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SDO Contamination Engineering Subsystem Mission PDR

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Presentation on theme: "SDO Contamination Engineering Subsystem Mission PDR"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDO Contamination Engineering Subsystem Mission PDR
Sharon Straka SDO Contamination Engineer

2 Agenda Introduction Changes Since SCR Instrument Requirements
SDO Contamination Control Approach Instrument and Spacecraft Compatibility SDO Contamination Analyses SDO Venting Concept Contamination Peer Review Summary Contamination Control During SDO I&T SDO Contamination Risks Schedule Issues Conclusion

3 Introduction SDO Driving Contamination Requirements based on:
Instrument contamination requirements Contamination requirements (internal and external) to minimize performance degradation Thermal control surface requirements Spacecraft contamination requirements Star tracker contamination requirements Geosynchronous environmental concerns Outgassing of materials Venting and vent paths Electrostatic return of molecular contaminants Propulsion effluent from thruster firings Polymerization effects Solar Activity Environments of transfer orbits

4 Changes since SCR Elimination of SHARPP coronagraphs allowed observatory exterior particulate requirements to be relaxed From IEST CC1246D Level 300 ( 0.02 Percent Area Coverage) to Level 450 (0.14 Percent Area Coverage) Instrument interior molecular and particulate requirements still tight Propulsion system changed from a monopropellant system to bi-propellant system All thrusters on aft end of S/C Molecular adsorbers changed from TRMM heritage design to SWIFT design

5 Instrument Contamination Requirements

6 Instrument Contamination Requirements

7 Instrument Contamination Requirements
Preliminary HMI Contamination Requirements1 Hardware Sub-System Beginning of Life2 End Of Life3 Instrument Interior4 Particulate Molecular Front Window/Door Interior 300 (0.02 PAC) 100 Angstroms N/A CCD & Camera Head Assembly 100 ( PAC) TBD Optical Surfaces Instrument Exterior Surfaces5 Front Window CCD Radiator 500 (0.24 PAC) 750 (2.0 PAC) 300 Angstroms Electronics Package6 Exterior Instrument Exterior Based on Allowable Throughput loss: 20% at 6000A wavelength 1All cleanliness levels per IEST-CC1246D 4All interior surfaces are enclosed during assembly of optics package 2BOL is defined as the surface cleanliness level at delivery to observatory I&T 5Instrument exterior surfaces driven by S/C requirements 3EOL is defined as end of the 5 year mission 6This category includes CEBs and HEB

8 SDO Contamination Control Approach
Instrument providers are responsible for determining the specific Contamination requirements to minimize performance degradation. Driving contamination requirements derived from instrument performance/science requirements GSFC is responsible for the overall contamination control program Observatory cleanliness levels will be consistent with the instrument requirements. Instrument requirements are derived from science performance The hardware design provides for minimization of contamination to and from external sources before, during, and after launch, and for removal of pre-launch contamination. In general, all hardware will be compatible with the most contamination-sensitive components. Spacecraft to instrument and instrument cross-contamination will be controlled in accordance to the overall SDO Contamination Control Plan (CCP), the requirements in the MAR, and the requirements in the Spacecraft to Instrument ICDs. Development of a Contamination Control Plan AIA and HMI have preliminary Contamination Control Plan Observatory CCP in configuration control process EVE CCP currently being drafted Established a Contamination Working Group Representatives from all instruments and observatory Monthly Working Group Meetings and Telecons

9 Instrument and Spacecraft Compatibility
Instrument and Spacecraft Subsystem Outgassing Certification Requirements Verified during thermal vacuum bakeout or thermal vacuum testing Requirement to be defined in SDO CCP Measured with TQCM Results shall be submitted to SDO project for approval Data set to include TQCM data, temperature of hardware, shroud temperature, chamber pressure, chamber configuration, and cold finger data Exterior Cleanliness Requirements A maximum (not to exceed) exterior particulate and molecular cleanliness requirement is imposed upon the instruments and subsystems Currently 450A (0.14 Percent Area Coverage particulate, 100 Angstroms molecular) Verified upon delivery to spacecraft integration Maintained throughout integration, test and launch site operations

10 Instrument and Spacecraft Compatibility
Venting Instrument and spacecraft vent locations and paths are compatible with overall spacecraft configuration Positioned to minimize contamination of other contamination sensitive surfaces GSFC responsible for verifying the instrument and subsystem vents are in compliance Verified using on-orbit molecular mass transport modeling Thruster Impingement Spacecraft is designed to minimize thruster effluent impingement on contamination sensitive surfaces Verified using a mass transport model. Thruster effluent impingement levels are defined in SDO CCP

11 SDO Contamination Analyses
As part of the SDO contamination approach, the space environment with respect to spacecraft geometry, observatory contamination requirements, and on-orbit operations needed to be understood. The following analyses were performed to evaluate the SDO on-orbit environment: Thruster plume impingement analysis of bi-propellant thrusters Monopropellant vs. Bi-propellant trade studies Thruster placement trade studies SDO on-orbit mass transport analyses (on-going) Determines outgassing certification requirements for instruments and subsystems Provides outgassing and electrostatic return predictions SDO venting analyses Spacecraft vent placement Verification of Instrument/Subsystem vent locations SDO depressurization analysis through spacecraft vent Performed for Atlas V and Delta IV

12 Bipropellant Thruster Results
Due to locations, orientations of 22 newton ACS thrusters and local S/C geometry, no contamination issues observed Backflow from 445 newton thruster estimated to deposit less than 69 Å on lower deck Ka-band transmitter radiators Could be much less than 69 Å Thruster effluent does impact instrument apertures

13 Results of On-Orbit Mass Transport Analyses
Sensitive Surfaces Direct Flux Electrostatic Return Total Molecular AIA Apertures 0 Angstroms 4 Angstroms CCD Radiators 550 – 580 Angstroms 346 Angstroms 896 – 926 Angstroms CEB Radiators 140 – 2100 Angstroms 35 Angstroms 175 – 2135 Angstroms EVE MEGS-A filters 0.05 Angstroms 0.04 Angstroms 0.09 Angstroms MEGS-B filters 0.02 Angstroms 1.1 Angstroms 1.12 Angstroms SAM 0.3 Angstroms 0.32 Angstroms ESP Instrument Radiator 680 Angstroms 1026 Angstroms Electronics Radiator 210 – Angstroms1 245 – Angstroms HMI Aperture 3 Angstroms 40 Angstroms 43 Angstroms 340 – 390 Angstroms 686 – 736 Angstroms2 140 – Angstroms1 175 – Angstroms2 Star Tracker - Interior 1Highly dependent on surfaces facing S/A panels 2Currently exceeds HMI instrument requirements

14 SDO Venting Design Venting design developed to control on-orbit outgassing and reduce the number/duration of spacecraft box bakeouts 2 vents located on the lower deck of the propulsion module 2 vents on +/- Y instrument module Spacecraft volume and Instrument module volumes are separate The spacecraft bus and propulsion module will be closed out to avoid unintentional venting in other directions. Sealed with a layer of Mylar or Kapton under thermal blankets Access panels closed out with tape Vent effluent will pass through a molecular adsorber with a high efficiency for adsorbing contaminants Molecular adsorbing Zeolite coating on filter Adsorber Heritage TRMM, SWIFT

15 S/C Vent Placement Vents located on the Propulsion Module (PM) Lower Deck Provides vent path for the entire S/C Bus and PM Volume Analysis performed to size vents to achieve maximum 0.1 psid pressure differential requirement PM Lower Deck Vents

16 Contamination Peer Review Summary
Thruster Contamination Peer Review Summary: Due to locations, thruster orientations, and S/C geometry, bi-propellant thrusters are not a contamination threat August 8, 2003 4 Action Items, all closed SDO PDR Contamination Peer Review Major Findings: Instruments need to define/mature beginning of life and end of life contamination requirements Instrument requirements are drivers in the observatory contamination approach (technical, cost, and schedule) Instruments need to develop verification techniques as soon as possible so that the SDO project can assess implications Witness sample adequacy needs defended Post I&T removal of instruments may be required Contamination Control Plans and Contamination ICDs need signed off February 24, 2004 27 action items/ 0 closed

17 Contamination Control during SDO I&T
Instruments Before delivery to GSFC, the instruments shall undergo thermal vacuum bakeout and outgassing certification Upon delivery to GSFC, the instruments exteriors will be certified to be Level 450A inspected to visibly clean - highly sensitive using black and white light Tape lifts taken where appropriate Swab sample or wash performed where appropriate Instrument providers are responsible for cleaning their instrument during I&T activities GSFC will inspect instruments frequently using black and white light, tape lifts, molecular washes, and/or swab samples Instruments will remain covered/bagged unless I&T activities require access will be bagged at all times outside cleanroom Exception: thermal vacuum testing Instruments will be continually purged Minimal purge interruptions may be required for some I&T activities T-0 purge required at launch site Purge system to be designed prior to CDR

18 Contamination Control during SDO I&T
Spacecraft/Observatory SDO will be integrated in the Building 29 Spacecraft Systems Development and Integration Facility (SSDIF) or the Building 7 Spacecraft Checkout and Integration Area (SCA) SSDIF :Class 1000 horizontal laminar flow cleanroom SCA: Class 10,000 horizontal laminar flow cleanroom Flight components/subsystems will be cleaned and inspected to required cleanliness levels before becoming inaccessible All boxes/components cleaned and baked-out to required levels before delivery to I&T All exterior components/subsystem inspected to Level 450A All interior boxes/components inspected to 450A(TBD) Spacecraft/Observatory will be covered/bagged during periods of inactivity Frequent contamination inspections with contingency cleanings SDO will be bagged during transportation between test facilities Contamination levels measured using a combination of the following techniques as applicable: particle counters, NVR witness plates, BRDF measurements, real time NVR monitor, fallout plates, and tapelift samples

19 SDO Contamination Risks (Risk #3)

20 Contamination Schedule
Subsystem & Element CY 2003 CY 2004 CY 2005 CY 2006 CY 2007 CY 2008 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4/8 8/03 3/04 5/04 2/05 MISSION MILESTONES LAUNCH SRR/ SCR ICR PDR CR CDR PER PSR Contamination 2/24/04 11/04 PDR CDR Molecular Adsorber Design Fab Test Available to I&T Replacement at Launch Site 1 = Spacecraft Integration = Schedule Reserve 2 = Instrument Integration 3 = Environmental Testing 4 = Launch Site Operations Spacecraft I&T 1 2 3 4 Launch

21 Issues Instrument contamination requirements need to be defined
Instrument requirements are drivers in the observatory contamination control approach (technical, cost, and schedule) Instruments need to develop verification techniques as soon as possible and present approach to the SDO project Witness sample adequacy needs defended Post I&T removal of instruments for calibration may be required Possible Technical, cost and schedule impacts

22 Conclusion Internal instrument contamination requirements are challenging Instruments are protected during observatory I&T Removal of the coronagraphs allowed external particulate requirements to be relaxed Plans are in place to meet the requirements Instrument requirements are flowing down to subsystem design Captured in Subsystem Contamination Matrix Ready to proceed

23 Back-up Materials

24 Contamination Control Backup Slides

25 Contamination Control Backup Slides

26 Contamination Control Backup Slides

27 Contamination Control Backup Slides

28 Contamination Control during SDO I&T
Mass Properties Test to be performed in the SSDIF Class 1000 environment EMI/EMC Test Test will be performed in the RFI room of the SCA Class 10,000 cleanroom Vibration Test Clean and operate the vibration cell as a cleanroom Instruments to remained bagged and purged Observatory to remain bagged/covered with bagging film Acoustic Facility Can be operated as Class 100,000 cleanroom after loading doors are closed has separate gowning area Instruments to remain bagged and purged Spacecraft to remain bagged/covered with bagging film

29 Contamination Control during SDO I&T
Thermal Vacuum Test SES chamber will be used Vertical-load, cryopumped chamber equipped with HEPA filtered air in the chamber and gowning room Instruments to remain bagged and purged until just before pumpdown After thermal cycling, the observatory outgassing rate will be certified 6 TQCMs will be used to monitor outgassing in TBD locations Cold finger, Scavenger plates, witness samples, and fallout wafers will be utilized

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