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London Road AGM Update – June 16/15

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2 London Road AGM Update – June 16/15
Introduction What We’ve Heard? The Plan Background Report Vision & Guiding Principles Plan Concept & Policies Next Steps

3 Introduction Who Are We? What We’ve Heard…
Robert McKay – City of Lethbridge, Senior Community Planner Andrew Malcolm – City of Lethbridge, Community Planner II What We’ve Heard… LRNA Discussions Urban Grocer Fleetwood Bawden Elementary School Walking & Talking Public Open Houses Jane’s Walk

4 The Plan Introduction (complete) Background Report (complete)
Vision & Guiding Principles (complete) Plan Concept & Policies (in-progress) Implementation (coming soon)

5 The Plan - introduction
An Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is a statutory plan that must be considered by Council and City Staff when evaluating any development decisions within the neighbourhood. The ARP creates a vision and guiding principles for the entire neighbourhood, and includes policy on transportation networks, parks & open spaces, land use, built form design, and such other matters as requested by City Council. The Plan has been developed by balancing existing statutory plans and studies, community input, and an existing conditions assessment. The Plan Conditions Assessment Community Input Existing Plans & Studies London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input

6 The Plan – Background report
Background report contains supporting information, relevant research, and community perspectives. Development History Neighbourhood Demographics Adjacent Neighbourhoods Existing Land Use Neighbourhood Character Historic Resources Building Conditions Existing Infrastructure London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input

7 The Plan – vision & guiding principles
In the year 2045, London Road is a predominantly low density residential neighbourhood that provides an authentic, livable, diverse, and innovative community for its residents, and businesses. This will be achieved by enhancing the value of its historical qualities, diverse population, and openness to creatively promoting quality sustainable and innovative redevelopment… Guiding Principles Recognize the importance of sustainable design, land use, and transportation modes while being a leader in the support of innovative planning concepts and ideas. Ensure the neighbourhood is inclusive, fostering a ‘sense of place’ that is unique to Lethbridge. It is a safe, vibrant, and healthy neighbourhood that allows its diverse population to live, work, play, and age in place. Protect the predominantly low density character of the neighbourhood while encouraging sensitive redevelopment of high-quality housing types of various densities as well as community-oriented commercial and institutional uses. Strive for a complete and compact, pedestrian friendly environment that meets the changing public realm and open space needs of the neighbourhood. Provide distinctive public gathering spaces and preserve of the cherished boulevards and street trees. Ensure the safety, efficiency, and convenience of roads, lanes, and sidewalks by strengthening a multi-modal transportation system that provides automobile movement while encouraging transit use, walking, and cycling. Reasonably protect the historic block and lot patterns and conserve individual heritage buildings of architectural and historical significance. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input

8 The Plan – plan concept & policies
Plan Concept & Policy Areas are developed around the 4 building blocks of redevelopment. Transportation Network - well defined grid street network that creates well defined places for different functions of a neighbourhood and accommodates safe and well defined multi-modal movements. Public Realm – fundamental to quality of life in a neighbourhood. A liveable neighbourhood requires well-designed and attractive open spaces and streetscapes to create opportunities for recreation and interaction with neighbours. Land Use – locations where various uses of a neighbourhood such as residential buildings, offices, retail spaces, institutional uses, and community facilities are accommodated. Well structured land use allows for a diversity of uses and building types to be sensitively incorporated into the existing neighbourhood. Built Form – well-designed buildings help contribute to a quality public realm, frame streets and open spaces, and accommodates a wide variety of uses. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input

9 The Plan – Transportation network
Maintaining an integrated street network Provide a means to move through the neighbourhood and between adjacent neighbourhoods and destinations efficiently, comfortably, safely, and with universal accessibility. Prioritizing modes of transportation Although all modes will be accommodated, new development will recognize pedestrian circulation and comfort as the highest priority; followed by cyclists, transit, commercial vehicles, multiple occupancy automobiles, and the lowest priority with single occupancy automobiles. Pedestrian Network: well-designed sidewalks and crosswalks, as well as appropriately designed curb cuts ensure universal access and connectivity within the neighbourhood and with adjacent neighbourhoods. Bicycle Network: a prominent bicycle network that connects to the overall city network, including: support for a bicycle boulevard on 7th Avenue, and separated bicycle lanes on 4th Street, 9th Avenue, and 13th St. Transit Network: providing transit stops where they are convenient to pedestrians and that are well connected to the sidewalk network and accessible to all ages and capabilities. Vehicle Network: vehicular traffic accommodated in a way that balances movement patterns between modes. Vehicular movements should be slowed, and new paved vehicle areas that access from the front are prohibited. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input


11 London Road ARP London Road ARP London Road ARP London Road ARP
The Plan – Public realm Designing pedestrian friendly streets Streets are the public space where people most often experience the public realm. As such, creating attractive, pedestrian friendly streets is a vital component to a vibrant neighbourhood. Streetscapes: pedestrian oriented including wide sidewalks, street furniture, bicycle parking, boulevard trees, landscaping buffers, stamped sidewalks, and appropriate signage. Creating great open spaces Open spaces create spaces for people to gather, enjoy recreational activities, and/or simply relax. Existing Open Space: improve and enhance with increased amenities and safety. New Open Space: creative ways to expand the open space network. Public Art: celebrate and showcase local arts and culture, and contribute to enhancing the quality of the public realm. Ensuring parking supports an attractive public realm Facilitate parking in places and forms where it is unobtrusive and not a detriment to the quality of place. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input


13 London Road ARP London Road ARP London Road ARP London Road ARP
The Plan – Land Use Protecting the predominantly single detached character Preserve the character of the neighbourhood by limiting the amount of redevelopment of intensive uses within the interior of the neighbourhood and focusing this redevelopment in strategic locations near the edge of the neighbourhood, on block ends, and near transportation routes. Encouraging multi-modal supportive uses People working, living, shopping, and meeting their daily needs within their neighbourhood keeps community active and vital at all times of the day. It is particularly important to ensure uses are neighbourhood based and multi-modal supportive, while limiting auto-oriented uses. Increasing housing choices With population aging, University and College expanding, and housing affordability declining, more people are looking for different housing options. This includes aging-in-place. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input

14 The Plan – Land Use cont’d
Land Use Precincts London Road has long been looked at as one area, with the same characteristics. In reality the neighbourhood is very large and comprised of areas that have distinct characteristics. Land Use Precincts have been created to identify a vision for each individual area. Inner Neighbourhood West Peninsula Mixed Use Transportation Oriented Development The Land Use Precincts are generalized and not meant to be interpreted as specific to lot lines or boundaries that may be shown on map. Each development will be considered in the context of its own unique location with respect to adjacent land uses, and the values. Policies, and ideas presented in this plan. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input





19 London Road ARP London Road ARP London Road ARP London Road ARP
The Plan – built form Ensuring a variety of building types The existing built environment has a variety of building types due to the size of the neighbourhood, its long history, and mix of uses. Important that this is continued. Ensuring quality neighbourhood and building design Biggest factor when considering quality neighbourhood and building design is compatibility, which is about patterns of development. Not about replication of scale or styles. Design Standards – focus on neighbourhood design incl. pedestrian oriented design, green street frontages, rhythm of development, street orientation, front setback patterns, harmonizing scale, and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Preserving our historic built environment There are currently 11 designated sites in London Road, and more that could be considered. It is important to preserve these resources, ensure compatible adjacent development, and support future designations. London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input London Road ARP Current Conditions City Policy Community Input

20 THE PLAN - NEXT STEPS Draft incl. mapping completed by end of June.
Meet w/ London Road Neighbourhood Association (TBA) Meet w/ Developers & Builders (mid July) Meet w/ London Road Residents (mid July) Revisions and updated Draft completed by end of August. City Council for Approval – September


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