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Industry and Immigration ( ) Lesson 1 Innovation Boosts Growth

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1 Industry and Immigration (1865-1914) Lesson 1 Innovation Boosts Growth
Thomas Edison in his Lab at Menlo Park, NJ

2 Industry and Immigration (1865-1914) Lesson 1 Innovation Boosts Growth
Learning Objectives Analyze the factors that encouraged industrialization in the United States in the late 1800s. Explain how new inventions, scientific discoveries, and technological innovations fueled growth and improved the standard of living. Explain the challenges faced by the South in industry and agriculture in the late 1800s. Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800s. Key Terms entrepreneurs free enterprise laissez-faire protective tariffs patent Thomas Edison Bessemer process suspension bridges time zones mass production cash crop

3 American Industry Grows
The Industrial Revolution began in the British textile industry in the 1700s. Within a few decades, it spread to other European countries and the new country of the United States, which had the greatest number of resources to expand the revolution. The first Industrial Revolution was marked by the introduction of steam power and the factory system. Coal and iron became key resources. Around the 1850s, the Industrial Revolution entered a new phase, dominated by steel, oil, and a major new power source—electricity. These new energy sources significantly improved the standard of living throughout the country. This second Industrial Revolution also had a distinctly American character. Natural Resources Fuel Economic Development The Workforce Grows Free Enterprise Encourages the Rise of Entrepreneurship Laissez-Faire Policies Encourage Growth What factors help explain the growth of industry?

4 American Industry Grows
President Grant and foreign visitors view the Corliss steam engine, part of the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia that celebrated the 100th anniversary of the United States.

5 American Industry Grows
Technological innovation prompted the country's production of natural resources to increase significantly. Analyze Graphs What relationship do you see between natural resources and economic growth?

6 Innovation Drives Economic Development
Fueled by entrepreneurship, competition, and the free enterprise system, the drive for innovation and efficiency seemed to touch every sphere of life in the United States by the late 1800s. The number of patents increased rapidly during this time. A patent is a grant by the federal government giving an inventor the exclusive right to develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time. Business leaders invested heavily in these new scientific discoveries and innovations, hoping to create new industries and expand old ones. Eager consumers welcomed new inventions to the market, helping to spur the nation's economic development. Electricity Improves Standards of Living Innovation in Communications Steel, Innovation, and Economic Development Technology Affects Travel An Upward Spiral of Growth How did new technologies influence industrialization?

7 Innovation Drives Economic Development
Thomas Edison, one of history's most prolific inventors, poses with one of his many creations. By the age of 22, Edison had already produced his first major invention, a machine to report stock prices.

8 Innovation Drives Economic Development
The telegraph could send a message exponentially faster than standard mail. Infer How did telecommunication innovations improve the standard of living in the United States?

9 Innovation Drives Economic Development
Railroads expanded across the country in the mid-nineteenth century. Analyze Maps What effect did railroads have on the production and distribution of goods?

10 Industrialization and the New South
While industry boomed in the North after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the South fell behind. The South struggled to develop its industry, and there were some pockets of success, especially in tobacco-processing, stone-quarrying, and furniture-making. In the 1890s, Altanta, Georgia, for example, was one of the earliest cities to develop an electric trolley system. But even though cities like Atlanta and Knoxville, Tennessee, grew strongly, the South struggled to overcome economic and social obstacles to broad industrial and urban development. As a result, the South remained largely agricultural and developed a smaller middle class than the North. New Industries Develop Railroads Connect Cities and Towns The Southern Economy Lags Behind Farm Issues in the South What factors inhibited southern economic recovery?

11 Industrialization and the New South
A worker does her job in a typical Alabama textile mill in the early 1900s. Interpret In what way is this worker a symbol of the 'New South'?

12 Industrialization and the New South
The South's percentage of income relative to its population fell after the Civil War. Analyze Graphs What does the decline in distribution of income between 1860 and 1880 tell you about the South's economy?

13 The Effects of Industrialization
Free enterprise and industrialization touched every aspect of American life in the late 1800s, from the way businesses and farms operated to the kinds of products Americans used. They also affected the country’s relationship with the world and with its own environment. Dominating World Markets Daily Life Changes Concerns About the Environment Explain how industrialization impacted the lives of Americans.

14 The Effects of Industrialization
From freight yards such as this massive complex in New York City, American industry transported food and other goods nationwide, greatly increasing Americans' access to consumer products.

15 Quiz: Innovation Boosts Growth
1. During the second Industrial Revolution, immigration was necessary to A. drive down labor costs. B. provide needed labor. C. provide a market for manufactured goods. D. populate the cities. 2. The most significant reason railroads encouraged industrial growth was A. the efficient transportation of raw materials and finished goods. B. the increase in labor necessary to build railroad cars. C. the connection of the east and west coasts via railways. D. the use of the Bessemer process to build steel tracks. 3. Of the three key elements needed to promote industry, the South lacked A. all three: natural resources, labor, and investment. B. two: an educated labor force and capital investment. C. two: natural resources and an educated labor force. D. two: natural resources and capital investment. 4. Of the three key elements needed to promote industry, the South lacked A. all three: natural resources, labor, and investment. B. two: an educated labor force and capital investment. C. two: natural resources and an educated labor force. D. two: natural resources and capital investment. 5. Of the three key elements needed to promote industry, the South lacked A. all three: natural resources, labor, and investment. B. two: an educated labor force and capital investment. C. two: natural resources and an educated labor force. D. two: natural resources and capital investment.

16 Quiz: Write a paragraph answering the following
6. What did the U.S. have that made it so successful during the Second Industrial Revolution? Include as many factors as you can think of

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