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Editing Using Modifying Commands Chapter 11 – AutoCAD 2008

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1 Editing Using Modifying Commands Chapter 11 – AutoCAD 2008
Sacramento City College EDT 310 EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

2 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Objectives EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

3 Objectives-Learn to Use
Move Copy Break Rotate Trim Extend Lengthen Chamfer Fillet Stretch Scale Arrays Rectangular Positive Negative Polar Non rotated Rotated Offset Extend/Trim Basic Text Alias EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

4 “Modify” Commands Location
These commands are located under the “Modify” Toolbar. These commands can also be found under the “Modify” pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

5 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Toolbars EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

6 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Toolbars Toolbars Buttons Start AutoCAD commands Buttons with Drop-down Lists Have pictures Are named Modify Draw Standard Formatting EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

7 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Toolbars Toolbars ToolTips Hold mouse over Button, and WAIT ToolTip appears Explanation of what Button does Clicking a Button activates the Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

8 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Toolbars Toolbars Flyouts Small black triangle in the lower-right corner of the Button. Picking and Holding the triangle Shows a set of related buttons EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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Toolbars Toolbars can be Resized Modified Hidden Made “floating” Docked EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

10 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Toolbars Toolbars can be Resized Click-drag the edge of the bar Modified Advanced topic – covered later Hidden Not displayed Click the “X” in the upper right corner to hide the Toolbar EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

11 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Toolbars Toolbars can be Floating Located anywhere in the Drawing Space The “handle” is the top center bar Click-drag to move Toolbar Docked Toolbar is “tied” to an edge of the screen Does not display a name when docked Can be made “floating” Click-drag the “handle” to undock EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

12 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The COMMAND Line EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

13 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The Command Line By default, is “docked” at the bottom of the AutoCAD window. Displays the AutoCAD “COMMAND” prompt The COMMAND prompt Displays information to user EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

14 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The Command Line The COMMAND prompt Supplies information OR Requests input from user The COMMAND prompt is the main communication interface with AutoCAD. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

15 Selecting AutoCAD Commands
EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

16 Selecting AutoCAD Commands
Commands may be selected in four ways 1. Toolbar button 2. Pull-down menus 3. Short-cut menu item 4. Typed at the keyboard EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

17 Selecting AutoCAD Commands
Command Line Editing You can select previously used commands by using the up and down arrow keys This capability allows for fast, repeated use of the same command. Hit the “up” arrow to recall the commands. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

18 Modifying Commands Standard Sequence
EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

19 Modifying Commands Standard Sequence
AutoCAD commands follow a standard pattern “DO” “THIS” Select object Select where to “hold” object (handle) Select where to place object EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

20 Modifying Commands Standard Sequence
AutoCAD commands follow a standard pattern VERB NOUN Move chair COPY Line ROTATE object EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

21 Modifying Commands Standard Sequence
AutoCAD commands follow a standard pattern MOVE line Select object (click on line) Select where to “hold” object (handle) Click which point on the line you want to use as the “handle” Select where to place object Click the location in the Drawing Window where you want to place the line. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

22 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The MOVE Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

23 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The MOVE Command The MOVE Command Use MOVE to change the location of objects in the drawing window. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

24 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The MOVE Command The MOVE Command Command Alias: M Select by Command: MOVE Typing “MOVE” or “M” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; MOVE Selecting “Move” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “Move” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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26 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
MOVE Command Sequence MOVE Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Specify base point or displacement: Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

27 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Move Command Select all objects to be moved. Select the basepoint With mouse and left mouse button. Think of the basepoint as the handle. Select the second point of displacement With the mouse and left mouse button. The object will move after selection of the second point of displacement. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

28 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Move Command Don’t forget to terminate your selection with the [Enter] key! EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

29 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
“Select Objects” Land EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

30 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
“Select Objects” Land When you are using an AutoCAD command, and you start selecting objects, you enter SELECT OBJECTS Land EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

31 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
“Select Objects” Land You cannot ESCAPE by clicking the mouse! You are a PRISONER! There is only ONE WAY OUT! EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

32 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
“Select Objects” Land The [ENTER] key! EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

33 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
“Select Objects” Land When you hit the [Enter] key, you can finish the rest of the command. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

34 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
COPY Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

35 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The COPY Command Use COPY to make one or more copies of an existing drawing object. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

36 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Copy Command The COPY Command Command Alias: CO Select by Command: COPY Typing “COPY” or “CO” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; COPY Selecting “COPY” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “COPY” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

37 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Copy Command Select all objects desired to be copied Select the basepoint with the mouse and left mouse button. Think of the basepoint as the “handle”. Select the second point of displacement with the mouse and left mouse button. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

38 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Copy Command The object will copy after selection of the second point of displacement. Don’t forget to terminate your selection with the [Enter] key. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

39 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
COPY Command Sequence Command: COPY Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Specify base point or displacement, or [Multiple]: Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

40 COPY Command Sequence - Multiple
Command: COPY Select objects: 1 found ENTER (!) (terminates selections) Specify base point or displacement Specify base point: Specify second point of displacement : EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The MIRROR Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

42 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Mirror Command Objects can be mirrored with this command. You mirror objects by first selecting them and then selecting a line about which to mirror them. The “mirror line” is a hinge about which the objects are mirrored or reflected. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

43 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Mirror Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

44 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Mirror Command The MIRROR Command Command Alias: MI Select by Command: MIRROR Typing “MIRROR” or “MI” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; MIRROR Selecting “MIRROR” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “MIRROR” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

45 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Mirror Command Select objects with left mouse button. Terminate object selection with Enter key Select the first point of mirror line: Indicate the first point with mouse. Select the second point of mirror line: Indicate the second point with mouse. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

46 Mirror Command Sequence
Delete old objects <N> ? Type “Y” to delete old objects “N” is the default. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

47 MIRROR Command Sequence
Command: MIRROR Select objects: 1 found Select objects: 1 found, 2 total Select objects: Specify first point of mirror line: Specify second point of mirror line: Delete source objects? [Yes/No] <N>: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

48 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Default Choices Default choices are always shown in “chevrons” Example: < N > Press [Enter] to select the default. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The ROTATE Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

50 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Rotate Command Design changes often require that an object, feature, or view be rotated. Use the ROTATE command to change the orientation of an object or group of objects. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

51 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
ROTATE Command The ROTATE Command Command Alias: RO Select by Command: ROTATE Typing “ROTATE” or “RO” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; ROTATE Selecting “ROTATE” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “ROTATE” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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53 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
ROTATE Command Select a base point with a mouse. Enter a rotation angle with mouse. A negative rotation angle revolves the object clockwise. A positive rotation angle revolves the object counterclockwise. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

54 ROTATE Command Sequence
Command: ROTATE Current positive angle in UCS: ANGDIR=counterclockwise ANGBASE=0 Select objects: 1 found Select objects: 1 found, 2 total Select objects: Specify base point: Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The SCALE Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

56 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Scale Command The SCALE command lets you change the size of an object or a complete drawing. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

57 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Scale Command The SCALE command enlarges or reduces the entire object proportionally. If associative dimensioning is used, the dimensions also change to reflect the new size. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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Scale Factor Specifying the Scale Factor is the default option. Enter a number to indicate the amount of enlargement or reduction. To double the scale, type “2” To half the scale, type “0.5” EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

59 Scale Command Sequence
The SCALE Command Command Alias: SC Select by Command: SCALE Typing “SCALE” or “SC” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; SCALE Selecting “SCALE” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “SCALE” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

60 Scale Command Sequence
Command: “SC” or “SCALE” Select objects Terminate object selection with the [Enter] key. Select a Base point: Enter the <Scale factor>/Reference: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

61 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Reference Option An object can also be scaled by specifying an new size in relation to an existing dimension. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

62 SCALE Command Sequence-Reference
Command: SCALE Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Specify base point: Specify scale factor or [Reference]: R Specify reference length <1>: 3 Specify new length: 6 EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

63 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Reference Option The Scale command changes all dimensions of an object proportionately. If you want to change only the width or length of an object, use the STRETCH or LENGTHEN command instead. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The BREAK Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

65 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Break Command A “gap” can be inserted in any object with this command. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

66 Break Command Sequence
The BREAK Command Command Alias: BR Select by Command: BREAK Typing “BREAK ” or “BR” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; BREAK Selecting “BREAK” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “BREAK” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

67 Break Command Sequence
Command: BREAK Select objects: Enter second point (or F for first point) Typing “F” allows you to re-specify the first point A break is inserted in the object. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The FILLET Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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FILLET Command Definition: In mechanical drafting, an inside rounded corner is called a fillet. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

71 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
FILLET Command The FILLET command draws a rounded corner between intersecting and non-intersecting lines. Fillets are sized by radius The default fillet radius is 0.5 A new radius is specified first by typing “R” on the prompt line for the Radius option EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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73 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
FILLET Command The FILLET Command Command Alias: F Select by Command: FILLET Typing “FILLET” or “F” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; FILLET Selecting “FILLET” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “FILLET” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

74 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
FILLET Command Command: “F” or “FILLET” (TRIM mode) Current fillet radius = 0.5 Polyline/Radius/Trim/(Select first object): Enter fillet radius: (enter the fillet radius and press [Enter] or press [Enter] to accept the current value. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

75 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
FILLET Command The TRIMMODE system variable and the Trim option controls whether or not the FILLET command trims off object segments that extend beyond the fillet radius point. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

76 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
FILLET Command When Trim mode is inactive, the filleted objects are not changed after the fillet is inserted. (The corners remain). When Trim Mode is active, the corners are automatically extended to form a smooth fillet. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The CHAMFER Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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Chamfer Definition: A chamfer is a small angled surface used to relieve a sharp corner. AutoCAD defines a chamfer as any angled corner on the drawing. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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Chamfer The size of a chamfer is determined by its distance from the corner A 45o chamfer is the same distance from the corner in each direction. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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81 Chamfer Command Sequence
The CHAMFER Command Command Alias: CHA Select by Command: CHAMFER Typing “CHAMFER ” or “CHA” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; CHAMFER Selecting “CHAMFER” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “CHAMFER from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

82 Chamfer Command Sequence
Command: CHAMFER (TRIM mode) Current chamfer Dist1 = , Dist2 = Select first line or [Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/Method] Select second line: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

83 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
CHAMFER Command You must first set the Options for the Chamfer command. Select chamfer Select any one of the following modifying options by typing the capitalized letter EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

84 CHAMFER Command Options
Polyline - Use this option if you want to chamfer all edges on a Polyline Distance - lets you set the chamfer distance for each line from the corner Angle - uses a chamfer distance on the first line applies a chamfer angle to determine the second line chamfer. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

85 Chamfer Command Options
Trim - Enter this to set the Trim mode. If trim is on, the selected lines are trimmed or extended as required from the corner before creating the chamfer line. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The DTEXT Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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DTEXT command DTEXT is the dynamic text command. Causes text to be displayed on the screen as you type. Creates single-line text Each line of text is a single object Most useful for text items that require only one line of text EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

89 DTEXT Command Sequence
The DTEXT Command Command Alias: DT Select by Command: DTEXT Typing “DTEXT ” or “DT” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; DTEXT Selecting “DTEXT” from the Draw toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “DTEXT” from the Draw pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

90 DTEXT Command Sequence
Command: DTEXT Current text style: "Standard" Text height: Specify start point of text or [Justify/Style]: Specify height <0.2000>: Specify rotation angle of text <0>: Enter text: this is text Enter text: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

91 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
MTEXT Command MTEXT (MT) Creates multiple line text Think “Wordprocessor” Use for Paragraph of text. Use for mixed types of text Bold Underline Italics Varied fonts EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The ARRAY Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

93 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Arrays Some designs require a rectangular or circular pattern of the same object. Suppose your drawing calls for 20 desks arranged in 5 rows. You could draw the desk once and copy it 19 times or You could use the ARRAY command. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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ARRAY Command A Rectangular Array creates rows and columns A Polar Array constructs a circular arrangement EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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Rectangular Arrays A rectangular array places objects along the X and Y axes. Rows = horizontal AutoCAD ( - - -) Columns = vertical AutoCAD (| | |) EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

96 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Rectangular Arrays The ARRAY Command Command Alias: AR Select by Command: ARRAY Typing “ARRAY ” or “AR” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; ARRAY Selecting “ARRAY” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “ARRAY” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

97 Rectangular Array Command
The ARRAY Command Rectangular or Polar array (R/P)<current>: Number of rows (- - -) <1>: Number of columns (| | |): Unit cell or distance between rows (- - -): Distance between columns ( | | | ): EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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Polar Arrays Allows you to arrange objects around a Center Point. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

105 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Polar Arrays Number of items: enter the number of items desired Angle to fill (+ = ccw, - = cw)<current>: enter the direction to enter the items Angle between items: enter a specific angle if desired Rotate objects as they are copied? <Y>: enter “Y” to rotate objects; “N” to keep objects in the same orientation as the original. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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112 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
Polar Arrays Command: ARRAY Select objects: (select the object) Select objects: [Enter] to terminate selection Rectangular or Polar array (R/P)<current>: enter R or P Base/<Specify center point of array>: (pick the center point of the array) EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The STRETCH Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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STRETCH Command The SCALE command changes the length and width of an object proportionately. The STRETCH command changes only one dimension of an object. In mechanical drafting, it is common to increase the length of a part while leaving the diameter or width the same. In architectural design, room sizes may be stretched to increase the square footage. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

115 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
STRETCH Command When using STRETCH, you must select objects by: A crossing window A crossing polygon If you do not use a Crossing Window or a Crossing Polygon, STRETCH will not work! EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

116 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
STRETCH Command The STRETCH Command Command Alias: S Select by Command: STRETCH Typing “STRETCH ” or “S” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; STRETCH Selecting “STRETCH” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “STRETCH” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The CROSSING WINDOW To use the Crossing window Type “C” at the Select object: prompt or Drag your selection window from right to left. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

118 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
STRETCH Command Select only the portion of the object o be stretched. If you select the entire object, STRETCH acts like MOVE. Pick a basepoint. This is the location from which the object will be stretched. Pick a new position for the base point. As you move the screen cursor, the object is stretched or compressed. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

119 STRETCH Command Sequence
Command: STRETCH Select objects to stretch by crossing-window or crossing-polygon... Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found Select objects: Specify base point or displacement: Specify second point of displacement: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The OFFSET Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

123 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
OFFSET Command The OFFSET command is used to draw concentric Circles. Arcs. Curves. Polylines. Parallel lines. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

124 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
OFFSET Command The OFFSET Command Command Alias: O Select by Command: OFFSET Typing “OFFSET ” or “O” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; OFFSET Selecting “OFFSET” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “OFFSET” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

125 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
OFFSET Command Type a distance or pick a point for the parallel object o be drawn through. The last offset distance entered is shown in brackets. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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OFFSET Command The other option is to pick a point that the offset is drawn through. Type T to select the “through” option. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The TRIM Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The TRIM Command The TRIM command cuts: lines circles arcs ellipses splines xlines rays EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The TRIM Command The TRIM Command Command Alias: TR Select by Command: TRIM Typing “TRIM ” or “TR” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; TRIM Selecting “TRIM” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “TRIM” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The TRIM Command TRIM requires a “cutting edge”. The cutting edge can be: a line an arc text EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The TRIM Command An implied intersection is the point where two or more objects would meet if they were extended. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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TRIM Command Sequence Command: trim Current settings: Projection=UCS Edge=Extend Select cutting edges ... Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Select object to trim or [Project/Edge/Undo]: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

135 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
TRIM Command Options Command: TRIM Current settings: Projection=UCS Edge=Extend Select cutting edges ... Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Select object to trim or [Project/Edge/Undo]: e Enter an implied edge extension mode [Extend/No extend] <Extend>: Select object to trim or [Project/Edge/Undo]: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The EXTEND Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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The EXTEND Command The EXTEND command is used to lengthen existing lines arcs rays open polylines This command is the opposite of the TRIM command. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

138 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The EXTEND Command The EXTEND Command Command Alias: EX Select by Command: EXTEND Typing “EXTEND ” or “EX” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; EXTEND Selecting “EXTEND” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “EXTEND” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

139 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The EXTEND Command The command format is similar to TRIM. You are asked to select boundary edges, as opposed to cutting edges. Boundary edges are objects such as lines, arcs or text to which the selected objects are extended. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

140 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The EXTEND Command You can also EXTEND an object to an implied intersection. Select the Edge option. When you enter the Edge option, the choices are Extend and No extend. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

141 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The EXTEND Command When Extend is active, the boundary edge object is checked to see if it intersects when extended. If an intersection does exist, the implied intersection point can be used as the boundary for the object to be extended. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

142 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The EXTEND Command Command: EX or EXTEND Current settings: Project = UCS. Edge=None Select boundary edges… Select objects: (pick the boundary edge) Select objects [Enter] Select object to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: E Enter implied edge extension or mode [Extend/No extend] <No extend>: E Select object to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

143 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The EXTEND Command The Project option deals with objects in three dimensions. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

144 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
The LENGTHEN Command EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

145 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
LENGTHEN Command The LENGTHEN command can be used to change the length of objects to change the included angle of an arc. Only one object can be lengthened at a time. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

146 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
LENGTHEN Command The LENGTHEN command does not affect closed objects. You can lengthen a line, polyline, arc elliptical arc or spline. You cannot lengthen a closed polygon or circle. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

147 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
LENGTHEN Command The LENGHTEN Command Command Alias: LEN Select by Command: LENGHTEN Typing “LENGHTEN ” or “LEN” at the Command: prompt. Menu: Modify; LENGTHEN Selecting “LENGHTEN ” from the Modify toolbar. Toolbar: Modify Selecting “LENGHTEN ” from the Modify pull-down menu. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

148 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
LENGTHEN Command When you select an object, AutoCAD gives you the current length if the object is linear gives you the included angle if the object is an arc. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

149 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
LENGTHEN Command Command: LEN or LENGTHEN Select an object or [Delta/Percent/Total/Dynamic] (pick an object) Current length: current Select an object or Delta/Percent/Total/Dynamic] EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

150 EDT 310 - Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands
LENGTHEN Command Delta. The Delta option allows you to specify a positive or negative change in the length measured from the endpoint of a selected object. The lengthening or shortening occurs closest to the selection point, and changes the length by the amount entered. EDT Chapter 11 - Editing Using Modifying Commands

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