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Management Instructor Course

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1 Management Instructor Course
AYSO National Instructor Program - #907 1

2 What Is AYSO’s Secret? It is important to AYSO to have good Management Instructors.  We need to get our potential instructors excited about management. AYSO cares about coach and referee training but training Regional Board Members (RBM) are the basis for good management.  You can have all the great coaches you want, but if no one is properly minding the store, it will be a disaster. Great Management Instructors can get RBMs excited about doing their job and help them be more efficient.

3 Strong Programs Are Successful Programs

4 Course Objectives Understand: The Management Program
The process for becoming a Management Instructor The administrative requirements of a Management Instructor

5 Management Instructor Prerequisites?
Complete Introduction to Instruction Complete this course Obtain recommendation of the course instructor They should have already taken Introduction to Instruction before attending this course. If you have anyone who hasn’t taken it, please make a note and make sure that the student knows that their becoming a certified Management Instructor is contingent on attending Introduction to Instruction. 2016

6 To become certified… Within one year be the lead instructor for three of the following roster workshops: Registrar Treasurer Safety Director Regional Board Member Training Division Coordinator There is a requirement of teaching three workshops that are one hour and fifteen minutes long each. They will have one year to do this. If this requirement is difficult they should contact their SMA to help assist them. 2016

7 Did you know? You will be giving a 10 minute presentation at the end of this course. Registrar, Safety Director and Treasurer PowerPoint presentations will be provided. You will pick out a portion of the PowerPoint and present it to us. Candidates should have been notified ahead of time about this presentation by the lead instructor. This should not come as a surprise to them. Explain that they are choosing a ten minute portion of the PowerPoint presentation. They are not to try to teach the entire workshop in ten minutes. 2016

8 15 minutes for preparation and breaks
Ask if anyone needs help during breaks. You may have students that come in the day of the course and were not notified of this presentation. They may need some additional help with deciding what to choose for their presentation. In addition as other instructors present material they can take a mental note of things they would like to try during their own presentation. 2016

9 Take risks, try new ideas, and have fun!
Students will pick up on your energy and ability to have fun in this course. They will follow your lead. Smile and do what you can to get them to relax. It is a key goal of this course that the candidates feel safe to take risks. Perfection is not expected. The best way for all of us to learn and improve is by trying things that we have not done or do not do as well as we would like. 2016

10 Class Two Develop a Personal Introduction
An introduction is an important part of being an instructor. The introduction they develop will be used throughout their AYSO “career”. They may change or add things as time goes on but the theme of what they want to say about themselves typically remains the same for the first year or so. While humor may fit some of the candidates, others may not feel comfortable introducing themselves using some humor or a humorous story in the introduction. The introduction should not only tell us some facts about the person but just as important, it should let us know how they feel about AYSO and why they want to be an instructor. 2016

11 Introduction should include:
Name City and State Region/Area/Section Positions held Years of experience They don’t need to give every position they have held but rather a couple of the more important ones or the one that got them started. The introduction should be one – two minutes long. in some situations they may have two minutes to introduce themselves and in other situations, only a minute may be available. 2016

12 Additions to Personal Introduction
How you got involved in AYSO. Why you continue to be involved in AYSO. Why you want to be an instructor. What you want your AYSO legacy to be. What one person has had the most positive influence on your AYSO experience. A humorous soccer story. Divide the class into groups giving each instructor the same number of candidates. If the class is under 10 candidates, there is no need to divide up into groups. There are two introduction templates included in the Instructor Handbook. The first one is included for them to work on during this exercise. The second one will be used if there are any revisions they would like to make as they listen to other introductions given by the candidates. Given class size, candidates will be asked to note feedback on all or some of the introductions noting one best practice and one opportunity for improvement. These will be discussed in general at the end of presentations. Instructor Note: These mini-presentations offer the course instructor a quick, initial benchmark of the candidates’ presentational skills. In addition, this activity provides additional opportunity for the candidate to speak and to also be able to recognize what works well and not as well for personal improvement. Finally, this ensures that the speaker has the attention of the class. Any instructor comments at this time should be extremely brief, constructive and supportive. 2016

13 Debrief What did you learn?
If you could do your introduction over again, what would you do differently? Did you hear or see something from another student that you would like to use? What did you learn? If you could have done your introduction again, what would you have done differently? Did you hear or see something from another student that you would like to use? Remind candidates that there are two introduction templates included in the Instructor Manual. Have candidates use the additional template in their handbooks to incorporate the changes that they would like to make based on the discussion of presentations. 2016

14 Let’s take a break! 2016

15 Class Three What can you tell me about the Management Program? CVPAs
Regional Board Members Safety Directors Registrars Regional Commissioners Treasurers The AYSO Management Program was designed to provide administrative training to Section Directors, Area Directors, and Regional Commissioners and their staffs, as well as other AYSO volunteers. The philosophy of the Management Program involves: • Protecting all volunteers through completion of AYSO’s Safe Haven® Training • Helping volunteers understand their job as defined by their job description • Providing support and encouragement • Providing consistent and uniform program implementation throughout the organization 2016

16 Class Three National Management Program Overview
Provides a support structure at Region, Area, and Section level. Enables AYSO volunteers to be trained and certified. Help volunteers understand their job as defined by their job description. These are the components of the National Management Program: • Administration (to “manage” or “administer” not to “do it all”) • Provide a support structure at all levels (Region, Area, Section, National) • Instruction – Management Instructor Course and the Advanced Management Instructor Course • Certification - AYSO’s Safe Haven® Training • Training – Job specific workshops such as the Registrar, Safety Director and Treasurer Workshops 2016

17 Management Instructor Responsibilities?
Registrar responsibilities What are some things that an AYSO Management Instructor must do? Get feedback before making the next click. Accept all answers if you can. 2016

18 Management Instructors
Responsibilities Present the AYSO National Management Program curriculum at all times. Use AYSO approved PowerPoints. Teach only what is in the PowerPoint. Stay on track – don’t let the participants lead you down the wrong path. Incorporate the AYSO philosophies into all training. Instructor Note: Through guided participation the candidates will discuss the following three topics. The answers should come from the group and not be a lecture by the instructor. Direct candidates to be creative, thinking out of the box. This activity provides additional opportunity for the candidates to speak and to also be able to recognize what works well and not as well for personal improvement. Finally, this ensures that the speaker has the attention of the class. During this exercise make sure that all students contribute even if it means that you as the instructor asks questions of everyone rather than waiting for volunteers. Put all answers on a flip chart. Ask a co-instructor to scribe for you so that you can give your complete attention to the class. 2016

19 Who benefits from management training?
Think outside the box. Get as much feedback as possible before making the next click. 2016

20 Everyone Benefits! Kids AYSO Region and all volunteers Community
You (home, work, family, etc.) Your family (AYSO involvement is a family affair) You – It is an opportunity for personal growth Put answers on a flip chart. Your co-instructor can help with this. As each answer is given ask that they explain why they would benefit from Management training. 2016

21 Who should be trained? Everyone!
• Regional Commissioners (ask if their RC has attended RC Training) • All Regional Board Members • Other key Regional volunteers 2016

22 Alternative Training Areas
List some ways we could train Regional Board Members if they are not able to attend the AYSO EXPOs. Get responses from students before showing the next slide 2016

23 Training Opportunities
Regional Board meetings. One-on-one training. Area meetings. Annual offsite planning meeting. Social activity preceded by training. Section/Area Road Show. Management Webinars/Online Training. 2016

24 Management Training Outreach?
What incentives (carrots or sticks) can you use to insure good participation? Get feedback before showing the next slide. Model the way the course should be taught. When a question is asked the instructor gets as much input as possible before clicking to the next slide. 2016

25 Get them to training by…
Have it be an annual event that is scheduled at the same time and place every year. Serve food – make it special. Use positive peer pressure. Set goal of 100% trained and certified volunteers. Have participants pick the time and place. Have awards or rewards for participants. 2016

26 Small Group Instruction

27 Advantages of Small Groups…
Less formal grouping. More individual time for addressing students’ needs. Can be done in a variety of settings. Time and location can be tailored to meet the students’ needs. 2016

28 Additional Advantages
More conversational than lecture. More questions by both the instructor and the student. More ability to create hands on opportunities. Can become a mentoring opportunity. 2016

29 Large Group Instruction

30 Large Group Instruction…
More opportunity for feedback. It can be more exciting and stimulating. Can use the latest equipment. Instructor can walk around the room and alter the focal point. Might be more cost effective. It is a more efficient use of an instructors time. 2016

31 Imagine the future… Most management training is done at the Region and Area level. We won’t be dependent on AYSO EXPOs. Webinar/Online Training – if all else fails. Regions will train all their Regional Board Members and be more successful. 2016

32 Trained Volunteers Provide a consistent and uniform program.
Receive interactive training. Encourage any RCs who are in the course to attend RC Training and ask others to budget to make sure their RC can attend the training. 2016

33 Class Four Teaching Workshops “Please, help. I’ve never been a Registrar, Treasurer or Safety Director. How can I teach these workshops?” 2016

34 Comfort Zone You may be asked to teach a course for which you do not have the experience or knowledge. Can you give an example? You need to maintain your confidence and gain the trust and respect of the attendees. A. Everyone in here has a comfort zone, a Regional Board expertise that they feel safe in talking to other volunteers about. B. As an instructor, you may be asked to teach a course for which you do not have the experience or knowledge. C. At these times you will need to come out of your comfort zone and teach a variety of different management workshops. D. You should never apologize for not having served in all Regional Board positions. It is ok. You need to maintain your confidence and gain the trust, and respect of the attendees. E. Given your training as an instructor, you are qualified and able to use your instructional knowledge and other resources to be able to convey the requirements and expectations of these jobs. 2016

35 Activity List on the flip chart all the things that the Registrar, Safety Director and Treasurer positions have in common. Registrar Safety Director Treasurer Would someone like to scribe? It is a good idea to occasionally ask students to scribe. It is good practice. 2016

36 Some possible answers…
We are all here for the kids. They all have a written job description. (Where can they find it? – Website) AYSO’s Safe Haven® is their certification training and taking their job description workshop is their official training. There is a manual for each job. (Where can they buy one? – Supply Center) 2016

37 More Similarities There is a checklist for each included in their Manual. They all have to work together. They all have to fill out a Volunteer Application. The lesson plans are all on 2016

38 Activity Divide students into groups of 4 – 5 (when possible).
Each person has 1-2 minutes to convince the rest of the group to become their successor in the AYSO job they currently hold or have held on the Regional Board. The students need to use accurate, complete and official information. Select a time keeper. • When students have discussed the above, divide them into groups of 4 – 5. • Give each student a prep time of no more than 5 minutes. Each individual has 1-2 minutes to convince the rest of the group to become their successor in the AYSO job they currently hold or have held on the Regional Board. • The students need to use accurate, complete and official information. • As each person speaks, one member of the group is selected to be a time keeper. • During this activity the instructor should be walking around to each group to assess progress and provide feedback as necessary. • As soon everyone in the group is finished, they will regroup as a class. 2016

39 Review Were you honest about the amount of time the job would require?
What were some common themes given? Did you feel you were able to get some commitment made? Did you tell them how their involvement would positively impact the kids? 2016

40 Our Intent As an instructor, you will be asked to teach management workshops that are out of your comfort zone. You should be aware of resources (job description, lesson plans, websites, contacts, etc.) that can be used to assist you as an instructor, as well as how to use them. Instructor note: The intent of the activity is to explore how an instructor, who has not volunteered in a specific job, should be able to teach any management course. Management training requires knowledge of more than just specific job tasks. For example, they should be aware of resources (job description, lesson plans, websites, contacts, etc.) that can be used to assist them as an instructor, as well as how to use them. They should be aware of how these jobs relate to other jobs and activities, as well as the timing of tasks relative to the Region’s schedule. This is all important information to convey during management workshops. 2016

41 Questions Are you more comfortable now than you were at the beginning of the course? What have you learned from other students in the course? • What were similar topics that each instructor used in both presentations that they gave? • Did your confidence level improve with the instruction to look for similarities in Regional Board positions and not just the differences? 2016

42 Class Five Nitty Gritty Details: Before, During and After Teaching a Management Workshop 2016

43 Nitty Gritty Details Make sure this point is made:
A successful course is dependent on taking care of details beforehand, following some basic procedures during the course, and appropriate follow up and evaluation after the course. 2016

44 Activity Divide up into 3 teams: New teams please
1st team is to make a list (on post it notes) of everything that needs to be done Before teaching a management workshop. 2nd Team – During a workshop 3rd Team – After teaching a workshop A. Set up a flip charts that say: Before, During and After the Course B. Have candidates form small teams of 4-5 people and give each group different color post it notes. C. Each team is to make a list on post it notes of everything that needs to be done before, during or after teaching a management workshop. D. Give each group 10 minutes to do this as a group activity. E. After all the ideas are posted, the instructor will encourage the entire group to add more specificity to and elaborate on each of the ideas. F. Be sure the following ideas are included in the list and subsequent discussion: 2016

45 Debrief Let’s look in the handbook as we debrief…
There are detailed possible answers in the handbook. 2016

46 Conclusion A Management Instructor:
Has control over their presentations. Prepares and teaches using the PowerPoint Presentations Sets up classroom before students arrive. Reports training results back to the Region. 2016

47 It is important to enter correct roster information, arranging for mentors for those students who either need or want additional help. 2016

48 Let’s discuss some tips before you make final preparation for your presentations.

49 Improve Every instructor needs to use a few simple techniques that will enhance any presentation, regardless of the teaching method. 2016

50 Eye Contact Make eye contact with each attendee while moving around the room Don’t stand in one place the entire time 2016

51 Be careful of these… Ask students is they can guess what mannerisms these picture symbolize. 2016

52 Did you guess? Distracting mannerisms can weaken your presentation. These include biting your nails, keeping your hands in your pockets, standing in one place, etc. Remember not to turn your back on the students while you write on the flip chart. Get someone else to scribe for you. 2016

53 Presentation Dos and Don’ts
Pay Attention Listen Answer Give positive feedback and respond to questions that are asked of you by the presenter. 2016

54 Be yourself! Smile Make sure at some point in the presentation you let everyone know how much AYSO means to you. If teaching in small groups, you have the option to sit right down at eye level with your students. 2016

55 Enhancements Flip chart or individual fliers for information.
Tent (Name) cards for small groups. Say the student’s name when responding. Distribute your contact information, including contact info for Section/Area staff. Manuals and job descriptions for everyone. Registrar 2016

56 Questions Questions will confirm what the students know and have learned. 2016

57 Questions! Survey the audience. New? Experienced? AYSO position?
Respond to questions. Ask lots of questions. Don’t be afraid to say: I don’t know the answer, but I will find out for you. 2016

58 Have Fun! 2016

59 Break! When you return we will begin your presentations. 2016

60 Expo Homework In order to receive credit for this course, the homework assignment needs to be completed and returned to the lead instructor at an EXPO. Instruction requirements must also be met. The Homework assignment is only required at an EXPO. There may not be opportunities for instructors to observe other Management Instructors at the Region and Area level. 2016

61 2016

62 2016

63 Management Instructors Criteria 2017
Management Instructor Criteria Management Instructor Advanced Management Instructor Authorized to Teach: All Management Workshops except Auditor, Introductory Management, Dispute Resolution and CVPA (Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate) All Management Workshops Pre-requisites Is a registered AYSO volunteer AYSO’s Safe Haven® Introduction to Instruction eAYSO verifies attendance at Introductory Management and Dispute Resolution Workshops Is a current Management Instructor eAYSO verifies three of the following roster courses as a lead Instructor: Registrar Treasurer Safety Director Division Coordinator Regional Board Member Training Certification Requirements Within one year be the lead instructor for: three of the following roster workshops Registrar Treasurer Safety Director Division Coordinator Within one year be the lead instructor for three of the following roster workshops: Registrar Treasurer Safety Director Division Coordinator Note: In order to be the lead or co-instructor at for a certification course an AYSO EXPO, you must have previously taught the course. Homework Assignments at AYSO EXPO Attend eAYSO for instructors, if offered, or online. Observe three management workshop instructors for the following: Were visual aids used effectively? Give an example. Name the best Management Instructor you observed and tell us why. Give an example of an effective activity or guided participation technique used in a workshop. What teaching methods were used? Give examples of the type of questions that were asked. Comment on how well the instructor involved the participants. What would you have done differently to make the workshop more creative? 2016

64 Evaluation Form 2016 Observation 1 2 3 4 Comments Pre-Class
Appearance of instructor Organization Presentation Gave adequate introduction Maintained adequate control of class Appeared relaxed and confident Adapted presentation to needs of students Demonstrated creativity in presentation Obtained adequate class participation Involved students in presentation Used training aids properly Answered questions adequately Completed presentation on time Met lesson plan goals & objectives Knowledge Instructor has AYSO information specific to presentation Corrected any factual errors suggested by students 2016

65 *Notes: Minimum standards as defined in the Management Instructor Evaluator Courses
Instructors should consistently meet minimum standards Other Comments & Notes 2016

66 Thank you for attending!

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