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Relative Dating Monday, December 1st, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Relative Dating Monday, December 1st, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relative Dating Monday, December 1st, 2014

2 Do Now Homework Do Now Define the following terms
Fossil Strata Relative dating Do Now Create 3 units in your binder in the Life Science section Fossils Biodiversity Adaptation Create a new vocabulary page for the Life Science section

3 Objectives SWBAT find the relative age of fossils by looking at a diagram Essential Question How can scientists find the relative age of fossils in sedimentary rock

4 Context Tell the person next to you
The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

5 Essential Vocabulary Relative Dating Fossil Strata
A method of finding the order of when rocks or fossils formed without determining the absolute age. Uses context of where a fossil was found relative to what else is around it. Fossil Strata

6 Dating Rocks and Fossils
Reading with 8 questions in folders Use a sheet of paper in your fossils unit Title: Dating Rocks and Fossils Date: 12/1 Write questions and answers in your notes You may work with your table 25 minutes

7 3 principles of stratigraphy
Superposition Horizontality Cross cutting relationships

8 Faunal succession is based on the observation that sedimentary rock strata contain fossilized flora and fauna, and that these fossils succeed each other vertically in a specific, reliable order that can be identified over wide horizontal distances.

9 Answer the Essential Question
How can scientists find the relative age of fossils in sedimentary rock? Use the terms relative dating fossil strata sedimentary rock

10 Exit Ticket Which layer is the oldest? Which layer is the youngest?
Answer the following questions using the diagram Which layer is the oldest? Which layer is the youngest? An index fossil in layer D is 100 million years old and an index fossil in layer B is 110 million years old. How old must the fossils in layer C be?

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