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Minimum Spanning Trees and Shortest Paths

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1 Minimum Spanning Trees and Shortest Paths
Kruskal's Algorithm Prim's Algorithm Shortest Paths April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

2 Kruskal's algorithm Data types for implementation KruskalsAlgorithm() { set 𝐸′ = ΓΈ while ( 𝐸′ β‰  𝑉 βˆ’1) Find minimum weight edge π‘’βˆ‰πΈβ€² such that 𝐸′ 𝑒 does not contain cycles Add 𝑒 to 𝐸′ } We need ADTs that support our required operations efficiently How do we find the minimum weight edge? Priority queue! How can we check for cycles and perform union? Disjoint sets! April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

3 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Kruskal's algorithm Example A B 2 prQ MST weight: 38 6 3 𝐴,𝐡 2 𝐹,𝐺 10 16 7 C 8 17 𝐡,𝐢 3 𝐹,𝐻 11 D E 13 12 F 5 13 𝐺,𝐻 4 𝐷,𝐹 12 9 16 10 11 A 𝐸,𝐹 5 𝐡,𝐺 13 G H 4 𝐴,𝐢 6 𝐢,𝐹 13 E B C D G F H 𝐡,𝐸 7 𝐴,𝐷 16 prQ cost heap ordered array build removeMin 𝐢,𝐷 8 𝐸,𝐻 16 Overall cost? 𝐷,𝐺 9 𝐢,𝐸 17 Note: only one edge direction listed in prQ for compactness in this slide Note that no insertions performed after build April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

4 A slight tangent – maze construction
What makes a good maze? A bunch of adjacent rooms Each room is a vertex Open wall between rooms form edge Unpredictable, not easily solved Highly branching, many dead ends Just enough walls to get from any room to any other room Especially start and finish in out April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

5 Maze under construction
So far, a number of walls have been knocked down, while others remain Now we consider the wall between rooms A and B Should we knock it down? If A and B are otherwise connected If A and B are not otherwise connected A B Algorithm: While edges remain in 𝐸 Remove a random edge 𝑒= 𝑒,𝑣 from 𝐸 If 𝑒 and 𝑣 have not been connected Add 𝑒 to 𝐸′ Mark 𝑒 and 𝑣 as connected This is a lot like Kruskal's algorithm! Solve it using disjoint sets and random edge selection April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

6 Recall: BFS spanning tree
Starting from vertex A A B 2 A (B,2), (C,6), (D,16) B (A,2), (C,3), (E,7), (G,13) C (A,6), (B,3), (D,8), (E,17), (F,13) D (A,16), (C,8), (F,12), (G,9) E (B,7), (C,17), (F,5), (H,16) F (C,13), (D,12), (E,5), (G,10), (H,11) G (D,9), (F,10), (H,4) H (E,16), (F,11), (G,4) B C D 6 3 E G 16 7 C F 8 17 D E 13 12 F 5 H 13 9 16 10 11 G H 4 Queue: A B C D E G F H Identified: T T T T T T T T A B C D E F G H What if we use a priority queue (with neighbours' edge weights) instead of an ordinary queue? April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

7 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Prim's algorithm Greedy algorithm Builds a spanning tree from initially one vertex. Repeatedly chooses the minimum-weight edge from a vertex in the tree, to a vertex outside the tree – adds that vertex to the tree PrimsAlgorithm(v) { mark v as visited, add v to spanning tree while (graph has unvisited vertices) Find least cost edge (w, u) from a visited vertex w to unvisited vertex u Mark u as visited Add vertex u and edge (w, u) to the minimum spanning tree } April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

8 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Prim's algorithm A B 2 B A (B,2), (C,6), (D,16) B (A,2), (C,3), (E,7), (G,13) C (A,6), (B,3), (D,8), (E,17), (F,13) D (A,16), (C,8), (F,12), (G,9) E (B,7), (C,17), (F,5), (H,16) F (C,13), (D,12), (E,5), (G,10), (H,11) G (D,9), (F,10), (H,4) H (E,16), (F,11), (G,4) 6 3 C E 16 7 C D 8 17 D E G 13 12 F 5 F 13 9 16 10 11 H G H 4 (A,B,2) (A,C,6) (A,D,16) (B,C,3) (B,E,7) prQ: Visited: T T T T T T T T (B,G,13) (C,D,8) (C,E,17) (C,F,13) (E,F,5) A B C D E F G H (E,H,16) (F,D,12) (F,G,10) (F,H,11) (D,G,9) (G,H,4) All vertices visited MST weight: 38 April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

9 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Prim's algorithm Complexity Unlike Kruskal's algorithm, we will intersperse insertion and removal operations to the priority queue Maximum number of insertions into the priority queue? Assuming heap implementation of prQ 𝐸 in the worst case, then total cost of all insertions 𝑂 𝐸 log 𝐸 For dense graphs, 𝐸 βˆˆπ‘‚ 𝑉 2 , then log 𝐸 βˆˆπ‘‚ 2βˆ™ log 𝑉 βˆˆπ‘‚ log 𝑉 Thus the complexity of Prim's algorithm is 𝑂 𝐸 log 𝑉 Actually we can describe Kruskal's algorithm the same way April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

10 Single-source shortest path
Given a graph 𝐺= 𝑉,𝐸 and a vertex π‘ βˆˆπ‘‰, find the shortest path from 𝑠 to every vertex in 𝑉 Variations Weighted vs unweighted Cyclic vs acyclic Positive weights only vs negative weights allowed Multiple weight types to optimize April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

11 Single-Source Shortest Path
Un/directed, weighted graphs, no negative cycles What is the least cost path from one vertex to another? For weighted graphs, this is the path that has the smallest sum of its edge weights A 1 4 B C 5 3 2 E 1 5 D 8 1 F 2 G The shortest path between B and G is: B-D-E-F-G (7) and not B-G (8) April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

12 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Dijkstra's Algorithm Classic algorithm for solving shortest path in weighted graphs without negative weights A greedy algorithm Best local choice is made at each step, without considering future consequences Intuition: Shortest path from source vertex to itself is 0 Cost of going to adjacent nodes is at most edge weights Cheapest of these must be shortest path to that node Update paths for new node and continue picking shortest path April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

13 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Dijkstra's Algorithm Initialize the cost of reaching each vertex to ∞ Initialize the cost of the source to 0 While there are unvisited vertices left in the graph Select the unvisited vertex with the lowest cost: 𝑒 Mark 𝑒 as visited, and note the vertex 𝑣 which was used to reach 𝑒 For each vertex 𝑀 which is adjacent to 𝑒 𝑀's cost = min(𝑀's old cost, 𝑒's cost + cost of (𝑒,𝑀)) And note the "parent" vertex which can be used to reach 𝑀 with the lowest cost April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

14 Dijkstra's Algorithm Example: directed graph A B C D E F G H 2 4 7 9 1
8 10 3 Source node: C Priority queue: Vertex Cost Parent A B C D E F G H Visited Cost Parent Note that we need access to arbitrary elements in this prQ in order to update April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

15 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien
Exercise Given the following undirected, weighted graph, use Kruskal's algorithm and Prim's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree and write its weight. Is the tree you found the unique MST for this graph? A 12 B 8 9 9 C 10 8 5 5 D 6 E F 14 G 3 4 H 12 7 4 9 I 7 J 8 K April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

16 Readings for this lesson
Carrano & Henry Chapter (Minimum spanning trees) Chapter (Shortest paths) April 04, 2018 Cinda Heeren / Geoffrey Tien

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