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Intelligent use of FMEA

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1 Intelligent use of FMEA
DESIGN FMEA - GENERAL MODULE 2 Notes: Design FMEA - Module 2

2 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (Design FMEA) __ System __ Subsystem __ Component Model Year/Vehicle(s): Core Team: FMEA Number: Page 1 or 1 Prepared by: Lee Dawson FMEA Date (Orig.): Design Responsibility Key Date: Item Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) Of Failure Current Design Controls Prevention Current Design Controls Detection Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure C L A S O C U R D E T C Responsibility & Target Completion Date Action Results S E V R. P. N. Recommended Action(s) S E V O C D E T R. P. N. Actions Taken Function Design FMEA - Module 2

3 What Is An FMEA? Opportunity to Defeat Murphy’s Law
Focus on Prevention Failure Mode And Effects Analysis is An assessment of Risk Safety Regulatory Customer Satisfaction Program Coordinated/Documented team effort To determine what can go wrong A method to determine the need and priority of actions Design FMEA - Module 2

4 Open Issues / Time Line RELIABILITY BY DESIGN APQP Tool Linkage
Process Development Notes: Design FMEA - Module 2 Design FMEA - Module 2 Rev. 2- 2/2/

5 How Fmea fits into Product and Process Development
Requirements Cascade How Fmea fits into Product and Process Development Design FMEA - Module 2

6 Potential KPC Development
Requirements Documents Regulatory Dimensional Cosmetic Req. Spec. Document Drawings Warranty History Robustness Tools Boundary Diagram P-Diagram Interface Matrix Detect Prevent R P N D E T O C S V Action Taken Action Results Response & Target Complete Date Recommended Actions e t c Current Controls u r Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) Of Failure l a s v Effect(s) of Failure Mode Item / Process Step Design Function DFMEA 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S E V R I T Y O C C U R R E N C E POTENTIAL CRITICAL CHARACTERISTICS Safety/Regulatory POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS Customer Dissatisfaction Special Characteristics Matrix ANOYANCE ZONE ALL OTHER CHARACTERISTICS controls already in place Appropriate actions / Cascade Technical Requirements Into Special Product Characteristics Design FMEA - Module 2

7 Characteristics Matrix Development
Process Flow START OPERATION IF END YES NO Special Characteristics Sources DFMEA (Potential KPCs: Significant and Critical Characteristics) Drawings Regulations Severity Process Steps Receive Material Material handling Shipping Damage Component Manufacture Vehicle Assembly Primary Drive Manufacturing Process Steps Op 100 Step 1 PRE-LOAD DOWEL PINS TO FIXTURE Op 100 Step 2 PRE-LOAD JACK SHAFT SEAL TO FIXTURE Op 100 Step 3 PRE-LOAD PRIMARY HOUSING BUSHING TO Op 110 Pre-load bearing to fixture #2 Op 120 Pre-load main shaft oil seal to mandrel Op 200 Housing to fixture #1 Op 210 Operate press Op 220 Retaining ring to top groove Op 230 Reload fixture #1 Op 300 Housing to fixture #2 Op 310 Op 320 Op 330 Mandrel to main shaft bore I.D. OP 340 Op 350 Re-load fixture #2 and mandrel Op 400 Housing to table Op 410 Reserved Op 420 Chain adj sub assy to housing Op 430 Lubricate bushing & seal Op 445 Move or stage for final assy Op 10 O-ring to shifter tube Op 500 Shifter tube to housing Op 510 Clamp to shifter tube Op 20 Assemble shifter lever Op 520 Wave washer to shifter lever Op 530 Shifter lever to shifter tube Op 535 Que for final assy line Customer Assessment Direction of Improvement Potential Critical and Significant 1.090 TO " FACE OF PRIMARY HOUSING BUSHING TO FACE OF JACK SHAFT SEAL DOWEL PINS TO " TO FACE JACK SHAFT SEAL AGAINST SHOULDER BEARING FLUSH TO SNAP RING FACE SEAL COMPRESSION HEIGHT PRIMARY GASKET SEAL SURFACE FINISH SERATION DAMAGE Weighted Importance Relative Importance G F H Y 5 3 9 81 72 41 27 54 261 45 Special Characteristics Matrix Design FMEA - Module 2

8 Characteristics Matrix
Potential Significant and Critical Characteristics from DFMEA & Other Sources Characteristics Ranked in order of Importance Process Operation from Process Flow Severity Process Steps Receive Material Material handling Shipping Damage Component Manufacture Vehicle Assembly Primary Drive Manufacturing Process Steps Op 100 Step 1 PRE-LOAD DOWEL PINS TO FIXTURE Op 100 Step 2 PRE-LOAD JACK SHAFT SEAL TO FIXTURE Op 100 Step 3 PRE-LOAD PRIMARY HOUSING BUSHING TO Op 110 Pre-load bearing to fixture #2 Op 120 Pre-load main shaft oil seal to mandrel Op 200 Housing to fixture #1 Op 210 Operate press Op 220 Retaining ring to top groove Op 230 Reload fixture #1 Op 300 Housing to fixture #2 Op 310 Op 320 Op 330 Mandrel to main shaft bore I.D. OP 340 Op 350 Re-load fixture #2 and mandrel Op 400 Housing to table Op 410 Reserved Op 420 Chain adj sub assy to housing Op 430 Lubricate bushing & seal Op 445 Move or stage for final assy Op 10 O-ring to shifter tube Op 500 Shifter tube to housing Op 510 Clamp to shifter tube Op 20 Assemble shifter lever Op 520 Wave washer to shifter lever Op 530 Shifter lever to shifter tube Op 535 Que for final assy line Customer Assessment Direction of Improvement Potential Critical and Significant 1.090 TO " FACE OF PRIMARY HOUSING BUSHING TO FACE OF JACK SHAFT SEAL DOWEL PINS TO " TO FACE JACK SHAFT SEAL AGAINST SHOULDER BEARING FLUSH TO SNAP RING FACE SEAL COMPRESSION HEIGHT PRIMARY GASKET SEAL SURFACE FINISH SERATION DAMAGE Weighted Importance Relative Importance G F H Y 5 3 9 81 72 41 27 54 261 45 Special Characteristics Matrix High/Medium Interactions are causes/failure modes in PFMEA Prioritized ranking of process steps relative to risk Design FMEA - Module 2

9 FMEA Deployment A layered approach is highly recommended as FMEAs can get complex. FMEAs are like ONIONS/LAYERS. Each layer is closer to the root cause Each layer is more detailed The closer to core the more detail Core gets to the root cause Do too many and you will cry. FMEA Deployment A layered approach is highly recommended as FMEAs can get complex. FMEAs are like ONIONS/LAYERS. Each layer is closer to the root cause Each layer is more detailed The closer to core the more detail Core gets to the root cause Notes: Design FMEA - Module 2

10 System Boundary Diagram
Cylinder Head Compression Brake Vibration Arm Group Assembly Intake rocker assembly Exhaust rocker assembly Stand(s) W & W/o oil supply Shaft Assembly Mounting Bolt Spring/Spacer Shaft Assembly Shaft Cup Pin Additional Clearances Injector & Spring Injector & Spring Base Injector & retainer Injector & Bridge Injector & injector clamp Vibration Intake Rocker Assembly Exhaust Rocker Assembly Body Insert Roller Pin Clip Clearance Valve Cover Bridge Floating Pushrod Rod Cup Ball Lube Oil Valve Injector oil Spring Group Inner & Outer Springs Spring Base Retainer/Rotator Valve Keeper Cylinder Head Load Lifter Assembly Body Insert Roller Pin Clip wire Valve Stem Seal Clear at full stroke Valve Group Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Intake Seat Exhaust Seat Valve Guide Valve Guide Seal Lube Oil Oscillating Lifter Pressure Lube OR Bore in Block CAM Shaft Cylinder Head Valve Seat CAM Bearings Seat Insert Thrust Plate Cylinder Head Cylinder Block Design FMEA - Module 2

11 P-Diagram Design FMEA - Module 2

12 FMEA Preparation Vertical Approach
Key Elements of Efficient Development Identify all functions/process steps Boundary Diagram P Diagram Identify all failure modes via brainstorming/data/warranty/COQ Identify all effects via brainstorming/data Customer focus Develop data pools for Failure Modes, Effects and Causes for future/ faster FMEA development Key Elements of Efficient Development Identify all functions/process steps Identify all failure modes via brainstorming/data/warranty/COQ Identify all effects via brainstorming/data Customer focus Develop data pools for Failure Modes, Effects and Causes for future/ faster FMEA development Notes: Design FMEA - Module 2

13 System/Subsystem/ Design FMEA
Failure Mode: Pure anti-function FUNCTION (ANTI) Design FMEA - Module 2

14 System/Subsystem/ Design FMEA
Effect Customer view/customers words Regulation violation Level of dissatisfaction Consider All Customers End User Engineering Community Manufacturing Community (Operators/Employees) Regulatory Body System/Subsystem/Design FMEA Effect Customer view/customers words Regulation violation Level of dissatisfaction Consider All Customers End User Engineering Community Manufacturing Community (Operators/Employees) Notes: Design FMEA - Module 2

15 Severity Column Severity Column Design FMEA - Module 2

EFFECT CRITERIA: Severity of Effect RNK. Hazardous- without warning Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves noncompliance with government regulation without warning 10 Hazardous- with warning Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves noncompliance with government regulation with warning 9 Very High Vehicle/item inoperable (loss of primary function). 8 Vehicle/item operable but at a reduced level of performance. Customer very dissatisfied. High 7 Vehicle/item operable but Comfort/Convenience item(s) inoperable. Customer dissatisfied. Moderate 6 Vehicle/item operable but Comfort/Convenience item(s) operable at a reduced level of performance. Customer somewhat dissatisfied. Low 5 Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by most customers (greater than 75%). Very Low 4 Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by 50% of customers. Minor 3 Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by discriminating customers (less than 25%). Very Minor 2 None No discernable effect. 1 Design FMEA - Module 2

17 FMEA General For High Severity 9/10 Design FMEA - Module 2

18 Failure Mode/Cause Relationship In Different FMEA Levels
Inadequate Electrical Connection Failure Mode Cause Motor Stops Failure Mode Inadequate Electrical Connection Causes Inadequate Locking Feature Harness Too Short Design FMEA - Module 2

19 Causes Causes from P-Diagram Continue through all failure modes.
Noise factors Continue through all failure modes. Note that many causes are recurring. Design FMEA - Module 2

20 Occurrence Column Occurrence Column Design FMEA - Module 2

21 Occurrence Evaluation Criteria
SUGGESTED OCCURRENCE EVALUATION CRITERIA Probability of Likely Failure Rates Over Design Life Ranking Failure  100 per thousand vehicles/items 10 Very High: Persistent failures 50 per thousand vehicles/items 9 20 per thousand vehicles/items 8 High: Frequent failures 10 per thousand vehicles/items 7 5 per thousand vehicles/items 6 Moderate: Occasional failures 2 per thousand vehicles/items 5 1 per thousand vehicles/items 4 Notes: 0.5 per thousand vehicles/items 3 Low: Relatively few failures 0.1 per thousand vehicles/items 2 Remote: Failure is unlikely  0.01 per thousand vehicles/items 1 *Note: Zero (0) rankings for Severity, Occurrence or Detection are not allowed Design FMEA - Module 2

22 Occurrence Rating If an action would effectively eliminate the possibility of the cause occurring, the action is listed as described earlier. Occurrence of 1 or 2 require proof using a surrogate product or mistake proofing. DATA HARD FACTS Design FMEA - Module 2

23 Example of Significant/ Critical Threshold
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S E V R I T Y O C C U R R E N C E POTENTIAL CRITICAL CHARACTERISTICS Safety/Regulatory POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT Customer Dissatisfaction ALL OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Appropriate actions / controls already in place Special Characteristics Matrix ANOYANCE ZONE *Used by permission of Ford Motor Company Design FMEA - Module 2

24 Classification And Definition Column
r D e t c Action Results Item Potential Cause(s) / Mechanism(s) of Failure Response & Target Complete Date Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure S e v Current Design Controls R. P. N. Recommended Actions Actions Taken S e v O c D e t R. P. N. Function Classification and Definition Column Design FMEA - Module 2

25 Design Verification (Current Design Controls)
Think of Design Control in two ways; Prevention and Detection. List them separately. To save time, add any new (untried) prevention/detection ideas to the document under Recommended Actions column. Prevention is specifically related to reduction or elimination of a cause. Detection is how well the test or series of tests may find the design flaw Causes Failure Mode Design FMEA - Module 2

Detection Rating SUGGESTED DETECTION EVALATION CRITERIA DETECTION CRITERIA RNK. Absolute Uncertainty Design Control will not and/or cannot detect a potential cause/ mechanism and subsequent failure mode; or there is no Design Control. 10 Very Remote chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. Very Remote 9 Remote chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/ mechanism and subsequent failure mode. Remote 8 Very Low chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. Very Low 7 Low chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. Low 6 Moderate chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/ mechanism and subsequent failure mode. Moderate 5 Moderately High Moderately High chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 4 High chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/ mechanism and subsequent failure mode. High 3 Very High chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/ mechanism and subsequent failure mode. Very High 2 Almost Certain Design Controls will almost certainly detect a potential cause/ mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 1 Design FMEA - Module 2

27 Analysis Of Risk RPN / RISK PRIORITY NUMBER What Is Risk?
Probability of danger Severity/Occurrence/Cause Design FMEA - Module 2

28 RPN / Risk Priority Number
Design FMEA - Module 2

29 WHICH ONE IS WORSE? Evaluation by RPN Only Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
S=5 O=5 D=2 RPN = 50 Case 2 S=3 O=3 D=6 RPN = 54 Case 3 S=2 O=10, D=10 = 200 Case 4 S=9 O=2 D=3 = 54 WHICH ONE IS WORSE? Design FMEA - Module 2

30 Example Extreme Safety/Regulatory Risk
=9 & 10 Severity High Risk to Customer Satisfaction Sev. > or = to 5 and Occ > or = 4 Consider Detection only as a measure of Test Capability. Example Extreme Safety/Regulatory Risk =9 & 10 Severity High Risk to Customer Satisfaction Sev. > or = to 5 and Occ > or = 4 Consider Detection only as a measure of Test Capability. Design FMEA - Module 2

31 Example of Significant/ Critical Threshold
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S E V R I T Y O C C U R R E N C E POTENTIAL CRITICAL CHARACTERISTICS Safety/Regulatory POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT Customer Dissatisfaction ALL OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Appropriate actions / controls already in place Special Characteristics Matrix ANOYANCE ZONE *Used by permission of Ford Motor Company Design FMEA - Module 2

32 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Actions Your Company Name Here Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (Design FMEA) System Subsystem Component: FMEA Number: Page of Prepared by: FMEA Date (Orig.): (Rev.): Design Responsibility: Key Date: Model Year/Vehicle (s): Core Team: Item A c t i o n R e s u l t s Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect (s) of Failure c l a s Potential Cause (s)/ Mechanism (s) Failure Current Design Controls Responsibility & Target Completion Date s e v o c u r D e t c R. P. N. Recommended Action(s) Actions Taken s e v o c D e t R. P. N. Function Design FMEA - Module 2

33 Actions Design FMEA - Module 2

34 Re-rating RPN After Actions Have Occurred
Item Function System Subsystem Component: Model Year/Vehicle (s): Core Team: Your Company Name Here Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (Design FMEA) Design Responsibility: Key Date: FMEA Number: Page of Prepared by: FMEA Date (Orig.): (Rev.): Failure Mode Effect (s) of S e v C l a s Cause (s)/ Mechanism (s) O c u r Current Design Controls D t R. P. N. Recommended Action(s) Responsibility & Target Completion Date Actions Taken A c t i o n R e s u l t s Design FMEA - Module 2

35 Re-rating RPN After Actions Have Occurred
Severity typically stays the same. Occurrence is the primary item to reduce / focus on. Detection is reduced only as a last resort. Do not plan to REDUCE RPN with detection actions!!! 100% inspection is only 80% effective! Reducing RPN with detection does not eliminate failure mode, or reduce probability of causes Detection of 10 is not bad if occurrence is 1 Design FMEA - Module 2

36 FMEA in a continuous flow process
Steel Making example: Design FMEA was performed on a Crankshaft to determine the best material for the product being considered. This was a critical application. Key features such as Geometry, Strength, Duty Cycle, were described to the Steel producer. Design FMEA - Module 2

37 Product Grade and requirements documents created.
The key product requirements were mapped against the required customer features. E.g. chemistry and microstructure, Internal stress at ingot level, Product Grade and requirements documents created. Key characteristics mapped against processes Process FMEA was performed on processes that affected customer wants based on priority. Design FMEA - Module 2

38 QFD Phase Progression Phase I QFD Phase II QFD System DFMEA
Product Specifications Phase Progressio n Systems / Sub-Systems / Components Phase II QFD Customer Wants (Marketing Information) DFMEA Failure Modes Product Specifications System DFMEA Sub-System DFMEA Component DFMEA Inputs Boundary Diagram P-Diagram Interface Matrix Drawings Warranty FMA QFD Phase Progression Design FMEA - Module 2

39 The Completed Characteristics Matrix
Characteristics Ranked in order of Importance Potential Significant and Critical Characteristics from DFMEA Process Operation from Process Flow Severity Process Steps Receive Material Material handling Shipping Damage Component Manufacture Vehicle Assembly Primary Drive Manufacturing Process Steps Op 100 Step 1 PRE-LOAD DOWEL PINS TO FIXTURE Op 100 Step 2 PRE-LOAD JACK SHAFT SEAL TO FIXTURE Op 100 Step 3 PRE-LOAD PRIMARY HOUSING BUSHING TO Op 110 Pre-load bearing to fixture #2 Op 120 Pre-load main shaft oil seal to mandrel Op 200 Housing to fixture #1 Op 210 Operate press Op 220 Retaining ring to top groove Op 230 Reload fixture #1 Op 300 Housing to fixture #2 Op 310 Op 320 Op 330 Mandrel to main shaft bore I.D. OP 340 Op 350 Re-load fixture #2 and mandrel Op 400 Housing to table Op 410 Reserved Op 420 Chain adj sub assy to housing Op 430 Lubricate bushing & seal Op 445 Move or stage for final assy Op 10 O-ring to shifter tube Op 500 Shifter tube to housing Op 510 Clamp to shifter tube Op 20 Assemble shifter lever Op 520 Wave washer to shifter lever Op 530 Shifter lever to shifter tube Op 535 Que for final assy line Customer Assessment Direction of Improvement Potential Critical and Significant 1.090 TO " FACE OF PRIMARY HOUSING BUSHING TO FACE OF JACK SHAFT SEAL DOWEL PINS TO " TO FACE JACK SHAFT SEAL AGAINST SHOULDER BEARING FLUSH TO SNAP RING FACE SEAL COMPRESSION HEIGHT PRIMARY GASKET SEAL SURFACE FINISH SERATION DAMAGE Weighted Importance Relative Importance G F H Y 5 3 9 81 72 41 27 54 261 45 Special Characteristics Matrix Step 1 Acquire Process Flow Diagram and list operations across the top. Step 2 - Characteristic List Review DFMEA for Special Characteristics Federal Requirements/Regulation Drawings/Specifications Past history/feedback Step 3 - List Characteristics List Characteristics in column by severity High to low (YC - YS) Use FMEA or common sense High/Medium Interactions are causes/failure modes in PFMEA Prioritized ranking of process steps relative to risk Design FMEA - Module 2 Design FMEA - Module 2 Rev. 2- 2/2/

40 High Priority Process Operations
Phase III QFD Process Operations System DFMEA Sub-System DFMEA Phase IV QFD Component DFMEA Process Parameters / Variables High Priority Process Operations SC’s & CC’s Classification of Characteristics Causes from DFMEA’s 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S E V R I T Y O C C U R R E N C E CRITICAL CHARACTERISTICS Safety/Regulatory SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS Customer Dissatisfaction ALL OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Appropriate actions / controls already in place Special Characteristics Matrix ANNOYANCE ZONE SC’s & CC’s Process Related SC’s & CC’s From all DFMEA’s Failure Modes on PFMEA Causes on PFMEA Key Control Characteristics Process FMEA Inputs Process Flow Line Layout MFMEA Failure Data Process Capability Control Plan QFD Phase Progression Design FMEA - Module 2

41 Summary FMEA can be used creatively in continuous processing.
Linking key customer requirements to process outputs instead of standard product grade is valuable. Future customer requirements will drive new and modified processes to achieve specialty results as a normal practice Design FMEA - Module 2

42 Q&A Design FMEA - Module 2

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