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Key Terms: Big Bang Theory: the most commonly accepted theory explain the creation of the universe Red shift: stating that everything in the universe.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Terms: Big Bang Theory: the most commonly accepted theory explain the creation of the universe Red shift: stating that everything in the universe."— Presentation transcript:


2 Key Terms: Big Bang Theory: the most commonly accepted theory explain the creation of the universe Red shift: stating that everything in the universe is moving away from each other Blue shift: stating that objects are getting closer – moving toward each other Electromagnetic Spectrum: the range of wavelengths or frequencies over which radiation (light) extends. Edwin Hubble: Developed the idea of the Red Shift in 1929 based on a study of the light received from the distant galaxies. Spectroscope: a tool used to measure the wavelengths of light. Angstrom: a unit used to represent wavelengths of light (color)

3 The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. It was the creation of time and space – time and space did not exist before this point. In the most general terms, it talks about the universe as we know it starting with a small point of singularity, then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today


5 The Big Bang – Brain Pop QUESTIONS: How old is our universe?
Login Info: Username: d303fox Password: brainpop click here to access video QUESTIONS: How old is our universe? What did the Big Bang (cosmic explosion) create? How does the raisin bread example relate to the Big Bang?

6 Understanding the Evidence that Proves the Big Bang…

7 Electromagnetic Spectrum– Brain Pop
Login Info: Username: d303fox Password: brainpop click here to access the video

8 Regular view UV wavelength light

9 Electromagnetic Spectrum (The EM Spectrum)
Displays all types of light Visible light is only a small portion of this spectrum The type of wave depends on the frequency that the light is traveling.

10 Frequency

11 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Higher Frequency Lower Frequency

12 White Light - (Visible Light)
Light is made up of all of the colors of the rainbow ROY G BIV Red is lowest frequency – what color are the coolest burning stars? RED Violet is highest frequency – what color are the hottest burning stars? BLUE/VIOLET White light can be refracted (bent) to expose all colors in a frequency using a prism


14 Refraction of Light Through a Spectrum
Short waves (high frequency) bends more than long waves (low frequency) Prism

15 The Angstrom Unit for measuring color wavelength
What is your favorite color?

16 Three Types of Spectra

17 Continuous Spectrum Full spectrum rainbow.
Created by pure white light being broken into different colors

18 Emission Spectrum (Bright Line Spectrum)
Every gas produces its own specific wavelengths of light when glows. When the light is broken down, only a few colors are present in the spectrum. No two gases have like spectrum. Acts as a fingerprint. H

19 Absorption Spectrum When white light passes through a gas and certain wavelengths are absorbed. Only the frequencies of that certain gas are absorbed Once again, the spectrum is the fingerprint of that gas H

20 Spectra (Fingerprint) for Hydrogen
Emission Spectrum Absorption Spectrum The lines are in the identical places!

21 Elements and their Spectrum

22 Elements may have similar spectrum, but no two elements share the same.

23 Spectrum Lab Split class into 2 groups
Group 1 pHet simulation- Simulation Group 2 - spectroscopes

24 Flash Light Demo

25 Understanding the Red Shift
click here to watch video What happens to the frequency of the waves as an object as it approaches us? What happens to the frequency of an object as an object as it moves away from us? What color has the highest frequency? What color has the lowest frequency? How can we use the Doppler Effect (Red Shift) to explain the Big Bang?

26 What happened to the spectrum of this star over time
What happened to the spectrum of this star over time? Which way did it move? What’s happening?

27 Week 31 Wednesday 4/5/17 Question:
How does the Red Shift explain the Big Bang? Answer: Objects moving away lose frequency – it shifts towards the wavelength of RED – galaxies appear slightly red – if we reverse the path of the galaxies, it leads back to a point of singularity.

28 gain frequency and move towards us
B F E A G gain frequency and move towards us C SPACE TIME 14 billion years old RED Visible light

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