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Mission Profile Aware IC Design - A Case Study -

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1 Mission Profile Aware IC Design - A Case Study -
Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Electronics Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego This research project is supported by the German Government, Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the grant number 16M3195C

2 Overview Introduction Design Challenges Mission Profile Aware Design
Case Study – Electromigration Aware IC Design Summary and Conclusion 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

3 Introduction Tier 2 Tier 1 OEM OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
ECUs, mechatronics sensors MEMS sensors Tier 2 Tier 1 Semiconductors OEM OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer 17-Sep-18 17-Sep-18

4 Introduction Electronic Control Unit for ESP 17-Sep-18
Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

5 Introduction Tier 2 + Tier 1 ECU for Driver Assistance
Acceleration Sensor Module 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

6 Introduction Temperatures Responsibility Parameters
Ambient Temperature (Car) OEM Environment Installation Location (Car) ECU Housing Tier 1, OEM System Design Packaging Constraints ECU (internal) Tier 1 Component Pin Tiers 1 and 2 Foundry Functional Load Constraints Tier 2 Foundry Device Junction 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

7 Introduction IC Technology Node Evolution 17-Sep-18
Smart-Power HV-CMOS CMOS automotive CMOS leading edge (ITRS) 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

8 Design Challenges Aggressive technology scaling
Time to market  co-design System partitioning and integration Robustness Application requirements: Origin and cause of requirements  replicability, quality Impact on application design and technologies Application use  operating conditions, environmental load Functional loads  thermal, current, voltage, ... Reliability  dominant failure mechanisms Complex, heterogeneous and fragmented design flows 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

9 Design Challenges Aggressive technology scaling
Time to market  co-design System partitioning and integration Robustness Application requirements: Origin and cause of requirements  replicability, quality Impact on application design and technologies Application use  operating conditions, environmental load Functional loads  thermal, current, voltage, ... Reliability  dominant failure mechanisms Complex, heterogeneous and fragmented design flows 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

10 Overview Introduction Design Challenges Mission Profile Aware Design
Case Study – Electromigration Aware IC Design Summary and Conclusion 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

11 Mission Profile Aware Design
Supply Chain OEM Tier 1 Tier 2 ... Tier n ... 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

12 Mission Profile Aware Design
Design Chain OEM MP MP MP MP Tier 1 MP MP MP MP Tier 2 ... Tier n ... Requirements, Constraints, Functional Loads, Environmental Loads 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

13 Mission Profile Aware Design
Design Chain OEM MP MP MP MP Tier 1 MP MP MP MP Tier 2 ... Tier n ... NEW: Achieved Robustness, Dominant Failure Mechanisms  RIF 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

14 Mission Profile Aware Design
Design Flow Overview 2 1 5 3 3 4 4 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

15 Mission Profile Aware Design
Consistent consideration of mission profiles (MP) in supply chain Reduction of design uncertainty More precise requirements and stress factors Better understanding of system (failure mechanisms) Formalized and improved communication OEM  Tier n and Tier n  OEM Standardization of structure and content of MPs Electronic format  MP documents RMP Framework (Tool-independent platform for mission profile aware design) 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

16 Mission Profile Aware Design
Mission Profile Document Document header Operating states definition Component definition Property definition Back-annotation data 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

17 Mission Profile Aware Design
Mission Profile Document Document header Author Timestamp Document history Mounting location Operating states definition Component definition Property definition Back-annotation data 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

18 Mission Profile Aware Design
Mission Profile Document Document header Operating states definition Generic data container for operating states Manufacturing, assembly, storage, ... Car: start, acceleration, breaking, stop&go, freeway cruising, ... IC: power-up, idling, power-down, mode_1, mode_2, ... Component definition Property definition Back-annotation data 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

19 Mission Profile Aware Design
Mission Profile Document Document header Operating states definition Component definition Type  e.g. ECU, passive component, IC, sensor, ... Device I/O port definition (*) Operating state dependent environmental and functional loads Heat flow Transient/effective voltages and currents ... Profiles Property definition Back-annotation data (*) A port is a generic object: thermal port or electrical port 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

20 Mission Profile Aware Design
Source: ZVEI Handbook RV EE Modules 2012 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

21 Mission Profile Aware Design
Mission Profile Document Document header Operating states definition Component definition Type Device I/O port definition Profiles: Temperature histogram, gradient and cycling Humidity vs. temperature histogram Vibration ... Property definition Back-annotation data 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

22 Mission Profile Aware Design
Source: ZVEI Handbook RV EE Modules 2012 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

23 Mission Profile Aware Design
Mission Profile Document Document header Operating states definition Component definition Property definition Back-annotation data Reliability: Robustness Indication Figures (RIF) of dominant failure mechanisms Robustness: Enhanced Worst-Case Distance (WCD) 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

24 Mission Profile Aware Design
Component Properties Component Parameter ECU TEEM_Package, TVMLA, TEEM_internal , TComp.Package , ... Board TBoard , ... Package TComp.Package, TComp.Pins, Rth, ... Chip TJunction, ... Sensor Discrete device, ... Source: ZVEI Handbook RV EE Modules 2012 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

25 Overview Introduction Mission Profile Aware Design
Case Study – Electromigration Aware IC Design Summary and Conclusion 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

26 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Quality of Functional Load Data Classic Design Flow Current Aware Design Flow 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

27 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Cell-Level Current Aware Design Flow 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

28 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Block-Level Current Aware Design Flow 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

29 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Electromigration (EM) Quality of Functional Load Data I I = 1A DC EM EOS RPP Voids Voids Hillock Hillock AE/QMM Electrical Overstress (EOS) t Abnormal peak event AE/QMM I Imax = 1A + Duty cycle Repetitive Power Pulsing (RPP) EM EOS RPP t 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego AE/QMM

30 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Current (Density) Aware Routing to prevent EM and EOS 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

31 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Effective Design Parameters 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

32 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Electromigration Aware Design Flow 1 3 2 4 4,5 5 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

33 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Current Density Critical Nets – Automotive IC A Different Mission Profile Next technology node Base node 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

34 EM Aware Design – Case Study
Current Density Critical Nets – Automotive IC B Next technology node Different Mission Profile Base node 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

35 Overview Introduction Design Challenges Mission Profile Aware Design
Case Study – Electromigration Aware IC Design Summary and Conclusion 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

36 Summary and Conclusion
Consideration of robustness as design target is essential for automotive electronic designs Consistent consideration of mission profiles within the design chain is required (bi-directional flow) Current aware design is driven by mission profiles Mission profile aware design: Vendor- and EDA tool-independent  focus on design flow Reduction of design uncertainty Formalized and improved communication 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

37 Thank You! 17-Sep-18 Goeran Jerke, Robert Bosch GmbH; Andrew B. Kahng, University of California, San Diego

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