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Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC April 17, 2007

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1 Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC April 17, 2007
Ken Havens, INC Chair Adam Newman, INC Vice Chair INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007

2 Details on all future meetings can be found at:
INC Meetings Last INC Meeting: January 30 - February 2, 2007, Atlanta, GA Next INC Meeting: April 30, 2007, Minneapolis, MN Details on all future meetings can be found at: INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007

3 CO/NXX Subcommittee Issue 534: Development of p-ANI Guidelines
INC CO/NXX Subcommittee and ESIF-H Subcommittee (which includes NENA) spent approximately 1300 man-hours developing the permanent p-ANI Administration Guidelines INC placed the Issue into Initial Closure on March 9, 2007 and forwarded the p-ANI Administration Guidelines to the pANI IMG with a copy to the NANC INC received input from the pANI IMG and incorporated the input into the p-ANI Administration Guidelines INC placed Issue 534 into Final Closure on March 30, 2007, and subsequently placed the Issue into Initial Pending anticipating FCC direction on the following items: drafting of the technical requirements document selection of the RNA and, if applicable, a corresponding Order determination of the appropriate regulatory authority INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007

4 INC VoIP Subcommittee Issue 510: Internet-Based Relay Services and Interoperability
More than 30 contributions for an INC VRS Report have been received and are under review At this time, over 800 hours have been spent in meetings by INC members addressing this issue INC Subcommittee Leadership, at the request of the NANC Chair, participated in an informal meeting with the FCC Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to provide the status of this INC issue At the May 2, 2007, INC meeting, a schedule for completing a report will be determined by the VoIP Subcommittee INC will determine which other forums and committees should be approached to contribute to the report’s sections as needed INC agreed that this report will address all Internet-based relay services Meet demand - Grow Edge Architecture I 4E Now EOY EOY 3,324,840 DS0’s Direct connect INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007 1,865,30D DS0’s to EO’s 554,534 DS0 to tandems Term Switch/Edge Vehicles AT&T Now - 2 EOY EOY (+ TCG Switches ) TCG Now Data as of 8/31/98 11 Switches + 52 TCG 63 ~ 680 Terabytes traverse the voice network daily

5 Issues Remaining in Initial Pending
Issue 407: Treatment of Dedicated Codes for Single Customers in a Pooling Environment Issue 506: Update the TBPAG Appendix 2 per LNPA WG Request Regarding Unusable Blocks Issue 534: Development of p-ANI Guidelines INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007

6 Issues in Final Closure
Issue 486: Contaminated or Pristine Assigned Block Returns Issue 516: Update the TBPAG Part 4 Form Issue 522: Revision to Procedures for Submitting the Part 4 Form for Dedicated Non-Pooled Codes Issue 523: Pooled Blocks Pending Verification of LERG Assignee Responsibilities Issue 527: Blocks with Effective Dates Earlier the NXX Activation Date of Associated LRN INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007

7 Relevant INC Web Pages INC Homepage (front page to all INC links): INC Calendar (future meeting logistics/agendas): INC Issues (historical and active): INC Meeting Records: INC Published Documents: INC Report to the NANC 04/17/2007

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