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NEW SEATING CHARTS!!! Make two colored model of DNA to show hoe it replicates!!! Have big model prepared and have students act as the free floating nucleotides.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW SEATING CHARTS!!! Make two colored model of DNA to show hoe it replicates!!! Have big model prepared and have students act as the free floating nucleotides."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW SEATING CHARTS!!! Make two colored model of DNA to show hoe it replicates!!! Have big model prepared and have students act as the free floating nucleotides to come and build the new molecule..? Have the old molecule in one color and new nucleotides in another Make a visual model Manipulative ideas: have students make nucleotides Then, have each nucleotide find their matching base pair Add pictures to the ppt Make check Points throughout!!!!!!! ADD more short videos

2 DNA Replication

3 Osmosis Jones Questions Continued…
What is the plan that Thrax has for Frank’s body? Why does he think the plan will work? What part of Frank’s body controls the temperature? Where is it located? What did Ozzie’s ancestors come over on? What does Thrax intend to do to Shane, Frank’s daughter? What does Frank do that passes Thrax onto Shane? How is Thrax killed?

4 DNA Vocabulary Acquisition Reverse Crossword
Make a crossword using the words from the vocabulary. 1. Write the words on the graph paper provided in a crossword fashion. 2. Number each of the words in the order you wrote them and frame the letters in individual boxes. 3. On a separate sheet, write the corresponding clues for words written across and down and assign each a number. You can use your vocabulary, notes, and or textbook to find complete the assignment. Due end of period

5 Example: 1T R A 2N S C I B E U 3C H O M T N L F D Across Down
To rewrite; RNA does this with Carries amino acids to the ribosome DNA monomer of nucleic acid; made of a sugar, Genetic material in the nucleus, a phosphate and a nitrogen base becomes chromosomes during mitosis

6 Warm Up Do Now What do we already know about DNA…
Where is DNA found in eukaryotic plant and animal cells? Prokaryotic cells? What is the shape of DNA in eukaryotic cells? In prokaryotic cells?  DNA is what type of organic molecule? DNA is made from what subunit or building block?  What is the function of DNA?

7 DNA Video Clip

8 What is DNA? Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) DNA is a NUCLEIC ACID
The sugar is DeoxyRibose DNA is a NUCLEIC ACID

9 Why is DNA important? DNA is like the blueprint for your body!
It is an extremely long strand of directions for all of the proteins that allow living things to function Think of DNA as the recipe for making proteins

10 Where is DNA found? PROKARYOTES: Found in the cytoplasm
EUKARYOTES: Found in the nucleus

11 How SIMILAR are you to the person sitting next to you?
You are 99% identical to the person sitting next to you!! The only difference it the ORDER of your NITROGEN BASES!

12 How is DNA STORED in eukaryotes?
The DNA is compacted in the CHROMOSOMES and stored in the nucleus

13 What is DNA made of (the subunits)?

14 What are the main parts of a NUCLEOTIDE?
Phosphate Sugar Nitrogen Base (A, T, C, G)

15 Label the parts of a Nucleotide

16 What are the FOUR NITROGEN BAES?
A = Adenine T =Thymine C =Cytosine G = Guanine

The same bases will ALWAYS pair together! A pairs with T C pairs with G ALWAYS!!! (Unless there is a mutation)


19 How is a DNA molecule MADE?
Nucleotides come together Then, HYDROGEN bonds form between the nitrogen bases This makes TWO strands of nucleotides which twist into a DOUBLE HELIX

20 What is the SHAPE of DNA? DOUBLE HELIX It looks like a twisted ladder
OR, a spiral staircase

The bonds that form between the nitrogen bases They are very WEAK and break easily This is how DNA is able to make new copies of itself!

22 DNA Math If there are 10 A’s, then there must be 10 T’s
If there are 40 G’s then there must be 40 C’s So, if there are 30 A’s How many T? How many G? How many C?

23 DNA Math Example There are 500 total bases in a specific DNA molecule. Of the 500 bases, 100 are A’s. How many are T’s? How many are C’s? How many are G’s?

24 DNA Stations Practice Questions DNA Math Nucleotide Build T = Blue
A = Purple C = Green G = Red

25 Building Our Own DNA Molecule
You will be working in groups of 3 to build a nucleotide Once your nucleotide is built, your will use the complementary base pairing rules to build a DNA molecule with the class

26 DNA Molecule Synthesis
Using your experience with the DNA build activity, quietly work with your partner to complete the activity synthesis practice

27 DNA Replication

NEW cells are made by copying OLD cells Before a cell divides, you have to copy or REPLICATE the DNA REVIEW! What stage of the cell cycle does DNA Replication happen in?

29 When does DNA Replication occur?
During S –Phase of INTERPHASE S-Phase = Synthesis Phase The DNA Replicates (copies itself ) to prepare for cell division (MITOSIS!!!)

30 Why does DNA REPLICATE? To get ready for cell division
So each new cell has the same exact DNA!

31 What are the STEPS for DNA Replication?
An Enzyme “UNZIPS” the 2 strands of DNA by breaking the weak Hydrogen bonds New nucleotides are added to the old stand REVIEW: A = T and C = G Another Enzyme “ZIPS” the strands back up DNA Polymerase (an enzyme) “proofreads” the strands to make sure there are no MISTAKES! What do you think might happen if there are mistakes?!

32 What is the ROLE of ENZYMES?
Enzymes help to: 1. Split the DNA in half Put DNA back together Proofread for any mistakes in the base pairs

33 How is DNA Replication SEMI-CONSERVATIVE?
When the DNA copies itself, it always has HALF of the parental (OLD) strand and HALF of the daughter (NEW) strand In other words: the DNA is HALF OLD and HALF NEW


35 Class Demonstration of DNA Replication

36 What are MUTATIONS? Changes in the genetic code (DNA)
Can be: positive, negative or neutral Causes: UV radiation, chemicals, bad DNA proofreading Can lead to CANCER

37 DNA Replication Practice
DNA strand: ATGGC Complementary DNA strand: _________

38 How to Find a Mutation… Original DNA Sequence:
T A C A C C T T G G C G A C G A C T Complementary Strand: A T C G G G A C C C G C T T G T G A Corrected Strand:

39 DNA Practice Quietly and Independently complete your DNA Practice

40 DNA Exit Ticket Silent and Independently complete your Mini-quiz

41 DNA Complimentary Base Pairing
With you group, create a nucleotide with the parts you have -Pay special attention to what should connect One group will line up in a straight line Next the Complimentary pairs will match up

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