (Specify for male AND female) Explain the importance of chromosome count in this process (using bio- specific vocabulary like haploid and diploid)

3 Essential Question Why is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules so important? Daily Objectives: SWBAT explain how the structure of DNA codes for the production of proteins. SWBAT determine the proteins produced given a strand of DNA and a codon chart.

4 How will we get there? Before the Break This Class
Notes: Sexual Reproduction (Pg 33) Development during Trimesters: Baby Book (Pg 34) Winter Packet Review Reproduction Complete Page 35 Notes: Protein Synthesis Page 37 Diagram the Central Dogma Page 36 White board Practice Post-it exit Slip

5 In the top margin of Page 37
Answer the following questions: What is the monomer of a protein? Which elements come together to build this molecule?

6 Transcription, Translation
Protein Synthesis Transcription, Translation

7 We are in pursuit of the answer to the following question:
Why are we all so gosh darn good looking? Hint: Proteins! Beautiful Shum Family

8 We need to know 3 steps Make RNA De-code RNA Make Protein What is it?
Transcription De-code RNA Translation Make Protein Synthesis

9 Prepare your Notes: Right Hand Side of your Notebook
Page 37 You should have answered 2 questions here, from a previous slide Protein Synthesis This is the title of your notes! This should be what you put in the Table of Contents

10 Step 1: Need RNA Ribonucleic Acid Single stranded Made in the Nucleus
Monomer: Nucleotides- sugar (ribose), phosphate, nitrogen base: A-U, G-C U= Uracil What qualitative observations do you notice about the nitrogen bases found in RNA?

11 Always remember… RNA loves U

12 Page 36- top half Compare and Contrast DNA Both RNA

13 DNA Both RNA double stranded A=T single stranded
Answers!- Check your work DNA Both RNA double stranded A=T uses the sugar deoxyribose cannot leave the nucleus used in DNA Replication -both are used in transcription -made up of phosphates, sugars and nitrogen bases -contain genetic information -use G, C and A single stranded A=U uses the sugar ribose Can leave the nucleus used in translation

14 Why is RNA single stranded?
DNA cannot leave the nucleus, so in order to make proteins, mRNA must be made.

15 Step 1 Continued: Transcription
DNA unzips- How? mRNA is made from the DNA template This happens in the nucleus. Following base pair rules (DNAmRNA) Draw a Picture of Transcription: Transcription 1 DNA 1 mRNA

16 Practice with Transcription
Let’s practice transcription! I’ll give you one strand of DNA, and you complete the complementary strand of RNA. (Remember, in RNA replace T with U). DNA strand: ATT AGG CCG GAT TAG CCT ATT RNA strand: UAA UCC G DNA strand: ATT GCA TTA TCG ATT ATC CTA RNA strand:

17 Practice with Transcription
Check your work! Practice with Transcription Let’s practice transcription! I’ll give you one strand of DNA, and you complete the complementary strand of RNA. (Remember, in RNA replace T with U). DNA strand: ATT AGG CCG GAT TAG CCT ATT RNA strand:UAA UCC GGC CUA AUC GGA UAA DNA strand: ATT GCA TTA TCG ATT ATC CTA RNA strand: UAA CGU AAU AGC UAA UAG GAU

18 On page 36- UPPER MARGIN Use the following decoder to decipher the following code: UGCGACUACUGA GAC = State GGG = Your UGA = Awesome AAG = White CAC = teacher CGA = School GCU = Awful UGC = Florida UAC = Is CCA = Biology UCC = Ed ACC = High

19 Step 2: Decode RNA Translation- changing the language
From mRNA nucleotides into amino acids In the ribosome (rRNA) In order to make the amino acid chain in translation, the mRNA is “read” with each set of 3 nucleotides acting like a word. Each of these 3 letter words is called a codon, and different codons code for different amino acids. Ex: AUG=amino acid methionine GCA=amino acid alanine (3 nucleotides=1 codon=1 amino acid)

20 Step 2: Decode RNA continued
tRNA brings in amino acids according to the codon These attach at the ribosome

21 Step 3: Building the protein
Synthesis The amino acids link together to form a protein polymer What is another biological term for protein? Amino Acid chain = Protein 1 mRNA

22 DNA ---- mRNA ------ Amino Acid Chain (Polypeptide Chain) = Protein

23 You can use a chart to figure out what 3 nucleotides code for each of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins: 2nd Nucleotide 1st Nucleotide 3rd Nucleotide

24 Translation Practice Let’s practice translation! I’ll give you the mRNA strand, and you figure out what amino acids it codes for. (Remember, 3 nucleotides=1 amino acid) You will need a text book PAGE 244. mRNA strand: AUG CCC UUU GAG AAG CGU amino acid chain: methionine-proline

25 Translation Practice Check your work!
-Let’s practice translation! I’ll give you the mRNA strand, and you figure out what amino acids it codes for. (Remember, 3 nucleotides=1 amino acid) mRNA strand: AUG CCC UUU GAG AAG CGU UAA amino acid chain: MET–PRO–PHE–GLU- LYS-ARG-STOP

26 Practice Continued mRNA strand: AUG GGG UGG AGA AGU GUG UGA amino acid chain:

27 Translation Practice Check your work!
-Let’s practice translation! I’ll give you the mRNA strand, and you figure out what amino acids it codes for. (Remember, 3 nucleotides=1 amino acid) mRNA strand: AUG GGG UGG AGA AGU GUG UGA amino acid chain: MET-GLY-TRY-ARG-VAL-STOP

28 Practice continued mRNA strand: AUG AGU AAC CCA UAA amino acid chain:

29 Translation Practice mRNA strand: AUG AGU AAC CCA UAA
Check your work! Translation Practice -Let’s practice translation! I’ll give you the mRNA strand, and you figure out what amino acids it codes for. (Remember, 3 nucleotides=1 amino acid) mRNA strand: AUG AGU AAC CCA UAA amino acid chain: met ser asp pro stop

30 Types of RNA Messenger RNA- mRNA Transfer tRNA Ribosomal RNA- rRNA
Carries the message/ code from the nucleus to the ribosome Transfer tRNA transfers the amino acids to the ribosome Ribosomal RNA- rRNA Makes up the ribosome

31 Exit Slip: Sticky note In your own words explain how DNA is used to make proteins?

32 Complete the diagram (middle) column.
01/13/2014 Focus Lesson Grab your focus lesson from the front. Don’t forget our other procedures! Find your pencil box Clear your desk Have your id out for me to check Complete the diagram (middle) column.

33 Essential Question Why is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules so important? Daily Objectives: SWBAT explain how the structure of DNA codes for the production of proteins. SWBAT determine the proteins produced given a strand of DNA and a codon chart.

34 How will we get there? Last Class This Class Review Reproduction Complete Page 35 Notes: Protein Synthesis Page 37 Compare and Contrast DNA and RNA Page 36 exit Slip Winter packet past due Complete transcription and translation notes pg. 37 Hands on practice Process chart pg 38 Independent practice pg 39

35 Hands on practice Open your envelope Separate pieces by colors
What do you observe? Can you infer what we will be reviewing?

36 Let’s build DNA AGG AAC CTT
Using your red pieces build the following DNA strand: Use the pieces with a flat top AGG AAC CTT Where would we find this in the eukaryotic cell? Find the name of this location in your pieces and place it above your DNA. Answer: Nucleus DNA is universal. (What does this mean?)

37 Remember DNA is double stranded!
Using the same color (red) build the complementary DNA strand. Remember: DNA is where its AT! Your complement should look like this: TCC TTG GAA Do you remember which bonds hold the two strands of nucleotides together? Hydrogen bonds

38 This is DNA Double stranded 4 different nitrogenous bases:
Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine Do you remember the monomers of DNA? Nucleotides (sugar, phosphate, nitrogenous base)

39 The Process of DNA replication
Why replicate DNA? To make more for daughter cells/ offspring Remember cell division? Standard: Explain how and why the genetic code is universal and common to all organisms When in the cell cycle does DNA replication occur? Interphase, Synthesis (S)- Before cell division

40 How does replication occur?
Double helix separates- do this! Free floating DNA nucleotides (BLUE) in the nucleus pair up Rules of base pairing: A with T C with G

41 Results of replication
2 double stranded DNA molecules Both DNA molecules are identical Semi conservative replication One original strand (red) paired with one new strand (blue) Give an example of an organism that DNA replication occurs in. Answer: ALL organisms because DNA is universal!

42 Reset your original DNA strand
It should be Red with Red AGG AAC CTT

43 The process of Transcription
Where does this occur? Nucleus- because the DNA is there! Why transcription? To make a complementary RNA strand from an original DNA template You might be asking yourself: “Why is mRNA needed?” DNA is double stranded RNA is single stranded!

44 Take out your green pieces
Let’s make some mRNA! What’s different about these pieces in comparison to the DNA? U- uracil, NO T- thymine RNA loves U!

45 Steps of Transcription
In the nucleus DNA unzips (separates) One strand of DNA will be used (top) Create a complementary mRNA strand Use the green cutouts A pairs with U, G pairs with C mRNA unzips from the DNA to go to the ribosome DNA zips back

46 Transcription results
What did we just do? Made mRNA from the DNA template What should your mRNA strand look like? UCC UUG GAA What happens next to the mRNA? Translation

47 The process of translation
Where does this occur? Ribosome- organelle that makes proteins Why translation ? To make proteins (amino acid chains) from codons of mRNA

48 CODONS are as easy as 1,2,3! A codon is a 3 nucleotide sequence of mRNA Example: AUG What does AUG code for?

49 Steps of Translation A single strand of mRNA/ codons attaches to the ribosome Find ribosome in your envelope tRNA/anticodon (transfer RNA) brings in an amino acid Use the white pieces Use the codon chart and the sticky note to identify the amino acids Attach your amino acid to the tRNA/anticodon Amino acid chain elongates Protein is made- leaves ribosome

50 Let’s recap- Draw this on pg 38
Your proteins are what we see of you (phenotype). They are made from your DNA! Which process does each “?” represent??? ? ? ?

51 Independent practice, pg 39
You CAN do this! Volume level- 0 This is your time to assess what you know. If you need help raise your hand. You will have a quiz next class!

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